Roll up roll up... OcUK Manchester (French Car) Meet No. 2

Wewt, got my motor sorted so all is well, just need to get the door rail thingy tightened (trying to play out of the creeky rover image here).
Might even treat myself to a dump valve and an air filter tomorrow, being as i blew my rent on fixing the motor for this trip, and another 60-70 on gas and food means i wont make it back up before rent day, so why the hell not :P.
Few days to go now then guys.

Was thinking of cleaning the car but dont think I will, at least the colour mismatch wont be so obvious as its all in dirt drown now. :p

Hmmm nothing else to do may as well give it a quick clean I guess.
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I'll be there for 12:30, but I won't be eating myself...

Looking forward to seeing some tasty motors, and try to speak to a few more people than I did at the RR day.
Weather Update 2

Sunday 20th November
Max Day Temp 8C
Min Night Temp 0C
Wind Speed 3 mph East
Visiblitiy Moderate

Outlook : SUNNY

the de-icer will be out in full on sunday morning with saturday night temperatures dropping to -4C

Just found out that one of my front tyres is leaking air at an alarming rate! Leaks about 20psi over about 36 hours. Yey, more problems!

Was out in my car tonight hooning around, seeing just what levels of grip I could expect in the crap weather, and tbh, I'm well impressed. Just hope the roads up there aren't too icy :o

Oi L0rdy... we'll have less of that thank you :p

Sam, yep mate, they'll have something to cater for everyone. How about a nice "burger" :D

I sorted out some handouts today at work, so there will be one for each of you. Basically describes the route and meeting plan, so that if anyone does get lost, you'll have a rough idea of how to get back to the group.. and not overshoot any proposed meeting places.
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