Nice to see Mat finally transforming into a character that is actually recognisable as Mat. The horn scene was a bit "Men in Tights" though.
Egwene's arc was satisfying. The show continues to do a very good job with her story.
The Whitecloaks were also done really well. Hopefully they feature as much as they do in the books going forward.
The bits with Nynaeve and Elayne seemed entirely pointless.
While I think they had the right idea with the Rand vs Ishamael showdown at the top of the tower (the book version of this scene doesn't make much sense even in the books), it was badly done. The scene was too slow & protracted. Ishmael toys with Rand for too long. Then Egwene holds off Ishmael for longer than she should be able to as Moiraine takes forever over weaving her spell. The arrival of Perrin, Nynaeve and Elayne added nothing (also, Nynaeve and Elayne were able to casually hobble past Ishmael
). And then Ishamael's death (or "death") was entirely unsatisfying, with Rand casually walking up to him and stabbing him from the front. This scene could have been so much better just by being cut to a quarter of its length