Was that the team with the high pitched ginger boy/girl?On the subject of flippers, surprised chaos 2 never made a return.
Only one flipper ever won robot warsand srimechs soon made flippers much weaker.
Road block i think it was called was a good flipper back in the old show.
Indeed. George something. I looked to see if they would be returning but couldn't find anything from him on social media for several years.
Yeah. Incidentally I'm learning all sorts of things I never knew, such as what happened to Team Cassius!
I always wondered why they vanished!
wtf that new format is just utter ****
disappointing first episode. and razors weapon massively under powered now.
I think so, yes. I came into it with no baggage of really ever having watched Robot Wars before and I thoroughly enjoyed it.Tell me, is it worth wasting an hour on?
Wonder if Drone wars wouldnt have been a better show to make given the how the tech has gotten popular. Dunno how they would fight but the freedom of movement would be interesting to see used. Or maybe if they combined it in robot wars somehow.