Roll up roll up... OcUK Manchester (French Car) Meet No. 2

Benneh and thebrasso, thanks very much for the offers, hope I get to take you both up on that :)

You guys are going to love the route. Just as you come out of the little town and head towards the moors, there's a wicked straight road which goes on for about a mile. Lots of fun to be had on there with the G-Meter :cool:
cymatty said:
Dont have el on my list, firestar has but i havent spoke to him.


Well, they know the times :)

Oops, just remembered I haven't actually set the meeting place/time in stone yet.

M62 Eastbound, Services between J18-J19, 11am

Be there or be square :p
agw_01 said:
You guys are going to love the route. Just as you come out of the little town and head towards the moors, there's a wicked straight road which goes on for about a mile. Lots of fun to be had on there with the G-Meter :cool:

Tut tut agw, this will be a nice reserved meet with no himt of lunacy. ;)
Ok, had a call from Paradigm tonight. He's still coming, so that's good news. Sadly, he's been banned off the forums so won't be able to post, but I'm sure he'll be back shortly.

Si, sorry I couldn't catch you on MSN tonight mate. I'm off to my mums' for tea tomorrow, so will be back at about 9:30, with cans... so it's a night in for me tomorrow :)
Ok, slight problem for me...I can't leave Stoke until 11am because something has come up, so I'm looking at being up that way by 12pm..its gonna be too much trouble to find people methinks because I don't have satnav and you will be on the move by then...what do you reckon agw/cymatty?

I don't want to keep people waiting etc.
thebrasso, that's no problem mate, just glad you're still coming.

The route is off junction 22 of the M62 Eastbound.

Come off at that junction and take the first left. Careful though, it's quite a steep corner and I had my back end skit around when I went down there a few weeks ago :D

Just follow the road for about 2-3 miles and you'll see a pub on the left hand side. If in doubt, just look for a bright red rover! :) We won't be getting to the pub until around 12 ish though, so if we're not there, hang around. Si, what's the name of the pub?

Weather has been good for the past few days... very very cold, but dry! Might put my K&N on for the meet without fearing too much heat soak, just so you guys can hear british power how it was intended ;)
Weather Update

Sunday 20th November 2005

Max Day Temperature 8C
Min Night Temperature -2C
Wind 3mph NNE
Visibility - Poor
Pressure 1032mb
Relative Humdidity 90
Sun Index - Low
Pollution - Low

Outlook - Cold but dry with little cloud

its gonna be -2 the night before so ill have to get up earlier to defrost the car ;)

:eek: Ouch! -2! Better bring my gloves!

Need to sort out a cold air feed then methinks... wrap a bit of foil around the K&N and say hello to the MASSIVE bhp increase, innit!
:D We'll probably hear you long before we can see you.

I can just imagine the discussion at the table..

Si - "So Gilly, tell us about those giant man-nipples"
Gilly - "Well Si, yeah, they're bloody well 'ard"... rummble, growl, brrmmmmm, psttttt
Me - "Holy ****!!!!1111!1111!1!, it's the Evo's!

:rolleyes: @ me trying to be funny.
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