Rode to the in-laws and back yesterday. ~50 miles. Quite enjoyable ride out as the last half wasn't roads I'd ridden before, only real climbs were at
Richards Castle where they seemed to come in quick succession. Ride until then fairly uneventful, some side/front gusts of wind but hot & humid with a couple of light showers so I was constantly adjusting my attire. The ride back was brutal, I was feeling ok but with the climbs towards the start I was starting to feel it. Combined with a fairly constant headwind made it a long slog counting down the miles until I got onto roads I knew, then got caught in a rainshower. Thankfully most of the showers I got caught in were only light/short so I didn't need to get my packable out. Humid weather meant I was fairly soggy even without them.
Two slightly different routes, 24.7 miles & 24.6 miles. Moving time 4s different between the two and average speed exactly the same! Mad how similar! Ride out had 200 ft more climbing.
Just need to keep up getting miles under my belt and continuing to make smarter food choices.
Glad to hear & happy to share my experience.
Yup, regular riding made the biggest difference to me. It doesn't have to be far, it doesn't have to be fast - just ride!
Poor excuse!
It was more like a
2.5 minute 400W mash Talking of 400W mashes,
how's this? Harry Tanfield @ National TT, marginally more power than
Dowsett, just overall slower! Missed 3rd place podium by 6s! I'm convinced he's gonna be big as he's only young and was phenominal in the Tour series for Bike Channel Canyon and the Tour de Yorkshire.
Fortunately a window opened up and I managed to get out this afternoon
I hope she's feeding you in your family captivity!
I found myself playing the role of a coach, I had to freestyle it somewhat as I'd never coached my own kids let alone 12 random kids with parents onlooking. Got lots of thanks from kids and parents so can't have done too bad!
Kudos for stepping up & hope you enjoyed it? Could be something to consider as a side profession!
Haha crazy! Tell him to get their number next time!
I hope his 'sustained injury to his buttock' is recovering well?
And the LED's are useless in the sun.
Gonna spend tonight setting a few screens up and building a few routes.
Have to admit I hardly use my top LED's so when they do flash (for turn directions) they catch my eye. Side LED's I have for HR zones, so quite used to setting the bottom couple lit, when they climb into Z3/4 they go orange and stand out but really of limited use like that. May see if I can switch them to 1min average speed/power or such to be more useful.