Road Cycling

Curious on peoples thoughts. I've recently noticed my new Lake shoes are a bit uneven on the rubber trim at the front of the shoe between left/right.

These are taken from the same "angle" per shoe and you can see a lot more of the rubber on the left one vs the right. Where the weird M shape is more on the "bottom" on the left and more "front" on the right. With the gap between the rubber and the vent being around double the distance on one vs the other.


Then from the front view. The rubber toe cap bit starts at the bottom and goes higher up vs the other shoe.


I'm not particularly bothered from an aesthetics point of view, but curious if it could be a sign of manufacturing defect that could cause issue down the line?
Might be worth sending Lake a picture. I imagine that its not an issue and someone has just stuck the rubber bit on a bit poorly. Can you measure the gap between the vent and the rough texture that the cleat sits on to see if thats uniform as that would be more of an indication of a bad batch perhaps.

What model are those BTW. Look very breathable!
CX201 They're all mesh at the front which means loads of toe space and has a "foot shape" front end so they mimic a lot of my barefoot style shoes.

I did email Lake and their response was "I can't see what you're referring to" which is why i thought i'd gauge opinion on here. Will try drawing more arrows and see what they say.
CX201 They're all mesh at the front which means loads of toe space and has a "foot shape" front end so they mimic a lot of my barefoot style shoes.

I did email Lake and their response was "I can't see what you're referring to" which is why i thought i'd gauge opinion on here. Will try drawing more arrows and see what they say.

I would say that what you are talking about is quite clear. The gap between the top of the vent and the toe rubber "M" is about twice as large on one as the other.

Got wiped out by a car on saturday morning. Looooong story short (I'll do a proper post with more details later in the week as short on time), extremely lucky with a bunch of bruising, road rashed knees, knock on the head, 2 x rays but only a broken fingertip as a long term injury.

Be Safe out there everyone!

Bike a complete write off - broken frame, bars, forks and a very buckled (but surprisingly not broken) front carbon wheel. Weirdly rear and most of groupset barely even a scuff and appears intact/salveagable (except shifters).

No issues with driver being at fault - happened in front of a Military Police unit (armed!), so progressing with claim against him now. The bike/financial seems straight forward (done it before), but the injury claim has to be done differently - through the DOJ centrally, then comes back to the insurer to sign off before any claim/payout. Sounds like an absolute ballache and I need to 'hire a solicitor' (according to guys insurance) to get it done - even with the guy at fault, admitting liability and being all handled by the police. We'll see.

If anything as I'm amazingly mostly ok (I'll take a fractured finger any day from t-boning a car at 25mph), I hope to get the bike side of things sorted easily & quickly to at least be back riding before the end of 'summer'. If the personal injury takes months/years to sort then so be it...! Do feel like I could ride now... But taking it easy this week - to be 100% for weekend family plans (my Birthday at Legoland). So back on Zwift next week it is...

Annoyingly even though everything else is healing really well (feel like I could ride already!), the finger has a plastic support on it. Know I can't drive with that on... Saw the fracture clinic today expecting it to get taken off and be able to drive... Nope, gotta wear it another 3-4 weeks and as it's a 'finger break' (fractured a fingertip ffs) my car insurance is technically invalid so I can't drive during that time either! Arses! Lucky I can WFH - but system/remote stuff is only a part of an 'IT Assistant' role so figuring out logistics of what days I can work in the office and how to get there & back without riding or driving.

I can't fathom what the "limp" bit at the end is for.
Made me snigger! They do look f*ing odd... Always have. Especially most of the time you see them on audax guys bikes who rage against disc brakes as they 'ruin the classic clean lines' of a bike. Have a word! :D

Did you feel like you drank enough? I think that garmin is just guessing based on its idea of your fitness, its idea on your exertion and its thoughts on the temperature, duration and distance you rode. Some people are camels and seem to get by on a sip here and there. I am not one of them. I was in Crete recently with a very good cyclist (5w/kg FTP) and he took a single bottle and didn't finish it while I sunk 2 full, larger bottles. All about relative effort and training adaptations. He also eats very little on the bike but he is also massively orthorexic so there is that.
Would be interesting to see how Garmin tells it's 'heat adaption' and just how much that relates to the recommendation.

