Here are a few observations about the new series. We were suprisingly told we could take pictures and share them only thing we should not do is tell who won the battles.
The pit is larger than before it even looked like the house robots could easily fit in. There is a new pit release. Its still the tyre but there is also a pointer. Once the tyre is hit the pointer can either swing left or right. Left the pit opens. Right the house robots are free to batter any contestants robot without prejudice! We never saw the pointer go right but it was meant to be random. I guess its meant to make them think twice about opening the pit. I never realised how brutal the spikes are too they are massive. Never saw the floor flipper being used though but the flame pit was.
Same house robots as before although Sir Killalot looks like he has had a bit of a makeover. Same presenters.
We saw at least two new types of robot. One called Jellyfish which I wont describe and another which was twin robots. Not little ones like before but two robots similiar in a 2 v 1 battle.
Few of the robots we saw was Carbide, Apollo, Aftershock, Sabretooth, Behemoth seemed to be quite a few new robots too.
The spinners looked to have had the advantage. Although once again one of the spinners was self harming! Carbide is pretty bad ass again and was involved in another bit of damage to the arena wall which stopped the battle but I wont tell you how it got damaged it has to be seen to be believed it was amazing. However Aftershock OMG this is now a spinner but with a "twist" reminded me of the London Eye for some reason and the destructive power of this is out of this world. The Aftershock team were very friendly and spoke to us before and after. Thank god for the protective screens.
My son got a legendary foam pointy finger 3-2-1 Activate. The warm up guy also gives out bits of robot that have come off in the battles.
Won't say anything else will leave the rest as a surprise but it does look a better series this time round despite the host.......
Here are a few pics. Apologies for the poor shots I didnt use the flash for obvious reasons and my phone camera is a bit poor.
Repairing the arena wall after Carbide "missile" attacked it. It was just WOW when you see it. In this shot you can see at the back of Sir Killalot the white/red "pole" used to disarm it I mentioned earlier. This too I saw in the contestant robots.
Post group battle. Behemoth is here. Two of these won, two lost, can you tell which ?
Looking towards the pits. You can actually walk round the back of the audience and get right upto it where a barrier then has a notice which warns you away. I told my Dad to take photos but he forgot. Too busy chatting with the Roboteers!
The Robot Gladiator
Matilda Ahhhhh crowd favourite