Roll up roll up... OcUK Manchester (French Car) Meet No. 2

I think we originally planned to have Manchester Meet in/around Greater Manchester (And the reason its Greater is that its slightly better than Skunthorp ;)), but it shifted to somewhere with slightly more interesting roads, and slightly less chavs ;)
Sheet the bed, this thread has grown a bit & it's still a month away!

Looks a decent list of confirmed people, hope the car-parks can fit everybody in! Mind you, me & Gilly won't need to worry as were easily going to be the first to arrive each time! ;)
Coco said:
Sheet the bed, this thread has grown a bit & it's still a month away!

Looks a decent list of confirmed people, hope the car-parks can fit everybody in! Mind you, me & Gilly won't need to worry as were easily going to be the first to arrive each time! ;)

You mean Gilly and Me surely? You'll fly past the carpark, and wont be seen for hours! ;)
:eek: You guys are slacking, this thread was on page 2!

Anyway, met up with Si last night at the pub and we went for a little drive. Thanks to Si for coming out almost as soon as he got home from Uni. Should have told me to **** off :D

The drive was great, the weather was not. High winds, no visiblity and wet roads... but we still managed to get up to some rather silly speeds down the straights! Si mentioned to me that he was suprised how well my car was keeping up with him, so :p to all you frenchies. Pulled out of the pub carpark and we both went for it... hehe, bet he didn't like my car sticking to his bumper all the way up the first incline.

As well as all this fun, I also had a little bit of a scary moment when coming off the motorway and following the bend round. I noticed the junction and had to brake pretty hard. Cue the back end stepping out :eek: Glad to say that was the only tail-out action throughout the whole drive.

Got an idea of where the dreaded junction is too. Following Si, saw his brake lights come on followed by his hazards. Couldn't help but chuckle to myself at past memories.

We're off back out again on Wednesday evening with thedazman, and I'm taking a mate up to show him the roads on Sunday afternoon, so if anyone fancies a quick blast, you're welcome to join us :)

Oh Si, T-Cut for the mostly acceptable win!
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Hmm, Si, now who's slacking :p

Met up with Si and Daz tonight to give the roads another going over.

To mine and Si's amazement, Daz (thedazman) pulled a Coco :p When we got to the 2nd pub, he was nowhere to be seen. We both started having doubts about whether he had overshot the junction of doom, especially when he wouldn't answer his phone :eek:

Eventually, he answered and when we told him where we were, he said he had gone straight past that pub and carried on!! Oh, how we laughed.

As for the driving, the weather wasn't too bad, but the roads were quite wet so I (yet again, Si shot off into the distance) was taking it easy. Up on the high roads, and we were greeted with some serious fog, so had to reduce our speeds to 30mph... even that was too fast for the conditions.

Coming towards the end of the route, me and Si were stuck behind a Corsa and a Punto (Daz was nowhere to be seen at this point). Si overtook the Corsa on a bend, followed by me, and when he went to overtake the Punto, the driver decided this wasn't good enough and put his foot down. Was comical to see Si's Saxo continue to storm past what was probably a chav in his 55bhp lawnmower.

Oh, we stopped in the 2nd pub for a pint and Gilly will be pleased to know that a certain barmaid still works there ;)

If tonights events are anything to go by, then this is going to be another quality meet.
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