If it's telling you, you're only 30% heat adapted, then ride outdoors in that heat, does it mean your fluid consumption is 170% what it would be if you where 90% adapted. Why it thinks youre that low adapted (is that low, what's normal that a bassline should be for someone fully adapted?) when you've been living there for months I don't know... Does it even know your 'home' location to judge your current adaption against, I mean, does it just think you're on holiday for a few weeks, so judging how adapted you are in X period - but as you're out there much longer, likely adapted quite a bit to it, as it can't see many changes, you're under adapted/struggling to adapt as it's not seeing changes... Does that make sense?
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That's a ******* Roady - hope you're OK and the finger heals up quickly. It wasn't the SL7 was it? You've not long got that all put together :(

I had a close call on Sunday. Bright daylight, I'm wearing a bright pink jersey and riding in the middle of the road.


This lady was pulling out of that junction. Saw me, as in looked me in the face (something I learned from motorbike days. make eye contact), stopped then as I got closer to the junction she then tried to pull out probably thinking she had time - which she really didn't. Had to slam my brakes on and veer out into the middle of the road to avoid contact. Swear words and a big shake of the head was exchanged.
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Sorry to hear that @Roady and wishing you a speedy recovery! As much as we all like to think that we ride safely and manage risk well, I would imagine that on every ride we are completely at the mercy of idiots dozens of times. Its just bad/good luck that dictates how we get home. The combination of peoples generally poor judgement of distance and their assumption that cyclists don't move very fast is a bad mix. I have nearly gone into the side of a few cars this way.
Sorry to hear that Roady. Make sure you keep the legs spinning indoors if you can, this made a big difference when I was knocked off my bike and broke a few vertebrae, was back on a stationary bike after 2 weeks until I got the doctors sign off again and helped me keep positive.
Saw your crash ride on Strava Roady. Hope you heal up quick!

Does anyone else dread that wait to find out if some tinkering solved a creaky BB?

Unfortunately my Factor started to get a bit clicky when putting reasonable load through the pedals. Bought a T47 BB removal tool, and other bits. Failed at the first hurdle of trying to get the BB out. There’s not much to ‘grip’ on the 16 notches, so I gave up out of fear of ruining the out part. With the cranks off, I applied liberal grease and just hoped for the best.
After a quick ride up and down the street, everything is quiet. But I fear this is just everything settling in before it starts again.

I have heard that the CeramicSpeed stuff can do this if the grease wears off, so hoping that’s the case. Finger crossed!
Saw your crash ride on Strava Roady. Hope you heal up quick!

Does anyone else dread that wait to find out if some tinkering solved a creaky BB?

Unfortunately my Factor started to get a bit clicky when putting reasonable load through the pedals. Bought a T47 BB removal tool, and other bits. Failed at the first hurdle of trying to get the BB out. There’s not much to ‘grip’ on the 16 notches, so I gave up out of fear of ruining the out part. With the cranks off, I applied liberal grease and just hoped for the best.
After a quick ride up and down the street, everything is quiet. But I fear this is just everything settling in before it starts again.

I have heard that the CeramicSpeed stuff can do this if the grease wears off, so hoping that’s the case. Finger crossed!

I have had a number of ticks and creaks that I assumed were the bottom bracket and it never was. So far its been the pedals and saddle not being torqued up to spec. Thats your first port of call. Go over all your bolts and check that they are tight. Everything sounds like the bottom bracket.
Totally yes. With a hollow carbon frame, noise travels easily from the source. But you do the usual, does it happen only when I pedal etc

Only done 2000 miles on it, so hoping it's not anything more major. Will see at the weekend.
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