Road Cycling

29 Dec 2004
I think it’s much more down to inertia. My suspicion is the constant varying grade/wind resistance/road surface effectively lets you recruit different musculature throughout a 20 minute road effort rather than the turbo which is a constant resistance and therefore you recruit the same muscles throughout.
26 Oct 2002
What’s people’s thoughts on a direct drive trainer
Is it between the tacx and cycleops?
Are there others that are decent? Not looking at the top range ones but circa £600 seems to be able to get you one.
Also would you buy second hand?
22 May 2003
What’s people’s thoughts on a direct drive trainer
Is it between the tacx and cycleops?
Are there others that are decent? Not looking at the top range ones but circa £600 seems to be able to get you one.
Also would you buy second hand?

Literally just been covered by Roady in a recent post in the Zwift/turbo thread above. The Flux is the one to go for with BC discount, sub £500 potential.

I would buy new to get the warranty (2 years for tacx I think).
18 Oct 2002
North Wales is just the same. Shame really as most English footy fans always want the home nations to do well
Lol? You're kidding right? Living on the border of England and Wales (and living in England as a Welshman) you couldn't be further from the truth. Quite regularly saw abusive banners at the sides of the road during the 6 Nations & World cup. Maybe not last year but certainly most of the preceding years.

Guys in the know... Would it be possible to raise my FTP over winter by 20% to over 300w?
Got in in my head as a target FTP and now can't shake the idea... Realistic or not?
Totally depends on your situation as most have suggested. Certainly if you where ~250W while mostly riding adhoc without any structure or aim, yet with some good base miles to then suddenly launch into a structured training plan, you probably would. If you've been riding with some structure and threshold efforts already (sounds like it) then probably not. But there's no harm in trying! What's the point of an aim/target if it's easy to achieve?! :D

Improving capability to ride near or at threshold for greater periods is another short term goal to consider and as a byproduct should yield some increase in FTP.

I mean, basically if you've not really ridden TT/Threshold efforts, but been doing plenty of riding (and enjoying efforts) then you should see some quick progress. You can certainly train yourself to ride a good FTP test.

What about a trainer only? Or would it be a trainer with a power meter fitted still?
You can do it with a 'dumb' trainer with speed & cadence sensors, as there are programs to calculate your 'power' from such a setup. Zwift, Trainer Road, Sufferfest etc - nearly every platform will work with that setup and they all have FTP tests in (or their variation of - Sufferfest).

For the majority increasing volume (generally) and moderating intensity so that you don't end up in a hole as a result, training a little intuitively if you will, pushing yourself at times but not the extent of being unable to recover, should yield a gain.
Benny you should become our nominated OcUK Forums Cycling Coach! :D

To be fair the majority of riders who first start looking at training plans are low on volume and intensity, so they see huge gains when they first start including workouts which work on both of those. @NoNameNoNumber coming from Ironman probably has a balance of both, but I'd say intensity will probably be much lower than most of us? The ole' Tri 'problem' - saving some legs for the run! ;)

Me on a personal level, I've dropped quite a bit of mileage, but continuing my commuting with quite a bit more intensity with some sustained longer efforts - with the little one here in the mornings I'm usually running late and then 3 afternoons a week I'm doing a quick paced/threshold effort along a good road to pick him up followed by a high tempo effort towing him in the baby chariot home. Although I feel like I've lost lots of fitness due to the decrease in volume, the high end I certainly have, but my base fitness is still quite good - hit a climb yesterday I've not ridden for 3 years and pretty much rode up it at my old FTP (which when I retest I know will be lower).

Potential noob FTP question...
Should you be looking at power to pace it better whilst riding or do it all on perceived effort of 'balls out'
Again it depends. IF you can go balls out for 10 mins+ and hang on for the rest then go for it. The times I've tried that I've either blown up or got a really poor result. But I'm no TT'er! I usually pace the first 10 at around my previous FTP, go harder the next 5 and then try to hang on for the final 5.

I’m only doing 5-8hrs a week now but must have had some muscle memory, around 300w ftp now and enjoying my riding and TTs, striking a fairly happy medium between training and life.
Your TT results have been superb so wouldn't doubt the muscle memory! Great balance, well done :)

What’s people’s thoughts on a direct drive trainer
Is it between the tacx and cycleops?
Are there others that are decent? Not looking at the top range ones but circa £600 seems to be able to get you one.
Also would you buy second hand?
I'd happily buy S/H but not a Flux. There where quite a few problems with early units. I'd go for the Direto if you can find one at a good price (only slightly more than the Flux). I'm a Flux owner and wish I'd forked out the ~£60 difference when I got mine. Now the difference is over £100 then the Flux is a good unit for the price. If you're seriously thinking about the Direto and happy with the £700 price point then I'd say wait for the KICKR Core (although that will probably drive the Direto price down).
25 Oct 2006
Woke up yesterday morning with ridiculously stiff knees (both). Hobbled out of bed and used the handrail on stairs to help me descend and ascend them with difficulty. Really strange. Knees had returned to some strength by evening and I could use the stairs 'unassisted' but didn't feel quite right still.

