Road Cycling

18 Oct 2002

Drove to meet some friends and then rode out to the ToB yesterday. Fantastic weather and I actually had good legs which was a real surprise! Lack of mileage over the last ~6 months I've been seeing a gradual decline in my fitness, so having a 'good day' isn't an experience I've had for a while! :D

I took it easy half the ride out, sat on the others two's wheels as they'd ridden out to the meet point and one of them knew the roads. Couple of short tows, then a really good fun high speed chase down a main road (check my cadence ramp spinning out 53*11). Some bad navigation (Charlie didn't wanna do my route!) put us out on two dual carriageway A roads (wouldn't be my first or second choice) and I did some strong pulls into the headwinds (but did have to ease for the others a couple of times). We parked ourselves at the end of the feed zone after Libanus hoping to get a good view (slower riders) and maybe some bags & bidons. Disappointingly We only got 2 discarded bidons and I spotted another in a hedgerow on the ride back. Did grab some great videos, a Sky helper stood only a little way in front dished out 3 bags towards the front of the peloton, the 3rd of which to Froome with G riding infront of him. I'll upload them at some point. The ride back was shorter and a lot more leisurely - a couple of hill efforts and social ride back.

My legs are going to be like WTF?! :p
Hope the legs are not too bad, glad you had great weather for it!

I thought you would be cycling to Bristol, having entered the Strava challenge, the distance getting there should cover your remaining mileage to then pick up your free socks. ;)
Pffft, the amount of miles I'm short this year I shouldn't even join these distance challenges! :D ;)

Finally finished building my Bowman last night so took it out for a 68mi test ride today. It's quite scary riding something you've built and trusting it not to fall apart on a fast descent.:eek:

It's about 2kg heavier than my carbon bikes and I can definitely feel it but it still rides well. I just need to fit some full guards and it's ready for winter training and commuting.

Looks awesome! Good luck keeping it looking so clean! I can remember how bad a black car was with dust/dirt... ;)

@Roady, sorry I didn’t get round to posting the bracket this weekend, it will go in the tomorrow.
No problem!
1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Took the plunge again after a six week break and did another 12 miles tonight. Murder! Ballooned up to 15 stone 8 again and looking to knock that off over the next few weeks before the weather turns completely.
1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Wow. 6 week break in the best summer I can remember. Keep it up Pringle, the weight easily loads back on

Its been fairly gusty up here which if im honest put me off a bit at times. But I've also had to dedicate time to sorting out a few jobs in the garden etc plus with the football season in full swing again my weekends are taken up with photographs and processing them as well. Unfortunately the cycling took a back seat. Hopefully sort things out this week and that'll have me in the mindset to keep at it.
23 Nov 2004
M20 Team Disc in white. £2400 seemed too good to turn down.

Nice and good price! I get a good staff price on them so it's a cracking deal I just need to find the money! I'm not overly sold on the fade colourways for '19 though.

I've gone and done it, bought a race silver membership and entered a race. :|

Think this is the route but haven't had that confirmed.
24 Apr 2013
I've gone and done it, bought a race silver membership and entered a race. :|

Think this is the route but haven't had that confirmed.

Eek. If you don't get a place off reserves for a ride then you are likely to have paid BC for a race license to end of year with no more races left to enter!! :(

You're lucky you have 3rd/4th cat road races up there. No chance of anything like that down here. All circuits.

It's a funny situation as I was chatting to blokes at the TT at weekend who hate the category system up here and the 3/4 situation because the 3/4's are bloody hard. There is a good few examples of blokes who went down to NE England and raced for a week or two purely to get "easier" points and CAT up.

The Inverness club have just taken a lad on who is CAT2 from down in England somewhere and he said the 3/4's up here look brutal with more climbing and faster pace than the races he got to a 2 in. Apparently he isn't willing to race them as he will get burst..... This is all second hand info, I don't know the guy.

Personally I can't really stand the 3/4 racing. It's a nightmare to get a start and when you do, you are surrounded by overly eager nutters.
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23 Nov 2004
Should get a start to be fair. Late in the season and always bloody crap weather here. I can enter on a race silver with provisional license. Cant get points unless I pay £20 for the half price full license.

3/4 are still hard, don't have the relentless top end that a 2/3/4 would have but i ride with guys that race and get round 3/4s and guys that ride 2/3/4s. Pretty sure i candle 40 miles at 23mph average but we'll see!

My mate is heading to Manchester to do a 2/3/4 race at the weekend, he's entered this too and a wee crit in bella park in October so I'm just trying to dip my toe in with somwthing local.
18 Oct 2002
Its been fairly gusty up here which if im honest put me off a bit at times. But I've also had to dedicate time to sorting out a few jobs in the garden etc plus with the football season in full swing again my weekends are taken up with photographs and processing them as well. Unfortunately the cycling took a back seat. Hopefully sort things out this week and that'll have me in the mindset to keep at it.
Good job on getting back out, even though you've missed most of the amazing weather! Keep it up and you can drink more beer/eat more burgers & chips when pitchside! :D

Personally I can't really stand the 3/4 racing. It's a nightmare to get a start and was when you do, you are surrounded by overly eager nutters faster riders than me.
Edited for you. :cool: ;)

Should get a start to be fair. Late in the season and always bloody crap weather here. I can enter on a race silver with provisional license. Cant get points unless I pay £20 for the half price full license.
Worth it to try it out and see how you measure up and enjoy it - also good excuse to rip some guys legs off! Goodluck! :)

Can we just take a minute to appreciate/drool over the fantastic paint job on Connor Swifts Genesis in National Champs colours: :cool:

Interesting read I found through DCR which talks about the Dutch cycling culture.
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25 Feb 2004
It's a funny situation as I was chatting to blokes at the TT at weekend who hate the category system up here and the 3/4 situation because the 3/4's are bloody hard. There is a good few examples of blokes who went down to NE England and raced for a week or two purely to get "easier" points and CAT up.

The Inverness club have just taken a lad on who is CAT2 from down in England somewhere and he said the 3/4's up here look brutal with more climbing and faster pace than the races he got to a 2 in. Apparently he isn't willing to race them as he will get burst..... This is all second hand info, I don't know the guy.

Personally I can't really stand the 3/4 racing. It's a nightmare to get a start and when you do, you are surrounded by overly eager nutters.

Problem down here by the sounds of things is it's all flat circuits for 4ths races, so unless you can sprint you struggle to get out and it is full of nutters, so loads of crashes. Very few road races down here, and they're all e/1/2.
18 Oct 2002
Looks like you improved on last year :)

Indeed I did, really pleased with myself. I only lost my 18mph average in the last 5 miles I think, was starting to tire. In the end my Garmin had me at 17.9 mph, Strava 17.8mph. So there's next year's goal sorted!

You got another event KOM by the looks of it! Please don't tell me you rode that without a stop? :eek:
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