Anyone with a first swift thinking of getting one of these? One of the new ones that is?

I'm considering the ultra-wide not that I need the extra width so much as the extra HDMI connector on all these new ones will let me plug in my other non G-Sync devices. Currently I have multiple screens on my desk but I'd rather just have the one and switch inputs when necessary.

The price though is making me investigate whether I really need G-Sync as the price for a screen without it is almost half the price.
The ultra wide is not for me due to me having three swifts already I kinda wish I waited for the IPS veration even tho they are almost £200 each extra for them.
Gibbo do you have any updated dates on these monitors? I have a pre order in with you but other retailers are getting a date of the 23rd of October for less £. Apparently they will also have them on release day, i am looking specifically at the PG279Q.
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Yeah i need the HDMI myself. There is a new Acer v2 which will have HDMI and this panel but we have no further news on that and we know how things can go with Acer with both QC and ETA's.
FYI i sent a web message for an update and got informed Gibbo was on holiday until Monday. Hopefully we will get a message when he's back with revised dates and confirmation of over-clockers stock priority.
Nope, As I have both a Swift and IPS monitor yes I can see the difference but to me the difference isn't that much, I'd much rather the lightning fast 1Ms :p

The original Swift certainly seems better than your average TN. That said, I have seen plenty of reviews/feedback where people have said they couldn't put up with it coming from IPS, vs others like yourself who don't seem to notice that much of a difference. It's largely subjective I'm guessing, and how well both monitors are calibrated.
Yeah I read the exact same too legend, so many different opinions, some absolute hate the swift still but then you get others that say the difference is very minor.... :/
I'm looking forward to the reason Asus have for the 165Hz, Probably going to be along the lines of "We did lots of research and found everyone can tell the difference between 144 and 165 and it makes your gaming experience better" or some mumbo jumbo marketing bull they usually come out with.
4K or the wide screen? Are they both out this year?
Is the Widescreen just a 1440p monitor or do they look better than the standard 1440p?
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Asus ask us to take it down until they can give a better ETA for the product as they fear the delivery might slip into 2016. Once they have a more accurate ETA they will allow us to re-list. :)

Do you have any idea when you will add it back on the website, the PG348Q :)
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