Ronski's Training Log

Assault Bike for 5:00 prior to class

Mobility: Upper Trap Stretch 2:00 P/S

2 Rounds
Crab Walk
Bear Crawl
Spiderman Walk

2 x 30/30 seconds wall hand stand hold facing away
2 x 30/30 seconds wall hand stand hold facing toward


Push Press 2 eccentric reps @50kg (EMOTM 10:00)

Skills and Drills
5 Dips in power position
5 Muscle Snatch from power position
5 Muscle Snatch from hang
5 Muscle Snatch from mid shin

5 Dips in Power position
5 Power Snatch from power position
5 Power Snatch from hang
5 Power Snatch from mid shin


30 Snatches for time 60/42.5kg (I scaled to 40kg)

Time = 2min 32sec which is not bad considering the first time I ever do Isabel. Next time I will try this at 45kg (slightly more than the ladies weight:) )
Last workout in Australia before flying back early tomorrow morning was a brutal to say the least:

400m Row/run (Please complete prior to class)

Quad Smash

2 Rounds

10 Shoulder Pass Throughs
10 O/h Squats
10 Rolling Sit-ups
10 Back Extensions
10 Push-Ups
10 Ring Rows


60 Cal Row
60 Wallballs 10/9 20/14lbs
60 Pull-ups
60 Plate step back lunges
60 KB Swings 24/16
60 Box jumps 24/20


Time - 29min 00secs
Always something great about walking back into your local gym after a spell away...

Anyway class this morning

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - activation
60 Double Unders (or attempts)
15 Wall Facing Squats
Hollow Hold 3 x 20secs
10 Pull Ups
5 Wall Climbs
20m Bear Walk


3 minutes L-Sit Hold
3 minutes Hollow Plank

Surprisingly hard work

WoD for reps/cals
Rest 20 secs between each minute of work
1min Ski for cals
1min max Kettlebell Swings @24kg
1min Row for cals
1min max Goblet Squat @24kg
1min 15m shuttle runs (each shuttle counts as 1 rep)
1min Sumo Dead High Pull @24kg
<Repeat once more>

Result - 189 reps Rx - and an incredible amount of sweat
back in for class this morning:

Warm Up
Ski 250m
10 push ups
10 shoulder passes
10 squat jumps
- Wrist mobility
- Hip Mobility

Floor press 10 x 2 @65%
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 10
65kg x 2 x 10 - a set every 30 secs - smooth

2 rounds for time
90 single unders
30 box jump overs
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches @45lbs

Time = 9min 43 secs (I thought the box jump overs were never going to end!)

Accessory Work:

12 x 3 Seated DB Tricep Extensions
100 Banded Tricep Push Downs
100 Band Face Pull Aparts
Was up super early and got bored so went to the gym:

Bench Press - second wave of 531
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47kg x 5
57kg x 3

Working Sets
62kg x 5
72kg x 5
82kg x 10 - not bad considering I was unspotted so maybe one more rep at the end

Then it was time for class:

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry activation
Junk Yard Dog
- wrist mobility
- hip mobility
Burgener Warm Up

Skill - Cleans
EMOM - 12mins
1 Power Clean
1 hang squat clean
1 front squat
1 Push jerk

I did 3 rounds @40kg, 5 rounds @50kg and 4 rounds @60kg which got be breathing hard

7min AMRAP
7 Wall Balls @20lb to 10ft Target
7 Hang Power Cleans @50kg

Result = 7 rounds

I went out like a rocket and smoked the first 4 rounds - thought I might be on for 8 but by round 6 more forearms were really feeling it so finished at 7 lying on the floor :)

Rest day today
Benching is looking strong my friend - 82 x 10 is more than I can contemplate right now!

Thanks mate - shoulders are feeling good at the moment.

