Road Cycling

Went out for the Sutton/'Thirsty Thursday' ride last night for the first time, much more of a social ride than the tuesday night (smash fest) chain gang.

7 of us set off with some very cool winds and a brief shower of rain which thankfully didn't last long or reappear. Spent the first half of the ride chasing breaks in the cloud hoping to find some sunshine but didn't. Pace was quick into a constantly moving around mostly-headwind, I was high-tempo most of the way north and buried myself to keep with them up Risbury (nearly blowing). We turned west through Leominster and the headwind on the open A road here really slowed things up, draining my legs. I lost a wheel and drifted off the back on a shallow drag through Monkland before the turn south - I was pretty spent at this time with the next few miles being a hard yo-yo game with me regaining touch only to lose it again several times, I just wasn't recovering. The guys slowed things up as we turned at Bush Bank off the A road for the next stint along the backroads through Westhope. We had to stop for Mark who had a puncture just before the main road, I'd recovered quite well at that point.

Unfortunately Marks rubbish luck continued, part way between Marden and Sutton a huge badger ran out into the middle of us! Someone in front glanced it with their back wheel and he had no chance, going straight over the top of it! He hit the deck hard on his hip/arm while the upside down badger was then 'presented' directly in front of me (with a confused pained look on it's face!), it was rolling towards the middle of the road so I flicked left, braking hard as Mark was infront of me sliding along the floor on his back screaming "My Ar5e!". :o

I somehow avoided the badger with my front wheel, only glancing it with my rear, also avoiding hitting him and stopped just before bailing into the hedge alongside him (Discs ftw!). He was mostly ok, some rash and torn shorts/arm warmers. His bike was ok too, just a broken front light mount. Guy in front had a minor rear wheel buckle/rub. For a 20mph smash-up I'm surprised no more of us hit the deck - but Mark will have some damn big bruises from that one! All of us just glad no more damage... Badger status and whereabouts unknown, it didn't hang around! Gutted I'd stopped my VIRB when he punctured & hadn't restarted it! :rolleyes:

It was getting pretty gloomy at that point so as we all separated back in Sutton, I rode back into town with Mark and my front light (as he had none). The solo ride home West from there was into a chilling headwind utterly spent. 19mph average before then and only 15mph avg back solo in classic just spin & 'get me home' mode. :eek:

A tough ride in some tough cool & windy conditions, considering there wasn't much climbing I really struggled to hold wheels on the gradual uphill drags, as I just wasn't recovering at tempo. Similar situation to my attempt at the chaingang a couple of weeks back. I think need to get back into a turbo routine and concentrate on Over/Unders.

Why would you get those when you can get some 454 NSWs?
Because they come with adaptors for 142x12 thru axles and the 454 doesn't & isn't produced as a disc compatible rim... But wouldn't say no if you wanted to get me some? :p

Was placed well throughout, didn't stupidly chase anything down or bring anything back as the grade/bunch did that for me ;) Wasn't quite sure what was happening at the end but seems the sprint started at the bottom of the climb rather than the crest. Had to dab a brake to swing left around another rider. Comfortable again from a fitness/power perspective so just a case of being a bit further forward for the final lap. Did grab a spectator slow-mo video of the finish over airdrop :)

Club mate almost pipped me to 9th :eek: but a 9 & 10 for the club we were happy with :)

Awesome result & strong finish. First 2 had quite a gap on you guys! Slow-mo makes it look like you glided through the start/finish! You could've made some places up! ;)
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Finished the re-build of my bike last night and installed the new wheels, looks amazing. Shame about the rider.

Pic inbound. Prepare to be jealous. :p:p:p:D
A badger!!
Yeah, think it was a honey badger as it just didn't give a f*k.
Good work BennyC, but I'd be a hypocrit not to point you here>>>

with all my moaning about turbo trainer posts

I'm sure he'll take that as a compliment ;)

Duly noted ;) Totally forgot that thread existed!

Slow-mo makes it look like you glided through the start/finish! You could've made some places up! ;)

Not expecting a bunch climb and bunch sprint would have meant I put myself a bit further forward in to the final bend. Always next week :cool:
I did a ride on my old bike today and it destroyed my legs. How I completed 100 mile rides last year at an above average pace I do not know !!!
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Haha, thats what having a light, flashy & aero new bike does! ;)

Also why I kinda want one... I've got in the back of my mind now that my Diverge is much heavier than almost everyone elses that I'm riding with so I'm at a disadvantage... I know its probably only around 1-2kg max so shouldn't make that much difference but :(

Update: Eating everything I can get my hands on today so definitely burned quite a few calories. I don't normally have cravings this bad, even after long sportives!

Club social tomorrow so I'll be up to 132 miles for the week regardless what I do on the bank holiday. If it's warm I'll get out but may need some encouragement as my legs are in bits already!
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2kg will make a big difference up hills.
I instantly improved my PB up Saintbury Hill by over a minute without even trying on my Aeroad, which is just over 1kg lighter.

I can only imagine what a 5kg Canyon Ultimate Evo must feel like !!
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To save you having to jettison your bottles before climbs, rely on me, for this pro tip:
Don't use electrolyte/carb powders in your water. They add unnecessary weight to the water you are carrying. Using simple, straight-forward tap water with nothing added is a simple way to ensure you are at your lightest before hitting the slopes. It will also save you lots of money because you will not need to keep buying new bottles.
Don't use electrolyte/carb powders in your water. They add unnecessary weight to the water you are carrying.

Nonsense! The reaction of the tablets dissolving creates fizz/bubbles in the water.
Bubbles = Air.
Air = lighter than water.
Fizzy water = lighter!
Nonsense! The reaction of the tablets dissolving creates fizz/bubbles in the water.
Bubbles = Air.
Air = lighter than water.
Fizzy water = lighter!

My science has been out-science'd it appears.
Ah well, back to the old method of chucking the Oakleys in a bush prior to le mountains.
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