How did it go?
Alas Benny's crystal ball broke so unfortunately he's not longer able to see into the future!
Doh! Assumed it was last night as didn't get on here much yesterday afternoon!
Beaten. Both of us
I might buy an element... or bolt? Which?
Elemnt is a little bigger and supports an extra two data fields to be displayed on the screen at once but to be honest 7 is more than enough.
Bolt /snip.
I'm pretty certain with the male Garmin mount plugs you could quite easily attach a Wahoo female plug to the reverse and still make do of your current mount. My Elemnt fits in to a Garmin mount, albeit at 90 degrees so you'd need to offset this when sticking them together
Bolt hands down. Elemnt is a huge ugly thing. Annoys me that the bolt came out a few months after I bought an Elemnt.
I do like having 8/10 screens visible on a summary page but 80% of the time on my other screens I only show 4 - 6 fields on the Route, Elevation pages. Power, HR, Speed and Grade. On a Lap screen though it's handy to be able to see more metrics like last & current speeds, Avg & NP power, HR etc.
If they're priced similarly I'm not sure which I'd choose. Granted the Elemnt is big (mocked recently for bringing an 'iPad' with me on a group ride - just said it was for entertainment whilst I wait for them to finish the climbs ). Either way as long as you don't buy a Garmin you'll be fine