Road Cycling

18 Oct 2002
I'll let you off for drinking instant coffee at work - sometimes needs must. But that is inexcusable. Please leave the thread now.
Pffft, the Americano's from the Dulce are nicer than those I've tried from the Nespresso. I'll admit they're no substitute to a proper bean (cafetiere) filter, but then it only takes 30 seconds to make one... Convenience! Unfortunately my life is too busy to make a perfect coffee every time (but I do sometimes!) :p

I had to Google WTF a Dulce Gusto was..... I am glad we are typing to each other because I have no idea how to even say it either.
Uneducated northerner, we have inside toilets down here. But a stupid government that's putting tax on Irn Bru to bring it in line with the amount of tax on Bucky. :(

Wow. I’m out on every count!!!!
You get a pass, due to the Lincoln GP.

Nobody on here is serious - some posters even own pink bikes!
And some even own pink rapha kit!
29 Dec 2004
Has anyone got experience of buying forks from a Chinese seller? I know a few have bought frames but I just need a set of forks for my TT bike and seen a few well reviewed sets, but would appreciate real life experiences.
23 Nov 2004
Haha yeah that's much more like it and much more like what I'd expect from you! You where allowed to push on the pedals that ride?! :D

Mostly just banter between the regulars on here, I was pulling his leg as that was a very easy ride for Jonny (looking at avg speed & power) as he's been putting the hammer down the rest of the time in some fantastic form! I'm just jealous! :)

Cycling is extremely elitist, every club and group ride will have some elitism to some extent, depending on the amount and type can really determine the 'feel' within the group and your experience will depend on how succeptible to it you are and how it makes you feel. Keeping a good sense of humour, a thick skin and often getting involved in the banter is the best way! :D

The fact most of us are here (these particular forums) will determine that we're on the intelligent side of things with probable interest in the technical and data side of things. I am especially, but then I've always been drawn to that side of things. Yet most of the 'club' guys I ride with, although there's tons of banter and elitism when it comes to bikes, there's very little interest in the technical or data side of things and when it boils down to it they let their legs do the talking. The social group rides I generally prefer are much more laid back, zero elitism, far more light hearted banter only between the regular riders but far more humility - if someones having a bad day or a newbie rider is out with us the rides will be at their pace, not the groups.

At the end of the day, cycling is what you make of it, 'unfortunately' much of the recent interest from guys getting into the sport from other sports like golf, football and cricket has driven up the amount of elitism. The riders who've generally been cyclists far longer either completely ignore it, look down their noses at anyone on a bike less than 5 years old or are ignorant to it. I'd like to think mostly the former. :cool:

Cheers mate! We had to ride to the hall where it starts flat out to hence a few PRs on that ride.

Wet and windy tonight so low numbers, combined both groups into one for the ride out. One of the guys kept shouting to ease up and keep it steady, not just at me, but it was literally a freewheel and/or brake when he came through. Punctured so had to fix that, do a **** then wander about until they came back up to me. Split on the climb up to where I was caught so it was hammer down time.

Bit of a shock to the system going from gentle pedal up to 26.3mph average for the final 8 miles :|
25 Feb 2004
Who's moaning now?
No less than 33kmh average at all times (even z1 rides) and 9% bodyfat or less.
That is the simple entry criteria to this cult on the forums.
And if you drink "instant" coffee you can GTFO as well.


I want a shot at this EK chaingang.

What about when riding the only mans form of cycling that is CX?

PS xdcx I've missed you!
22 Nov 2005

LOL how does his wheel not pop? or bend :O

critical mass idiots BTW he decided to stop traffic for no reason after making that driver go 5mph for fun....
26 Oct 2002
The biggest mistake you can make is to take things in this forum as serious. It is a good bunch on here and 9 times out of 10, if you see something that's elitist or sketchy, it will be in complete jest :)

That said, living in Lincoln, is that where Skegness is? Flattest place I have ever been in my life. So you cannot be super pro without mountains anyway sorry.

I did wonder about the comments. This is the only place I come to read bike chat as it’s always so friendly

Yes Skeg Vegas is in Lincolnshire but don’t go there!!!! The only place for something hilly round here is the Wolds so I have just got myself a bike rack so I can get out there and enjoy them. Strangely enough I do enjoy them too. I like the challenge some of them represent at my level.
24 Apr 2013
What about when riding the only mans form of cycling that is CX?

PS xdcx I've missed you!

CX, you mean, mountain biking? The only way I will enjoy such a thing is with same mayo smothered frites and a beer.
Those two CX lads looked in their absolute element in the Euro champs road race, did you see it? The manky diesel/crud covered "roads" of Glasgow city centre are obviously more like a CX track than anything else. Plus it was raining, so in Belgian Science, that means if you are from any country where it is cold/wet/windy all the time you can just automatically go 10% harder than Italians/Frenchies/Spanishes.
25 Feb 2004
CX, you mean, mountain biking? The only way I will enjoy such a thing is with same mayo smothered frites and a beer.
Those two CX lads looked in their absolute element in the Euro champs road race, did you see it? The manky diesel/crud covered "roads" of Glasgow city centre are obviously more like a CX track than anything else. Plus it was raining, so in Belgian Science, that means if you are from any country where it is cold/wet/windy all the time you can just automatically go 10% harder than Italians/Frenchies/Spanishes.

Similar but just on one of those new fangled bikes with knobbly tyres but drop bars.... Without Frites and a Kwak it definitely isn't CX...Even better now I have a local pub that servers the stuff.

I saw the result but not the race. It was good that Glasgow summer represented a belgian winter... Although your comment about the 10% harder than Italians etc doesn't really play when an Italian won the bloody thing!
24 Apr 2013
Similar but just on one of those new fangled bikes with knobbly tyres but drop bars.... Without Frites and a Kwak it definitely isn't CX...Even better now I have a local pub that servers the stuff.

