Building Candy - Where did you learn to do this? Did you do "NVQ 2 Performing Engineering Operations" by any chance?
a what what what? no I have never studied engineering, or ever done a course or even been to university for that matter im afraid. I just started making rc truck chassis about 6 years ago, then 2 years later onto the guns and now this. I think im getting better with every day that passes, certianly 3 years ago I would never have concidered this project. When I finished the dsr1 I felt like I could make anything and do anything, thats why im doing this. Im lucky to have a natural talent for this although im sure my own brand of self taught engineering would probably have a "proper" engineer cringing at some of my methods and techniques!
How much for a DSR1 replica? Don't need the scope as I've got a nice Leupold vari-xiii from my target shooting days.
I wouldnt sell this DSR and to make another would be tough, im not sure I could give it the same attention to detail. I have thought about selling them when people offer large sums of money, but money is money, you can always make more money. These guns are 1 off, if I sold it, it would be gone forever and thats not something I want to do.
Its no good, ive got to post the DSR pic! im so proud of it!
im gonna have to get it out and hug it now!
Back to Cain, onto the waist/torso,
bit of guess work here, hard to estimate the shape and size of the plate.
trimmed and rounded
...after looking at the pics again i decided this is too thick
so took 1mm off the top and put the holes in it. Picture in the background for reference.
used a slitting saw to cut the slots
onto the big lump in the middle
this looks a bit big too..... hmm
might end up taking it down a bit, be glad to get this stupid bit out the way!
im struggling to see the parts on this plate, a lot of it is molded and im not going to do it exactly as it'll be all but covered by the cylinders and all the pipes and wires. So:
i'll have to fill all the gaps before painting, most of it will be covered anyway
onto the little U brackets fo the cylinders, I have to make 8 of these all exactly the same.
cop them all off
mill each one to the same size, both ends, boooooring
then file the curve on each one exactly the same.... booooooooooooring
then mill the gap out......... STILL boring