Just home - good session. The chap is just trying to boost his clients etc.
1 hour - covered:
Goals for the year
Bike setup
weight/height/fat etc
Then a general warm up on the WATT bike with all the data it produces.
6 second max effort power
3 min aerobic max effort (vo2 max)
pedaling efficiency etc
Totally pumped!!
He's sending me a report later with all the information on but he's getting me back next Monday to work on a training program/session again.
Good stuff - all very interesting stuff and hopefully give me some useful information to work on. Will stick the details of the report up later on for people to view if they want.
He also runs HIIT sessions at local school at night for anyone to attend (£4) etc.
Very interested to see your report or elements from it if you don't mind sharing.
Didn't realise you were Scottish!
I have heard of this bloke I think he might coach some of the Pro Vision guys.
His prices are fair on his plans, will be good to see how it goes and how you like the feedback/interaction you get as this is what makes or breaks it with coaches... Sometimes they just seem to have far too much on and you feel like you get no specified interaction which is off-putting.