My god the bugs in this game are damned annoying!!! This has happened to me twice now - Was attacking a city and had them surrounded for a few turns so the AI would lose troops through attrition. As it turned out I actually lost 3/4 of my army through attrition and the AI lost none!!
To top it off the AI army spawns right next to a capture flag and I lose because I couldn't get my army to it quick enough
blughh really am just going to put this game away for a few months and hopefully they can fix it. Seems a very broken game right now but it has the potential to be great
Graphically it's only acceptable AFTER I've put mods on it, no way I'd call it "good"
I'm more worried/annoyed about the loss of family trees, cut scenes etc which added to the feel of the game, it's less engaging now. I mean hell you don't even get Spy cut scenes just a pop up and the agents all feel the same.
General dies? up pops a new one, no need to think about.. so you can concentrate on the terrible naval battles and having troops run around in circles during your 4 minute battles? No thanks, makes no sense.
Screw graphics, get the damn game right!
To be honest, I think the criticisms are a little OTT.
Yes it's got bugs & balance issues, along with a host of performance problems - but overall the game is still fun & I find myself playing it quite a bit.
Once these issues are resolved the game will be top notch, as it's got a great foundation to work from.
If it was that bad I wouldn't still be playing it.
That's kinda how I see it.Whilst i have been complaining a lot about this game ( and quite rightly so), you do have a point. It is still a Total War game and the foundation is strong. They just need to fix the god awful performance, get rid of the asinine new ideas (capture the flag, no family tree, no guard mode/fire at will e.t.c) and then it might be a pretty good game.
At the moment i refuse to play it. Hopefully by Christmas they will have ironed out the rubbishness!
Acceptable? I'm playing on extreme and I'd say the graphics are a damn sight better than acceptable but then I haven't really suffered from the muddy textures etc that others have had. Although I agree that is after modding but only of the colour grading and filters (GEM mod). My main gripe is that although it looks better than Shogun (marginally though no tesselation :/) it performs considerably worse which doesn't make sense.
I agree on the mechanics, there are a lot of flaws in the core gameplay. They got a lot right in Shogun 2, and whilst there are some additions in Rome 2 that I do like they altered far too much on things that didn't need to be changed.
Have you turned on "unlimited GPU memory" on the graphics options?, it enforces whatever options you select & doesn't let Rome 2 under-scale to keep performance high (as sometimes it does to too much).