Road Cycling

So it seems my brake cable as become very stretched. I've been looking at jagwire stuff to replace the cable but, unsure what i actually need.

This or this.

Can't fault either.

Strong nut-job getting riled up at 3 of us riding in single file on a windy A road this morning. Much horn honking despite literally doing nothing wrong.

Total creature of a female in the passenger seat shouting something too. Think she might have been asking for more pies? Either way I'm sure diabetes will claim them both soon :p
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One for any ELEMNT owners: what happens if you connect it to a PC? Can you 'browse' it to retrieve rides?

Basically my PWM battery died and although my ELEMNT shows the 32 miles ridden with correct data (power just fatlines), when sync from ELEMNT or the app it shows 24 miles with all the ride data that's missing power data cropped from the end. If I export from the app to a .fit it doesn't include that data and any of the online fit tools don't show it... So I'm thinking I need the 'raw' .fit file drom the ELEMNT somehow...

Well that's tomorrow's task anyway! ;)
One for any ELEMNT owners: /snip

Yep, it is possible. As during the Companion App shenanigans and being unable to export the .fit file I used the E as a 'storage device' to perform a manual upload.

Though it was a bit trickier on a Mac due to the drive format of the E being different. I had to view App files through iTunes in the end but I was able to copy all the 'Activity files' from the E to my MBP.

Sounds like the Companion App just isn't sync'd with the E properly though? I'd copy it to your PC/Mac then delete the ride and see if it re-sync's properly.
Lovely day for a ride, and a great one for my first proper ride since July/August. There was very little traffic although I did managed to get clipped on the shoulder by the wing mirror of an ambulance that overtook me on a blind corner and had to duck back in because of oncoming traffic :rolleyes:.

And my new glasses are excellent.
Best fitting glasses I think I've ever had, and the lenses are gorgeous.

A few observations from my winter turboing:
- My natural cadence has increased by a few, and this was noticeable.
- I'd sort of forgotten how disgusting headwinds can be.
- A proper season of Turboing is not good for climbing. The first few hills felt awful until I sort of remembered my technique.
- A proper season of Turboing is great for getting right back on it after a period of particularly high exertion.
- Part of my route took my along my old commute, and I managed that 7 minutes quicker than my average time back then. Obviously allowing for the lack of traffic and other conditions that 7 minutes is a little superfluous but it felt nice :p.
- I was no longer able to sense my speed. I used to have a pretty decent idea of how quickly I was going, based on my cadence and leg "feel", after spending the winter looking at power and cadence and ignoring speed, I didn't have a clue.
- I need a power meter (wondering how to get this past the revenue protection officer now).

All in all, brilliant to be back on the road. Knee felt fine, things are looking good.
Just the noise of the second 'bump' had me in stitches :D shouldn't laugh but couldn't help it.

New shoes gripping the heel much better than my previous pair and I've also fitted my cleats slightly further back on the shoe. Safe to say the extra quad & glute recruitment is being felt today :eek: and it's surprisingly easier on the calves & ankles as the foot stays flatter and the lower leg is acting a bit more like a rod connecting the thighs to the pedals and cranks :cool:
Just the noise of the second 'bump' had me in stitches :D shouldn't laugh but couldn't help it.

New shoes gripping the heel much better than my previous pair and I've also fitted my cleats slightly further back on the shoe. Safe to say the extra quad & glute recruitment is being felt today :eek: and it's surprisingly easier on the calves & ankles as the foot stays flatter and the lower leg is acting a bit more like a rod connecting the thighs to the pedals and cranks :cool:
My northwave shoes are a size too big, as I was buying with my shimano hat on and then I couldn't be bothered sending them back. On longer rides I can feel my toes and front of my feet getting sore from clenching to keep my feet in a good position. I picked up some new shimano shoes just last month which are a better size, though I'm yet to use them properly as they're as white and I don't want to use them when it's too mucky out there! Hopefully they'll feel better.
If you're compensating by curling your toes or flexing muscles in the calf/foot throughout the pedal stroke it'll only lead to tightness and then eventually injury. If they're not the right size don't use them, would be my advice :)
Yep, it is possible.
Thanks Ben, sorted!

Previously I'd been using a USB cable which came with a cateye light and seems like it's not a data cable (& ELEMNT needs to be switched on)! ;)

Windy group ride but quite a quick effort by the 4-5 of us doing the work on the front (with 3-4 sitting in). Good effort on the climb in the middle trying to close down Roger who's a very powerful climber for an older guy! Good mini race back from Mordiford, big effort to close a gap, sitting on the 3 guys who broke away over the bridge before beating them in a sprint to a limit sign. Was no way I could hold onto the pace all the way back to town! ;)

Recovered well today (& put battery in PWM!). Intending on doing Gospel pass tomorrow if the forecast showers don't amount to much. If it does rain all day I'll be out on the chaingang Tuesday night trying to hang on in the slowest group (this time!) ;)
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