Ronski's Training Log

Nice work on the deadlift!

There is something rude and obnoxious about pulling something up at that end of the scale... looking forward to 200kg and then 250kg! :D

Thanks! We are starting a six week deadlift cycle so fingers crossed that will get me 200kg :)
Should be easy.

I have full confidence. :)

Heheh - thanks!

Warm Up
Row 500m
20 Air Squats
Hip Mobilization
Back Mobilization

Strength - Front Squat Cycle - 531 first wave
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3
Working Sets
70kg x 5
80kg x 5
92kg x 7 - ugh -been quite some time since I have done any front squatting so was hoping for 8 or 9 reps

Big but boring
10 x 5 @45kg - ok

2k row for time
Result - 7min 34 secs - this was a 5 second PB so I can't be too happy. Looking at the splits I rowed a slow second 500m which cost me 3 seconds. Exhausting work.
Couldn't get to the class today so had the luxury of taking the workout home with me to my garage gym

Warm Up
Cross Over Symmetry - Activation
15 Air Squats
15 Cal Assault Bike
250m Row
250m Ski
Shoulder Mobility
Hip Mobility
3 KBS Swings @12kg, 20kg, 28kg, 32kg
3 Clusters @20kg, 30kg, 40kg, 50kg

15min AMRAP
Row 250m
7 Clusters @50kg
Ski 250m
7 American Kettlebell Swings @32kg

Result = 3 rounds + row (that was long and heavy)

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Plyo Program
10min Assault bike
Popped back into the gym today for some barbell work;

Warm Up
500m ski
2 rounds of:
- 10 Push Ups
- 10 Shoulder Passes
- 10 Squat Jumps
Hip Mobility
Front Rack Mobility

Push Press 5 x 10 @60%
Warm up
Bar x 10
30kg x 8
40kg x 5
Working Sets:
53kg x 10 x 5 - dat cardio

Bench Press - 3 week of 531
Warm Up
Bar x 20
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
3 x 68kg
3 x 80kg
8 x 87.5kg - went for rep 9 (my goal) but got stuck half way and needed a spot. It matches my PB at this weight so that will do

Decided it was time to get some Bent over barbell rows in so:
Bench Press 10 Reps @60kg
Bent over barbell 10 reps @70kg
5 rounds - 2mins between rounds
Hard and intense

100 Face Pulls
You're flying ahead on bench mate! I got back in the gym for the first time in three weeks (illness, travel, work uncertainty! and ankle injury have kept me out) so going to restart my log on Monday and get fired in!

Keep up the good work!
You're flying ahead on bench mate! I got back in the gym for the first time in three weeks (illness, travel, work uncertainty! and ankle injury have kept me out) so going to restart my log on Monday and get fired in!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks mate - sorry to hear about your dramas but hopefully looking forward to seeing you making gains again!

Wasn't suppose to train today but passed by the gym and ended up in a class:

Warm Up
Row 500m
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Passes
Burgner Warm Up

E.M.O.M for 18 minutes

1st Minute - 5 Power Cleans
2nd Minute - 3 Hang Squat Cleans
3rd Minute - Clean and Jerk (had to be a squat clean)

Did the first 9 minutes @50kg which was fine and the last 9minutes @60kg which was good challenge. Probably should have done the last 3 minutes @70kg but to be honest the 3 hang squat cleans were getting challenging

Following the long EMOM we had a short WoD

5min AMRAP
Sumo Dead High Pull @95lbs

Result = 82 reps - pushed as hard as I could and finished one rep shy of one of the "big dogs' who managed 83 so pleased with that result.
Went in this morning to start the deadlift cycle:

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry
300m Ski
15 GHD Situps
15 Hip Extensions
15 Good mornings @20kg
20 Air Squats
Shoulder Mobilisation
Hip Mobilisation

Deadlifts - 3-5 Warm Up Sets - then 2 reps @80%, @86%, @92%
Warm Up
Bar x 10
70kg x 8
100kg x 5
120kg x 3
140kg x 2

Working Sets
155kg x 2 - ok
170kg x 2 - ok
180kg x 5 - first two felt good so went on for as many as I could do and hit a new 5RM PB - interestingly this was only the 4th time I had lifted this weight and only ever for a single rep. Really happy and hoping that a 200kg pull could be around the corner
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Every faith in you mate! Itching to get back to the box now, got my tracking spreadsheets and process all done and ready to go for Monday - 12 weeks of cutting here we come!
Been a tough few days at work coupled with a sore shoulder enforced some rest days. So got back in the gym this morning for work

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
Row 500m
20 Air Squats
10 x Leg Overs
Hip Mobility
Front Rack Mobility

Front Squats
Bar x 10
30kg x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
75kg x 3 - ok
85kg x 3 - ok
97.5kg x 5 - ugh hard work - wanted 7 reps but not today

