Well an hour later. The gap is only 3mm so I have to cut 10mm (i think) down using a 3mm cuttter, the 3mm mill is quite delicate so I
have to take light cuts so as not to clog the cutter. So something like .3mm per cut, so thats 30 passes per U bracket, times 8 brackets
is.... tum tee tum 240 passes.
now drilled them all sides and bottom
got some material for the cylinders.... im not 100% on this, it looks a bit thin, the detail on the cylinders is crazy, im not sure there
is enough room
turing away
cutting the rod first for a trial fit
oh dear
my initial suspisions are realised , after adding the 4 screws there is no material for the 2 verticle screws and it does look
too small, which I suppose is a good thing.
pic of the real thing for reference:
while I wait for thicker rod to be delivered i'll get on with a left leg bit.
a lot easier with one to copy
finishing off the other thigh
cold up the garage the other night, didnt help the gas in my heater ran out
easy when there is a part to copy
center it up with a little pointer i made.
then take it round
nearly there, just the easy bits to do.
boring the holes in the sides and drilling and tapping everything
turned the other spacer and there we are
gave myself a big pat on the back for getting this hard bit out the way for good.