Never experienced anything like this before. Bank holiday ride plans were scuppered. Will be using the lift up and down at work today like a lazy person :/
18 Oct 2002
Old age? :D

What did you do last week, anything particularly strenuous/different riding wise? Suddenly lots of riding in the cold with your knees exposed after they've had a summer of warming themselves?
25 Oct 2006
Old age? :D

What did you do last week, anything particularly strenuous/different riding wise? Suddenly lots of riding in the cold with your knees exposed after they've had a summer of warming themselves?
I'm still in the 20s :D

That's a good point actually. 5 days or so riding in Germany with ~32C too hot weather. Got home with a cold so 1 day off cycling then began cycling again with a cold. Saturday morning 50 miles or so out in 8-10C with knee warmers but still cold then same again Sunday morning... probably not ideal for it. I've certainly done a lot of riding in recent weeks - avging 320 miles or so the past 4 weeks but almost all of it has been low intensity so I don't think it's overuse as such and I've had the odd rest day here and there.

I'll see how things go and if it re-appears try contact a doctor / physio.

Edit: I did run for a bus for 30s on Sunday. I want that to be the cause.
18 Oct 2002
I'm still in the 20s :D
Could still be old age - I know a guy who had a hip replacement at 30! Admittedly he had damaged it in his younger years and had arthritis in it most of the time I've known him.

It's entirely likely the cold air so quick after the warm, 32 degrees to sub 10 is quite a shock for the joints. But I'd blame the run! We all know that's silly-ness and I'm sure @FrenchTart would agree...

Although I'll admit I've only tagged him because I miss his flowing golden locks :(
27 Feb 2003
First cycle commute completed :D :cool:

One hour ten to ride, ten minutes at the hotel gym for a shower/change (facilities are a bit tired but the water was hot and the changing room empty) and then a very short spin round to the office for breakfast. I feel whole lot more alive then when I've driven in.

Carried my laptop, along with a tube of Weetabix and 2 pints of milk which made my rucksack heavier than I'd have liked. Looks like I can ride Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday next week, so can leave all that in the office on Monday and lose probably 4kg!
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18 Oct 2002
Well done! Feels good doesn't it?! I really struggle to wake up properly and feel 'ready' for work when I drive in. Endorphins are better than caffeine! :D

Options for buying supplies (milk!) a little more locally? Once you get used to the route/roads (and find any shortcuts!) and carrying less you'll shave off some of that time anyways :)
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18 Oct 2002
Cold one this morning wasn't it?! 6 degrees here, winter shorts & windproof thicker jersey, but totally forgot what cold fingers felt like as have yet to dig out my long fingered gloves! That'll be a priority tonight! :o
25 Feb 2004
Right you northern folk that live up there above London.

I'm heading up to stay in Cantsfield which is just on the Southern border of the Yorkshire Dales Park in a few weeks. Does anyone have any recommendations of where to go, climbs to do etc?!8m2!3d54.150164!4d-2.582262

I've ridden in Yorkshire a few years back, and but it pretty much rained the whole time so hopefully weather will be better in a few weeks.

Bump on this please.
24 Jul 2003
floating down the Liffey
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25 Oct 2006
Cold one this morning wasn't it?! 6 degrees here, winter shorts & windproof thicker jersey, but totally forgot what cold fingers felt like as have yet to dig out my long fingered gloves! That'll be a priority tonight! :o

Not as bad as I expected here. Nippy but warm enough with the sun out. Knee warmers, arm warmers, soft shell gloves, gilet in pocket but not worn in the end.
I'll admit though I struggled to get out of bed when I woke up feeling the chilly breeze.
9 Nov 2005
Southampton, hopefully not too hot, or too cold
Cold one this morning wasn't it?! 6 degrees here, winter shorts & windproof thicker jersey, but totally forgot what cold fingers felt like as have yet to dig out my long fingered gloves! That'll be a priority tonight! :o

I wouldn't know, another lazy lie-in until ~0830 this morning on a week off work.;)

Expecting my legs to feel sore if I pop out later, to keep the sequence of going out everyday since Sunday going, after a power interval session yesterday including a first visit to the "naughty but nice" Speltham Hill in Hambledon... Just not sure if I'm going to keep the sequence of increased mileage per day going, which would mean ~4 hours recovery ride to do 53+ miles today up in the South Downs hills!:eek:
25 Feb 2004
I was in the Lakes a couple of years ago but we did venture slightly south into the Dales for one ride. Not much of a ride from Cantsfield but does include #48 from the 100 climbs list.

Also, look at local sportives for inspiration:

Thanks, was goping to go for the local sportive route if no one had any local knowledge. Couple of those look quite good!
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