I saw the result but not the race. It was good that Glasgow summer represented a belgian winter... Although your comment about the 10% harder than Italians etc doesn't really play when an Italian won the bloody thing!

You could almost hit Belgium with a stone if you chucked it hard enough from Portsmouth so I should hope fine beers are making the way over. Tesco have actually got on the beer bandwagon and have all sorts on the shelves now even up here in the Arctic Circle. I've tried all sorts of weird Belgian beers now. Delirium Tremens is 8.5% and rather lovely.

:p :p that was the joke! There is no science to Belgian Science. And there is always a sneaky Italian lurking around somewhere.
25 Feb 2004
I've tried all sorts of weird Belgian beers now. Delirium Tremens is 8.5% and rather lovely.

:p :p that was the joke! There is no science to Belgian Science. And there is always a sneaky Italian lurking around somewhere.

Not tried it, although I was in a "burger restaurant" the other day and they sold it but had a warning of a maximum of 3 per customer. Need to get on the Trappistes if you want to get the real buckfast effect.

True, but he doesn't have the jawline of an italian so may as well be Belgian or Dutch!
24 Apr 2013
Not tried it, although I was in a "burger restaurant" the other day and they sold it but had a warning of a maximum of 3 per customer.

The "local" brewery has a bar in Inverness. I ordered a pint of their 7.5% beer (which is stupidly nice actually) and the newbie bar person poured it happily.... As I was paying, the senior bar person came over and poured it away and then replaced it with a half pint! Pouring a Scotsman's beer away in front of him is declaration of nuclear war. I didn't even need to say a word as she could tell with the sheer disgust on my face:
Barlady: "sorry, due to how strong this beer is we only sell it in half pints"
Me: "that's a lady pint, why did you waste my perfectly good pint?"
Barlady: "I think you will find that there is no such thing as a LADY PINT!" *adopts your a sexist pig stance*
Me: "Aye there is. This thing you just poured me"

This was upon arrival for my workplace leaving drinks as I got a new job. I nearly got booted out the place.
She thought my request to purchase another half pint to go with the existing one was also "silly".
Limiting blokes to 3 or half pints is mental. Has anyone seen a limit of how many double vodka's/JD's folk can drink in an establishment? Wine is lethal, is that limited to a bottle per person? Beer discrimination is happening in the United Kingdom.
18 Oct 2002
Has anyone got experience of buying forks from a Chinese seller?
I only buy my cutlery from a Swedish seller. Ikea. ;)

Bit of a shock to the system going from gentle pedal up to 26.3mph average for the final 8 miles :|
Ooft! Can be surprising how much fatigue you build up on an easy ride when the pace suddenly hots up and your legs won't!


LOL how does his wheel not pop? or bend :O

critical mass idiots BTW he decided to stop traffic for no reason after making that driver go 5mph for fun....
Romanian wheel>Car.

Guessing low pressure so it's just popped off the rim instead. Although looking at it has that actually gone into the tarmac!? :D :o

I did wonder about the comments. This is the only place I come to read bike chat as it’s always so friendly

Yes Skeg Vegas is in Lincolnshire but don’t go there!!!! The only place for something hilly round here is the Wolds so I have just got myself a bike rack so I can get out there and enjoy them. Strangely enough I do enjoy them too. I like the challenge some of them represent at my level.
Brilliant, keep up with the challenges! Especially hills - I still consider them challenges now and set goals/targets on them! Great inspiration/drive for training. :)

True, but he doesn't have the jawline of an italian so may as well be Belgian or Dutch!
Trentin has always been a classics hardman and nothing like most of the other Italians. First couple of interviews I almost thought he was German because he's got quite a different accent to most Italians! :rolleyes: :D

Beer discrimination is happening in the United Kingdom.
You heard it here first. Beer discrimination happening north of the border and the Scots just accept it! If that was me I'd have left it on the bar, refused to pay & walked out! :p
25 Feb 2004
Right you northern folk that live up there above London.

I'm heading up to stay in Cantsfield which is just on the Southern border of the Yorkshire Dales Park in a few weeks. Does anyone have any recommendations of where to go, climbs to do etc?!8m2!3d54.150164!4d-2.582262

I've ridden in Yorkshire a few years back, and but it pretty much rained the whole time so hopefully weather will be better in a few weeks.
25 Oct 2006
Limiting blokes to 3 or half pints is mental. Has anyone seen a limit of how many double vodka's/JD's folk can drink in an establishment? Wine is lethal, is that limited to a bottle per person? Beer discrimination is happening in the United Kingdom.
I was on a sailing trip a month ago and we decided to go through the Crinan Canal. It was the night of England vs Croatia and what else is there to do in Lochgilphead besides find a pub and watch it (even with a low interest in football). Went to some random pub and the barlady was flustered at how busy it was in the bar and constantly apologising for how slow her service was because it's so busy... there was about 12 people in there. She'd faint if she ever worked in a London pub. I asked for a beer on tap and got a "Very sorry, but I can only sell this drink in half pints" - at least she was sorry.

We had also wondered which "side" the pub locals would be cheering for. England score - quite a few cheers. Croatia score - pub was on fire. Question answered.
24 Apr 2013
Beer discrimination in Lochgilphead? **** me. This is more serious than I thought!
Inverness thinks it is a "city" (which is proper funny) and it getting all arty farty up itself with places try to be cool. So I could understand it there... but in the **** end of the nation we have blokes being refused pints and offered a females drink by females.

I might need to head up a rebellion. The Jacobites started up for less than this.

Also, can confirm, all proper Scots took the form of Colombian's, Croats, Belgians at various points through July. It is how it is.
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