Road Cycling

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Hurrah, got to Evans and fetched my bike - Genesis Flyer for commuting. I need to do a bit of work on it, because while they have put the pedals and pannier rack and bottle cages on it, they've also got carried away and stuck reflectors and a bell on it :/

I had a little test ride round the car park, and the fit seems ok. I was right on the borders of small/medium and I've gone for small. I think I need to raise the saddle and flip the stem and then it should be fine. Medium just looked too big, based on the frame measurements.

The bike looks great. I'll take some pictures when I've tarted it up a bit.
Not sure what the professional one really adds, except for needing to spend more :p

Those who have it here have the basic one AFAIK.

I have the professional one. I certainly looked more pro when I was using it, compared to you rank amateurs :p

The pro one works in the 3-15Nm range, the amateur one is 2-24Nm, so I guess the pro one is more accurate over a smaller range.

Basically what I'm saying is that if Ian Stannard needed to adjust the fit on his bike because his knee warmers were snagging on the bars while he was leading the race in the Tour of Flanders, he'd reach for the professional one.
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Welp. Was just about to go out for a ride and my gear cable snapped :(

Ultegra replacement cables really necessary? What should I get? Preferably local so I can have it ready by weekend again.

I have a feeling the cable end is stuck inside the shifter somewhere too.... It's not shifting as many times as I'd expect.

Jagwire. Lbs should have them. Have fun taking the shifter apart. I've heard of that happening on the shifters with under tape routing and it being hard work getting the end out.
That's cables for everything - both brakes and gears. Useful if you're re-cabling everything or if you'll have use for the spares in due course, but arguably overkill for just one cable that you need.
That's cables for everything - both brakes and gears. Useful if you're re-cabling everything or if you'll have use for the spares in due course, but arguably overkill for just one cable that you need.

I might as well just replace them all. The bike has done 3500 miles now so it's probably due some refresh anyway.

Tempting to buy white or red cables though :D
Not sure what the professional one really adds, except for needing to spend more :p

Those who have it here have the basic one AFAIK.

the cheaper ones looks like its got more bits with it, but the professional one , has it got a "limit" switch on the bottom ? I guess you don't really need it ?
More to wade in on the knee warmers debate:

I think it's pretty conclusive: knee warmers yes. Tights and leg warmers, no.

I'm a big fan of knee warmers, doesn't bother me if my shins get cold and they stop my knees feeling so creaky. I wouldn't bother with them on an easier ride and just go full tights but for pressing on they are great, keep you warm in between the harder efforts but don't get uncomfortably toasty.

Usually find 10-14 degrees comfortable for arm & knee warmers with bib shorts and a summer jersey.

Haters gon' hate.


Photo's not stolen... :p


Jagwire. Lbs should have them. Have fun taking the shifter apart. I've heard of that happening on the shifters with under tape routing and it being hard work getting the end out.

Certainly seems to be the case here. I can't downshift it very far at all, and I shone a torch down the barrel... can just about see some frayed cable which probably means the cable end is there too.

No idea how I'm going to remove it really. Shame as I'm only on 30 miles for the week... hopefully I can get it fixed by the weekend.
they've also got carried away and stuck reflectors and a bell on it :/

It may not be pro but I'm putting a bell back on all three of my bikes. The number of times I come across people walking side by side taking the whole of a country lane up is, well... quite often. Last couple I came across I said, in only a slightly louder than talking voice, "excuse me" and the woman lept about 3 feet off the ground and clutched her chest saying "You scared the life out of me" :confused:

It is also a good way of getting the attention of slow wobblers out on the Sunday family ride.

My Pro4 Endurance turned up today. Just need to wait for some larger tubes and my new rim tape and it is bye bye punctures... I hope.
Wait, you're not wearing short sleeves yet? Pussys.

Well, it's cold outside, we don't all just sit on our trainers! ;)

Knackered this week, been upping my non-commuting miles up a bit, did ~30 miles on Tuesday then a rather hilly (for me!) 37 miles lastnight with ~1400 feet climbing mainly on short steep hills which are a killer for trying to drag my fat ass up.

Should end on ~140 miles for the week which isn't too bad since I won't be able to get out the weekend!

Got to love the clocks going forward and some sunny weather :)
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