Robot Wars returning to BBC2!

The new American series was ok, however it was quite good once you removed the rubbish. Someone on reddit kept posting a cut down version which was great, most episodes where cut to less than 10minutes and sometimes far more.

Hope the same happens with this one.
Used to love this show as a kid. Don't think I could get back into watching it regularly but for nostalgia's sake I may well catch up on the odd episode or two on iplayer.
Bring back Razer and Mortis :D
Both beautifully engineered, but one worked superbly and one really didn't.

On, and Philippa... we need Phillippa back...
Just been watching season 6 on challenge with my boy of 9, he loves the show and it really has n't lost its appeal over so many years for me either!

Razor, Firestorm, Tornado, Wild thing, Chaos 2, Hypnodisk, Pussycat, so many great robots!

This new series being only 6 episodes puts me off a bit, the old series had great ongoing knockout tournaments and "cup competitions", can't really do that over just 6 shows.
My only concern, is that once everybody realised all you needed was a flipper/self righting mechanism it got a bit dull. The robots that were really interesting were those that had weapons/axes/saws etc that would actually do damage to your opponent, rather than just flip them out the arena in 5 seconds.

Oh Razer, why did you frustrate us so, you were so good, yet had those flaws that always seemed to scupper your chances! :(

Also Hypnodisk was pretty awesome as well, although not as genuinely innovative as Razer.

That said Wheely Big Cheese and Chaos 2 were also pretty awesome.

Will ne interesting to see if it's worth watching.
I think i preferred it when they had obstacle courses as well as just death match. You had to make a fast agile robot as well as lethal.
Funnily enough I was watching this over the weekend on Challenge.

Bought back great memories. Was always drawing designs as a kid, really wanted to make a robot. At school, our year designed our own version of Robot Wars. It was turn based, and you'd bring in something you made at home, usually covered in nails, drawing pins etc. And lever arch folders made great flipping robots. We'd push all the tables together and smash each others creations up. Good laugh.

Would like to see it back, but with challenges rather than just a deathmatch as it was just dominated by Razor and Hypnodisc in the end IIRC.
This would be great if they bring back Craig Charles and Philippa Forrester too.

Razer was definitely my favourite robot along with Hypno Disc.
I always liked Tornado for the simple brilliance of the design. Nothing fancy or complicated, just a 4WD robot that could run both ways up, yet it was absolutely brutal.

I await Robot Wars' return with interest. No Craig Charles, no deal though. It just wouldn't be the same without him.
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I always liked Tornado for the simple brilliance of the design. Nothing fancy or complicated, just a 4WD robot that could run both ways up, yet it was absolutely brutal.

I await Robot Wars' return with interest. No Craig Charles, no deal though. It just wouldn't be the same without him.

6 episodes seems a little brief for a series.
Heard about this and the 10yo inside me got all excited :D

Just had a good google of the old robots and found HypnoDisc is from the village I now live in - small world
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