Managed to catch a couple of classes this weekend:


EMOM - 10mins
5 Deadlifts
3 Power Cleans
2 Jerks

Got tough in the last couple of rounds

8min AMRAP
50 single unders
25 Air Squats
Result - 5 rounds and 50 single unders


Box Squat @55% 10 x 2 - so a good session at 80kg

For time
21 - 18 - 15 - 12 - 9
Sumo Dead High Pull
Shoulder to over head

Time = 8min 47 secs - enjoyable
Been on the road for the last couple of days so unable to train. Back in this afternoon:

3 week of 531 wave 2
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
55kg x 3

Working Sets
67.5kg x 3
77.5kg x 3
87.5kg x 8 - happy with that, tried for the 9th rep but needed spotting on it

bonus set
92.5kg x 3 - smooth

Then it was time for class
Warm Up
60 Double Unders
Then 2 rounds of
10 push ups
10 squat jumps
10 shoulder passes
10 Burpees

- hip mobility
- wrist mobility

Strict Press - 10 x 2 @65%
So 10 x 2 @42.5kg - one set every 45 secs - smooth

100 Wall Balls for time
every 60 secs perform 10 push ups

Result 9min 30sec - awful!
Tough week at work - so happy to make it to Class this morning:

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
OHS Squat Complex - pvc pipe
Then a quick game - two teams in a race - 20m burpee broad jumps/duck walk 2 rounds

In mixed pairs (one person works at anyone time) with a running clock:

A. Row 1200m
100 Hand Release Push Ups

Rest 3 mins

B. 200 Air Squats
50 pull ups

Rest 3 mins

C. 80 GHD Situps
Ski 1200m

Rest 3min

D. Run 400m x 2

Result = 40min 14 secs

A great metcon blast and always fun to do a team WoD. Exactly what I needed having been sat on airplane/meetings all week
Busy again this week with work.

Caught and Oly Class on Saturday (focused on cleans)

and yesterday's class:

Warm Up
60 Double Unders
15 Wall Squats
- Hip Mob
- Mid Back Mob
20 - Burpee Broad Jumps

Strength - Box Squats 10 x 2 @65%
So for me 10 x 2 @90kg - ok
3 x 20 - Overhead Walking Lunges @20kg
3 x 20 - Hip Extensions @20kg

For Max meters
Row or Ski
6 x 2min
Rest 1min after each round
Score = 3042m (ski) - ugh brutal brutal cardio
Warm Up
60 Double unders (or attempts)
Then 2 rounds of
10 Push Ups
10 Shoulder Passes
10 Squat Jumps
10 Burpees

- Hip Mobility
- Mid Back Mobility

Strength 10 x 2 Floor Press @70%
10 x 2 @70kg - ok

3 rounds for time
1 x Bridge Run (outside the gym there is a pedestrian bridge over the highway)
50 x Air Squats
10 x Ground to Overhead @50kg

Time - 18mins 33secs - Running outside in 80% humidity and 34C was one hot sweaty mess. Ugh
Today Bench Press - second wave of 5/3/1 - it's the 1+ week

Warm up
Crossovery Symmetry Activation
20 Shoulder passes
10 push ups

Bench Press - Warm up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47.5kg x5
57.5kg x 3

Working Sets
72.5kg x 5 - ok
82.5kg x 3 - ok
91kg x 7 - very happy with that - it was my target number of reps and it was all smooth. Went for rep 8 but needed a spot to complete it.

Big But Boring
5 x 10 @60kg - smooth - when I last did BBB @60kg I found it challenging so this was much better

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Iron Scap Program
Spotty training and even worse no logging!

Wednesday 23rd Sept

I had a bunch of the guys from the gym come over to my house to play with the toys

In teams of 3

WoD 1
max distance Yoke carry @160kg
Result 250m

Rest 5mins
WoD 2
150 Wall Balls @30lbs to 10ft Target
every 3mins 27 deadlifts @100kg
Result 5min 27 secs

Rest 5mins

WoD 3
3 Miles Assault Bike
100 Hang Cleans @40kg
400m Team run
Time 11min 37sec

Was brilliant fun to have the guys and girls over and then we followed up with a massive BBQ (but not booze). A couple of pics

Calm before the storm:

The team afterwards:
Had a day off then back to the gym on Friday 25th September for a rather large kettlebell metcon:

WoD 1
5min AMRAP
16 KB Snatches @24kg
8 Toes to Bar (I did knees to elbow)
Result = 3 rounds + 16 reps
Rest 2mins

