Road Cycling

I heard rumours Sports Direct were going to buy them out.


I saw that somewhere and I thought the comment about they're business model being relatively similar was quite accurate :D

Also, the one about suddenly there would be loads of people riding around on Sports Direct bikes!
Balls, I'd considered the first (which to be honest is the primary reason I'd go for pedals) but hadn't really thought of the second! :D
Is the free worth using even without a PWM to get rough ideas on training load trends etc? I don't see me getting a PWM until mid/later next year (at the earliest)... As mentioned the Strava Fitness/freshness was only an easy option for me to avoid recording anything, can TP free draw enough data from previous Strava activities (HR levels, intensity, duration etc) to be worth having a play around with it?

As xdcx mentions, it's pretty limited, restricts the number of charts you can use and doesn't give a PMC or anything else. I think there is full usability for about 2 weeks possibly? If not drop them a line and ask to be hooked up with a trial :)

BENNY - I have used MFP in the past and knew they enabled import to TP so was keen to give it a go but just haven't done so yet. I'll give it a bash from Monday onwards. Totally agree with what you say about GC, it's a lot of faffing for more info, but how useful is that more info? not very. TP has it all, in one sync'd place and is nice to use so GC is overload for overloads sake.

Agreed, I have considered using GC for looking at pedal related metrics as the TP package is a bit pricey for this, especially when I'm just curious rather than looking to use it regularly in this area. The P1's record quite a bit in regards to patterns, velocity etc

ROADY - Power meter wise. If planning to go with power meters on different bikes down the line without changing, I would be going P2M on Rotor 3D+. But for swapping between bikes like I do now I cannot fault nor recommend the Garmin Vectors more. I wouldn't pay full whack, I would hunt for 2nd hand Vector V1's in the £400 mark.... Buying new, I would get the P1's. Swapping between bikes is a pure doddle, I find it less hassle than changing a stupid back wheel for using the turbo for example so wouldn't let pedal swapping be a put off at all.

To echo how easy it is to change pedals, sub 2 minute job easily. Took mine on & off every day in Majorca. Takes more time to put a pair of overshoes or bib shorts on :p

Via TP Premium you can log everything you do in Strava of course but you can log sleep hours, weight, nutrition, sickness, injury, how you feel and even go into ridiculous specifics with metric measurements. It's an all round tool and I used to think stupidly expensive, but when you consider how much a Strava or Zwift sub is per month, TP sub is worth the cash if you are serious.

To expand on this, TP isn't cycling specific, so if you like running, swimming, rowing, walking etc you can plot it all on your calendar. You also get 'planned' and 'completed' values and can use colour codes for workouts that are on par, sub or supra volume/intensity.

BENNY - I have used MFP in the past and knew they enabled import to TP so was keen to give it a go but just haven't done so yet. I'll give it a bash from Monday onwards. Totally agree with what you say about GC, it's a lot of faffing for more info, but how useful is that more info? not very. TP has it all, in one sync'd place and is nice to use so GC is overload for overloads sake.

ROADY - Power meter wise. If planning to go with power meters on different bikes down the line without changing, I would be going P2M on Rotor 3D+. But for swapping between bikes like I do now I cannot fault nor recommend the Garmin Vectors more. I wouldn't pay full whack, I would hunt for 2nd hand Vector V1's in the £400 mark.... Buying new, I would get the P1's. Swapping between bikes is a pure doddle, I find it less hassle than changing a stupid back wheel for using the turbo for example so wouldn't let pedal swapping be a put off at all.

TP Free version won't give you access to full charts it will allow you to log your workouts but that is about it. It won't let you schedule any workouts over a day in advance and is pretty limited.
Would totally recommend Premium version Roady which as per Benny says can be had for little per month (cheaper than Strava premium per month and actual useful for something).
If you feed in data from training with all your averages and maxes etc it will calculate a TRIMPS TSS for you (tTSS). tTSS is a heart rate based algorithm, not as accurate or functional as TSS which is based on power/IF but it is still a better shout than the Strava dumbed down version of a PMC as the TP PMC will give you ATL,CTL,TSB from your tTSS scoring. You are more than savvy enough to make use and understand a proper PMC rather than the Strava one.

Via TP Premium you can log everything you do in Strava of course but you can log sleep hours, weight, nutrition, sickness, injury, how you feel and even go into ridiculous specifics with metric measurements. It's an all round tool and I used to think stupidly expensive, but when you consider how much a Strava or Zwift sub is per month, TP sub is worth the cash if you are serious.

I've 0 complaints about my vectors, the V2s really nailed it from my perspective. Although I did break one of my pods the other day but being replaced under warranty.

I'm getting into the TP as all the stuff xdcx provided in the past I just couldn't dedicate the time. TP is going to be purchased for a year I think to force me into using it. Currently track my sleep with sleep with android, guessing I can get this imported in some way shape or form.
I've 0 complaints about my vectors, the V2s really nailed it from my perspective. Although I did break one of my pods the other day but being replaced under warranty.

Do the V2's still need torquing? I love just being able to use a standard 8mm hex wrench.

Overhead one guy in Majorca having to pop back up to the room to both retrieve & return his torque wrench for his Vectors :o where as a £3 hex wrench going missing didn't really concern me :)

That said it's not really any more difficult to fit to 'X'nm but one less thing to have to fuss with the P1's and no pods to break.
Latest Elemnt Update :cool:


ELEMNT WF42-1217 - 17 November 2016

Route Me Anywhere: On the Companion App, enter a destination, address, or point of interest to generate a route optimized for cycling, complete with turn-by-turn navigation.

Back to Start: Either on the ELEMNT or the Companion App, selecting this option will create a route back to your ride's starting point, on the same way you came.

Route Sync via Bluetooth: All the magic of Wi-Fi route syncing can now be done over Bluetooth! Send any route to your ELEMNT with only your smartphone.

Ride any route in reverse
Ride route back to start along breadcrumb path
Support for importing GPX, TCX and FIT route files via USB
Support for selecting route from companion app
Support for sending any route from companion app to ELEMNT using Bluetooth (no Wifi)
Support for "Route Me Anywhere" routes from companion app
Fixed OFF Route notification only staying on for a short time
Fixed Komoot roundabout exit number
Improvements to RideWithGPS turn by turn parsing
Fixed distance to go not updating on route detail screen

Disable support Garmin Connect (they are no longer allowing us to upload files)
Fixed issues with some RideWithGPS passwords

Fixed issue with distance not incrementing after workout recovery
Fixed Normalized Power, IF and TSS calculations
Improved ANT+ Connection

Greatly improved UI responsiveness
Improved battery life
Tweak LED brightness
Added LED settings to ELEMNT menu
Several other crash and stability improvements
Localisation fixes
Do the V2's still need torquing? I love just being able to use a standard 8mm hex wrench.

Overhead one guy in Majorca having to pop back up to the room to both retrieve & return his torque wrench for his Vectors :o where as a £3 hex wrench going missing didn't really concern me :)

That said it's not really any more difficult to fit to 'X'nm but one less thing to have to fuss with the P1's and no pods to break.

They recommend but I only bother on my tt bike. No harm in having them over torqued only under. Easy enough to get them to the required torque without too much effort.
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