Try 1 stick of ram in all the slots is the first thing to try. Can you get into the bios ? Does the manual say what 0d is ? I cant remember off the top of my head and I'm at work at the moment so cant check.

Edit: Do what Loque said first as well.
Didn't know they were not yet put up on the website. I would think you should just be able to update this these straight away. They are official ones and should appear on the website soon. Guess its slow getting the web/IT guys to place it on the site.
I believe the links are disabled because a few people have reported their systems not posting with the new bios. Mine is fine, and i don't think there's any risk of bricking. So give 1001 a try, if your system doesn't post, fall back to 0902
Anybody got s mirror? Links are disabled.
Hey, I've hosted them on my googledrive for you guys. Obviously since they have been taken down Im not responsible if it fails to post etc but here we go...

1T RAM 1001

2T RAM 0038

Any problems use flashback to 0902

lovely purple doom machine

Thats awesome, congrats
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Well I updated by board to 1001 using the usb stick method and my board wouldn't post the first time. Was stuck on 8 (not 08). Pressed the magical reset(?) button ton the back of the board and after about 5 mins it finally posted. Change my memory back to 2666 and I'm now in windows.

My idle temp is still apparently anywhere from 35-50ish so god knows what is going on there.
I used the USB method to update to 1001. Posted with no issues at the default spec (i cleared CMOS before applying the update).

Went in to BIOS and have 3000mhz running for the first time on my Vengeance LPX 3200, so for me some small progress to a happier place.
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