WoD 2
5min AMRAP
Rep Scheme - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 ....
Kettlebell Goblet Squat @24kg
Hand Release Push Ups
Result - completed the round of 12
Rest 2 mins

WoD 3 - now with a running clock
3 Rounds
12 Alternating Kettlebell Clean @25kg
15 Pull Ups
Result = 5mins 21 secs

Rest 2mins (I was ready to go home at the end of this WoD)

WoD 4
Rep Scheme - 42 - 30 - 10
Kettlebell Swings
Ab mat situps

Result - 17min 14secs

That was disgustingly hard work - I spent the rest of the day on the couch
Saturday 26th September

Morning caught the Olympic Lifting Class
Warm Up
20 Air Squats
10 Inch worms
300m Ski
5 Burpees
400m Row
Overhead Squat Complex (narrow grip) with 20kg bar

Oly Class

A) 3 Position Clean Pull (up x down) x 5 - working up to 100% Clean and Jerk Weight

1. Split Jerk Foot Work x 30
2. Split Stance Press 3 x 10 @20kg
3. Split Jerk - 3 sec Pause in catch - 5 reps - 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg 70kh

C) 10mins to find a heavy clean and jerk
Hit a couple at 75kg and 80kg and left it at that
Sunday 28th September

Bench Day

Warm up
Row 500m
15 Squats
10 Push Ups
Shoulder Mobility

Bench Day
Bar x 10
95lbs x 10
145lbs x 5
205lbs x 3
225lbs x 2
235lbs x 1
245lbs x 1
250lbs x f
250lbs x f (just could not get the lock out - it would have been a 1kg PB) - am going to do another couple of 531 waves

Then 2 x 10 reps @145lbs
Back to normal class this morning - 29th Sept

Warm Up
25m Bear Crawl
20 Shoulder Passes
10 Pull Ups
5 wall walks
Shoulder Mobility
Hip Mobility

1 Rep Max Strict Press
Bar x 10
29kg x 5
40kg x 3
50kg x 2
60kg x 1 (it felt good)
69kg x 1 (attacked it and up it went for a 4kg PB)
72.5kg x f (couldn't get it passed the top of my head)

Still really happy with that.

3 Rounds for Time
1000m row
25 Push Ups
10 Deadlifts @70% (135kg)

Result - 21mins 54 secs of hard work
Morning class

Warm up
Junkyard Dog
Burgener Warm Up
Shoulder Mobility
Hip Mobility

Skill - Clean and Jerk
6min EMOM
1 Clean and Jerk @60% - focus on squat clean and split - 50kg, 55kg, 55kg, 60kg, 60kg

15mins to find 1RM Clean and Jerk
1 x 60kg - ok
1 x 70kg - ok
1 x 82.5kg - ok PB - but 1kg :)
1 x 85kg - bit of a walk forward in the jerk - but got it for a new PB
1 x 87.5kg - just missed the catch in the clean - it's definitely there though - next time

For time
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
Double Unders - I still suck at double unders so x 3 single unders for me
Sit Ups
Result = 8mins 59 secs

Cool down

100 Face pulls
Time for some lifting

Warm up
Row 300m
10 Hip Extensions
10 GHD Situps
2 x 6 Single Leg Kettle Bell Deadlifts
10 Air Squats
Shoulder mobility
Hip Mobility
Mid back mobility

1RM Deadlift
40kg x 10
70kg x 5
120kg x 3
140kg x 2
160kg x 1
180kg x 1 - felt heavy but ok
195kg x f - up a few inches - but no
195kg x 1 - a grinder and up for a 2.5kg PB. This was good as I have not pulled more than 170kg in the last 10 weeks. Goal now is pull 200kg before the end of the year.

Bench Press - new 531 wave
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 3

Working Sets
65kg x 5
75kg x 5
82.5kg x 11 - PB at this weight and one more rep at this weight than on the last cycle. There was definitely another rep in there

69kg x 10 - ugh that's heavy for that many reps
69kg x 10 - same
60kg x 10 - enough now
Nice work on the deadlift!

There is something rude and obnoxious about pulling something up at that end of the scale... looking forward to 200kg and then 250kg! :D
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