Robot Wars returning to BBC2!

I totally agree about the pits being available far too early. It should either be on a timer or controlled by the judges as someone mentioned above. The problem is that they will have filmed the whole series over the course of a few days so any changes to the format won't happen until series 2, presuming there is going to be one.
Gf hasn't watched it yet so tonight having a catch up robot wars night
Means I get to see it again too!
Anyone who is sceptical about Robot Wars should check out the HD videos of the more recent Battlebots. There are some absolutely awesome fights on there because most robots either have a spinner, an axe, a flipper and even one that traps and lifts up the enemy robot and toasts it with a flamethrower.

One fight looked fairly boring until one of the robots chewed off the front of the other, drove into it and started eating away at its insides until it EXPLODED.

Awesome stuff. That's what Robot Wars could be. No boring push bots.

Plus there is no pit.

So basically to fix UK Robot Wars...get rid of the pit and the lame pushing-each-other-around fights.
Anyone who is sceptical about Robot Wars should check out the HD videos of the more recent Battlebots. There are some absolutely awesome fights on there because most robots either have a spinner, an axe, a flipper and even one that traps and lifts up the enemy robot and toasts it with a flamethrower.

One fight looked fairly boring until one of the robots chewed off the front of the other, drove into it and started eating away at its insides until it EXPLODED.

Awesome stuff. That's what Robot Wars could be. No boring push bots.

Plus there is no pit.

So basically to fix UK Robot Wars...get rid of the pit and the lame pushing-each-other-around fights.

It may be this way because of the rules that govern the compeititon:

12. Weapon Restrictions

The following weapons and materials are forbidden from use: Note: Some of the listed items may be allowed for effects but not as weapons. If you have an application of these items which you feel may be allowed, please contact the Fighting Robot Association.

12.1 Invisible Damage
Weapons designed to cause invisible damage to the other robot. This includes but is not limited to:

12.1.1 Electricity
Electricity as a weapon such as Tesla coils, Van-der-Graaf generators, stun guns, or cattle prods.

12.1.2 Radio Frequency
Radio Frequency jamming equipment or similar devices.

12.1.3 Radio Frequency Noise
Radio Frequency noise generated by an IC engine. Use shielding around sparking components.

12.1.4 Electromagnetic Fields
Electromagnetic fields from permanent or electromagnets, which affect another robots electronics.

12.2 Stopping Combat
Weapons or defences, which tend to stop combat completely, of both (or more) robots. This includes, but is not limited to the following:

12.2.1 Entanglement
Entanglement devices such as nets, fishing line, cables, string, glues or tapes, which require the match to be stopped and the robots separated. (If this occurs the ‘entangler’ forfeits the match)

12.3 Rotating Weapons
The speed of any rotating weapons - e.g. circular saws, carbon or steel cutting discs - must not exceed the manufacturer's specification. The manufacturer's specification must be available for inspection.

12.4 Hardened Blades
Commercially manufactured, hardened steel blades that may shatter are not allowed.

12.5 Blade Length
Commercial blades - e.g. bayonets - must not exceed 20cm in length.

12.6 Untethered Projectiles
Projectiles must have a tether capable of stopping the projectile at full speed and be no longer than 2.5m.

12.7 Heat and Fire
Heat and fire are forbidden as weapons, (however some events may allow limited fire effects). This includes, but is not limited to the following:

12.7.1 Generated
Heat specifically generated to damage an opponent

12.7.2 Flammables
Flammable liquids or gases

12.7.3 Explosives
Explosives or flammable solids such as DOT Class C devices, Gunpowder, Cartridge Primers or Military Explosives, etc.

12.8 Smoke and Light
Smoke and light based weapons, which impair the viewing of robots by an Entrant, Judge, Official or Viewer (You are allowed to physically engulf your opponent with your robot however) This includes, but is not
limited to the following:

12.6.1 Smoke or Dust
Large quantities of smoke or dust. Limited smoke effects may be allowed by some events.

12.6.2 Lights
Lights such as external lasers above Class 2 (1mw) output and bright strobe lights, which may blind the opponent.

12.9 Hazardous Materials
Hazardous or dangerous materials are forbidden from use anywhere on a robot where they may contact humans, or by way of the robot being damaged (within reason) contact humans. If unsure please contact the
Fighting Robot Association.
The pit release should be harder than just pressing a button, make it so that the robot has to remain stationary in a certain zone for 5 seconds or so, and there's a sequence to activate the pit so you need to rush to the other side of the arena and sit there for 5 seconds as well.

I appreciate people spend a lot of money building these things but I want to see them destroyed and not just dropped half a metre.
bleh, last thing we need is every robot being a boring spinner. If that's true we might as well get rid of the driving ability and just stick them on a conveyer belt moving towards each other.
bleh, last thing we need is every robot being a boring spinner. If that's true we might as well get rid of the driving ability and just stick them on a conveyer belt moving towards each other.

Could make the same argument for flippers, at least with spinners you're more likely to see a bit of damage being inflicted :p
But flippers then saw lots of interesting robot designs, including srimechs or robots like pussycat that flippers struggle against. Flippers actually require good driving, spinners are just boring as hell.
But flippers then saw lots of interesting robot designs, including srimechs or robots like pussycat that flippers struggle against. Flippers actually require good driving, spinners are just boring as hell.

Flippers struggled against pussycat but i think the actual designer of it struggled to control it, that thing just seemed to randomly flop about with little sense of direction. I honestly can't even recall its weapon doing that much damage, been a while since i seen it in action but all i remember is the sheer randomness of its movements, be they intentional or by accidental.
catching up on the american version, Battlebots. so much better.
still have some rubbish robots, but proper format and just two bots and no pit, house robots etc.
The problem with the robots with the big circumference spinning weapons like carbide is they are easy to get caught up and slowed down after a hit and take a while to get back up to speed, but that gets to speed almost immediately.

The biggest problem seems to be that when the big spinning blades like Carbide/Tombstone hit the enemy they seem to do as much damage to themselves internally as they are doing to the enemy. Half the time the blade breaks off or the robot stops working and the crappy push-bot we wanted to see it destroy victoriously drives around it in circles.
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