Push Press
Bar x 10
30kg x 8
40kg x 5
50kg x 5

Working Sets - no rack - from the floor
5 x 10 @57.5kg - hard work but ok

That was enough for this morning. Bench and deadlift tomorrow,
High Volume on the overhead work! Good Job

Thanks mate

Back in this morning;

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
2 Rounds of
Row 250m
10 GHD Situps
10 Hip Extension
25m Duck Walk

Hip Mobility

Deadlift - 4 @80%, [email protected]% 2@95% (I thought - this looks heavy when I walked in)

So Warm up
Bar x 20
70kg x 10
120kg x 5
120kg x 5
130kg x 4
140kg x 3
Working Sets
155kg x 4 - ok
170kg x 3 - was tough but ok
185kg x f
185kg x f
185kg x f - Just wasn't happening today

3 Rounds of
1min max pull ups
1min max burpees
1min max situps
1min max hand release push ups
1min max air squats
1min rest

Score = 327reps - ouch that hurt

Took some time to recover - then

Bench Press - 1+ week of 531
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
72.5kg x 5 - ok
82.5kg x 3 - ok
94kg x 3 - went for rep 4 but it nearly pinned me and I needed a spot - I think all the push ups earlier took it out of me

A long hard session - time to go home and rest. I have Olympic weightlifting seminar over the next two days which should be fun.
So had a very enjoyable weekend at the Weightlifting Seminar and even managed to get some split jerking going which was good.

This morning back in the gym

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - Activation
70 Double Unders
15 Wall Facing Squats
OHS complex
20 Shoulder Passes
Front Rack Mobility
25m - burpee broad jumps
Hip Mobility

Front Squat - 1+ week of 531
Warm Up
Bar x 10
43kg x 5
54kg x 5
65kg x3

Working Sets
80kg x 5 - ok
92kg x 3 - ok
103kg x 5 - finally able to hit my goal reps for the first time in this 531 wave. Have to admit that the 5th rep was a massive fight but I got it and that puts my estimated 1RM back at 120kg which is good

5km Partner Row

I was teamed with a girl and switching every 500m we got a time of - 21min46secs only 30secs behing an all male pair so that was good too
Sigh two weeks off due to work travel and sickness. Anyway feeling better so went in this morning for a serious metcon:

Warm Up
100m run
25m duck walk
75m run
10 inch worms
25m run
50m walking lunges
50m walking lunges with torso rotation
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Mobility

5min AMRAP
Run 400m
Max Toes to Bars - (scaled to Knees to Elbow)

Rest 3min

5min AMRAP
50 Burpees
Max Barbell Thrusters (20kg)

5min AMRAP
50 American Kettlebell Swings @24kg
Max Ab Mat Sit Ups

Rest 3mins

5min AMRAP
100 Air Squats
Max Cal Ski

Score is total number of "Max Reps" - Result - 102

The 50 burpees in 4mins were horrible - what a way to come back after sometime off. I am going to lie down for a while.
Well November has been hard for training - a combination of sickness and work travel has left my training sporadic to say the least.

Normality resumed today

Warm Up
Row 500m
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder Passes
Hip Mobility
Wrist Mobility

Bench Press - I have been doing my best to keep up with 531 - this is 1+ week
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
75kg x 5
85kg x 3
95kg x 1+ = result was 6 reps which was a PB

WoD = Grace (30 Clean and Jerks for time @61kg)
Result = 3min 56secs

The first time I do this workout Rx and it's no joke!
Couldn't help but play with my new toys this evening:

and with the milder weather decided to use the outdoor rig to get some back squats in:

Warm Up
Row 500m
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder passes
Hip Mobility

Workout - work up to a heavy 5RM
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
75kg x 5
82.5kg x 5
95kg x 5
105kg x 5
116kg x 5 - ugh fight for the last rep

It's been a long time since I have had a bar on my back and certainly nothing over 100kg for a while. So a decent benchmark to work a few 531 cycles on
Yesterdays - Oly Class:

Warm Up:
500m row
Hip Mobility
Shoulder Passes
Buergner Warm Up with the class - failure to have the hook grip in meant 3 burpees for the whole class. That was a lot of burpees!

Snatch work - 70%, 80%, 90% of training max per set (65lbs, 85lbs, 115lbs)
3 x 3 - Floor to First Pull
3 x 3 - First Pull to High Pull
3 x 1 - Launch Position to 2" Power Snatch
3 x 1 - Launch Position to 4" Power Snatch
3 x 1 - Launch Position to 6" Power Snatch
3 x 1 - Full Snatch

Then 10 mins to work to a heavy single snatch for the day - I hit 60kg a couple of times.

Then worked up some Power Cleans:

Bar x Positioning work for 5mins
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 3
80kg x 2
85kg x 2
93kg x f
93kg x f

93kg would have been a PB but it wasn't happening so left it and still happy having put in some good work.
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