RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

I would have done exactly the same as the RRS driver. If I had kids in the car the central locking would be on so no one from the outside could get in.
An NYPD spokesman told MailOnline the Lien was taken to hospital and treated for lacerations to his face and body.

He said there were no other injuries reported from the incident.

No one has been arrested and police are still investigating and examining the evidence, he said.

To quote the op

reports coming out that 1 biker was killed and the driver was later beaten into a coma. Where were the police!

Im not siding or justifying anyones actions but if he did kill one of them then he deserves what he got, yes the bikers we're being idiots but that does'nt justify playing skittles with other road users. Its quite clear that if you drive a Range Rover into a pack of bikers you are going to cause some serious injuries.

Whether intimidated or not. If you feel intimidated, lock the doors, close the windows and find the nearest exit. You don't give those who are intimidating you a reason to take it further.
Videos seem to be being deleted/hidden while I've just been watching them. The Channel Owner obviously realises they could be incriminating now.

Was just about to post the same thing, also looking at the videos they were going out of their way to intimidate drivers the whole time, so yes it looks like they may have just done it for fun
Although not from the day, just look at this one and the car driver at the start particularly. Could you imagine those people surrounding your car!

Surely nobody would be stupid enough to post what happened before if it is incriminating, although looking at their riding someone could...

Well some people are.

I remember on one of the Traffic Cops shows here in the UK they were showing how they now had people dedicated to tracking down people who post their reckless behaviour online. They interviewed one guy who was caught from his YouTube driving and he had no clue it would happen.

I obviously don't know how they handle things in the US, but even though this guy is deleting videos from that day, he still has his channel full of videos showing him doing wheelies down highways and plenty of his friends doing stupid stuff.
Im not siding or justifying anyones actions but if he did kill one of them then he deserves what he got, yes the bikers we're being idiots but that does'nt justify playing skittles with other road users.
Of course it does!

If you are going to intimidate a lone road user to the point where they feel their lives are in danger then you will have to accept that you may become a skittle.
Im not siding or justifying anyones actions but if he did kill one of them then he deserves what he got, yes the bikers we're being idiots but that does'nt justify playing skittles with other road users. Its quite clear that if you drive a Range Rover into a pack of bikers you are going to cause some serious injuries.

Whether intimidated or not. If you feel intimidated, lock the doors, close the windows and find the nearest exit. You don't give those who are intimidating you a reason to take it further.

Easy to say when your not in the situation with your family potentially in danger (perceived or real).

Not enough information to know what really happened but never seen those bike convoys do anything but cause trouble.
Clearly one of them was carrying a knife and most don't have plates, They were out to cause a little trouble and have some "fun" which has then gotten well out of hand. According to the report linkined earlier in the thread one of the RR tyres was flat (likely from driving over bikes) which explains why he slowed down. Poor guy will have been bricking it and by the looks for good reason. What's to say he wouldn't of been beaten up or worse after the first small hit? He was backed into a corner and given no option.
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Yeah apparently his tyre was slashed when he stopped after the first bike brake checked him. At that point you know they have knives and mean business. In america, if they have knives, what are the chances one of them has a gun.
Apparently police were monitoring it having diverted the bikers earlier and have their own footage of some of it.

Kicked off after one of them decided to brake test the SUV (confirmed by the police).

He was slashed with something (probably a knife) and knocked unconscious (not into a coma).

~15 of the riders have been arrested and some will get jail time if convicted due to the state laws about when a minor is involved.
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