Road Cycling

Stupid CRC discount through BC not working! Lost connection half way through paying and now won't accept it. I just want some new shoes.
I've had this happen to me a few times. It's super annoying :/
I've had that happen. I signed back into my CRC account and the items and code were still in the basket.
Apparently if it cocks up you can email CRC customer support and they'll apply it for you.
I've had mixed results with that. One time they offered to. Other times they claimed the discount was invalid on the items I wanted (it wasn't).
what is this "cycling" you guys talk off? last ride was 3rd of May.

I do miss it sometimes on nice sunny days but I kinda like being the car on rainy days.

my cardio has surely dropped quickly, I can tell just by walking up the stairs at decent rate and being a teeny bit out of breath.

I am planning to get back into it sometime but more as weekend cyclist rather than a commuter as that did get annoying after 4 years.

selling all but one bikes, sad times! :D
Is that your car in the sig?

I hope you are still considerate of cyclists when driving unlike many BMW drivers I encounter.:p
I had a fun one this morning. Thought I'd leave home early and have a bit of a longer commute in. Out in one of the small villages climbing a little a van passed me and beeped his horn at me... I assume it was because I was on the road? They're morons. Anyway, I gave him the obligatory finger and carried on up the hill. He then obviously got more annoyed by my finger issuing and turned round up ahead and came back at me for another pop.
He stopped in the road, starting shouting at me in French about how if I gave him the finger again he'd come and hit me. I thought, OK, let's go. Got off my bike, called him a couple of names and was ready for it. He even started getting out the van until I think he realised I was also serious. Which was nice in the morning. I said farewell to the jolly fellow and off I went.

Ah, nothing beats an argument first thing with someone who isn't your wife.
Such a disappointment grudas! :p

Glad to hear you're ok, checked your Strava a few days ago and saw the 'morning ride' with no 'evening ride' back in May & hoped all was good! You still lifting (bro)?

Get into a local club and get back out (before you've lost all of your fitness - you'll be frustrated by the even larger loss of speed otherwise) and don't sell everything (as you may get back into it at some point). Enjoy the sunshine! :D

Bugger all!
Probably. I'm just opening myself up to the option of changing calipers in future after my close call with the stuck carrier bolt & the huge possible cost if I couldn't remove it! (no parts, full replacement of caliper).

I'd probably have gone the Saint route. 4 caliper stopping power & cheaper! Not sure if totally compatible with my road setup though... Would be nice! :D

I hope you are still considerate of cyclists when driving unlike many BMW drivers I encounter.:p
The beemers around here ain't too bad most of the week, it's the damn little shitbiscuit pansy Citroen's and Peugeot's which don't give me any room. Most not even going over the middle of the road when overtaking with oncoming traffic! :rolleyes:

<snip>I said farewell to the jolly fellow and off I went.

Ah, nothing beats an argument first thing with someone who isn't your wife.
Hahahaha @'jolly fellow'! I assumed all French were courteous drivers and beeped to let you know of their presence, not in anger! Zut alors! :D

EDIT: One of the reasons I've not popped 'the question' is because we currently hardly ever argue - and I want that to continue! ;)
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I've had 4 days off this week due to work/weather, and lack of impetus. I don't think I could go that long Grudas, but when it's your primary means of transport that it was for you rather than for recreation it is a bit different.

Hopefully weather will be kind this weekend, 100 mile ride planned tomorrow and club run Sunday with some luck.
I've been quite slack too, turbo session on monday and nothing since (except commuting!) due to weather. Was going to jump on the turbo again last night but gardening became more important after the strong winds blew all my bean poles over! Living the dream! :rolleyes: It was 8:30 by the time the weekly shop & dinner were done, bit too late for me really! I've found if I turbo past 9pm I really struggle to sleep a few hours later (tend to go to bed at 10:30pm for 6am alarm).

I've got a free pass on sunday but I think I'm going to try and do a turbo session tonight or tomorrow morning so I can do a shorter ride on sunday rather than an epic...
Is that your car in the sig?

I hope you are still considerate of cyclists when driving unlike many BMW drivers I encounter.:p

yes, I am lol! having experienced close calls everyday I ended up being super careful and patient with cyclists :o actually, can't remember a time where cyclists bothered me.

so I still struggle to understand why so many drivers get upset with cyclists.
Death to any man who hinders the progress of a superior man in his quest to be sat at his desk 1 minute earlier or indeed,be at his dinner table, tucking into his beans and chips 1 minute earlier.
They're always in a rush to beat all the other cars into the queue, god help them if they end up 2 cars further back due a cyclist holding them up! :rolleyes:

Gusty winds here but really warm, easily over 20 degrees. Felt strong at lunch having to tell myself to take it easier a couple of times. This feeling of form & lower fatigue than usual is superb! Zoom zoom zoom! :cool: :D

TLDR; faster than grudas

EDIT: Have a great weekend all!
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The forecast has been ***** for ages here, was nice on Wednesday but had loads of wind.

I'm not overly fussed about meeting bunches in the rain as I'm up on last years miles and it's not even the middle of June!

I adjusted my cleats the other day, well 2am on the kitchen floor, which as far as I can tell feels better. Used to have them all the way back and with the wider footprint. They now sit most of the way forward and in the middle.

(not sure why that only shows 729 miles as it was around 1300 last year)
Not showing commute or fake miles? (indoor) in way down atm on last year. Hope to get up a bit with some big weeks before alps at end of month. Altho running is way up...
Not showing commute or fake miles? (indoor) in way down atm on last year. Hope to get up a bit with some big weeks before alps at end of month. Altho running is way up...

I tried running yesterday morning for just 2.5 miles. I wouldn't advise. My legs still hurt - more than they ever have from cycling.
The forecast has been ***** for ages here, was nice on Wednesday but had loads of wind.

I'm not overly fussed about meeting bunches in the rain as I'm up on last years miles and it's not even the middle of June!

I adjusted my cleats the other day, well 2am on the kitchen floor, which as far as I can tell feels better. Used to have them all the way back and with the wider footprint. They now sit most of the way forward and in the middle.

(not sure why that only shows 729 miles as it was around 1300 last year)

How do you get that yearly summary?
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