RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

Personally, I thought that the driver was extremely restrained and that the bikers got off very lightly indeed, maybe they should take the warning that is inherent in the situation and understand that not only do they not own the road that they are exceedingly vulnerable too. He could have killed and maimed a great many of them had he chosen not to behave in such a purely defensive manner in what appeared to be a life threatening situation. I'm not sure how easy it would have been to resist side swiping a bike or two after it became clear that they did not have the families health and safety in mind, a warning shot or two would certainly have been tempting...
Given the latter part of the video shows them smashing the windows in within a matter of seconds, what good do you honestly think that will have done? I suspect the average response time is somewhat more than 20 seconds.

You're either the world's hardest nutter or a liar if you'd just sit there dialing the police whilst 20+ bikers with knives are smashing the windows of your car in with their helmets.


He's in a car...lol

If he locks the doors, he's not exiting anywhere. And a gang of bikers banging on your car probably don't care if you've locked your doors or not. "Oh parties over lads, he's locked his doors. Boooooooo!"

In a country where guns are legal, you might not feel like hanging around to see if they'll be able to get into your car or not

Was him nudging the first bike in the first place necessary, no he could have stopped, I actually cant see any brake lights on the bike that brake tests him.

By exiting, get off the freeway/highway like he did in the end, do you really think they'd have been putting his windows through etc if he hadn't run over a group of the bikes/riders.

What was wrong with his wife phoning the police while he continued to drive.
Given all the other videos of the gang circulating on the t'interweb I'm going to stick my neck out and say that they were a bunch of irresponsible ******s that had it coming to them, clearly no regard for anyone else, either on the road in other vehicles, the pavement or anywhere else, they were lucky to get off as lightly as they did given the sheer numbers of them and the way they were acting it was only a matter of time before something happened.
The video starts with the RRS already in the middle lane, how it got there the video doesn't show. He may have already been there and the bikes caught him up, he could have just joined the highway amongst the bikes, or he could have pushed in amongst the bikes, we simply don't know, and we certainly can't take the word of any bike forums, as it's clear whose side they'll be on.

From what I saw the RRS was already in the middle lane, and the bikes caught him up. Not wanting the RRS to spoil their convoy they surrounded the RRS and one of them thought in his fantastic wisdom to brake directly in front of the RRS (presumably to force it into the inside lane), but it was far to close and the RRS nudged the bike. Then basically the bikers kicked off and fully surrounded the RRS, and fearful for his and his family’s safety the RRS made a break for it...
Was him nudging the first bike in the first place necessary, no he could have stopped, I actually cant see any brake lights on the bike that brake tests him.

shows how much you know. a big bike decelerates very quickly due to engine braking. in a fairly high gear you just drop the accelerator and its like heavy braking to those behind.

im a biker, and that gang were out for trouble. simple as that.

I half expected the guy in the RRS to be toting a gun and he would have been well within his rights to start shooting as soon as the guy made an attempt to pull him out - he was by definition in fear of his life.. im guessing that is just what would have happened if this was in some other US states.
is it just me or are none of the bikers really wearing suitable attire for riding high powered motorcycles?

i would have liked to see this scenario played out in texas :D
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Then basically the bikers kicked off and fully surrounded the RRS, and fearful for his and his family’s safety the RRS made a break for it...

Somebody earlier in the thread also cut the video section just to show where they first stop the driver. It's not massively clear from the distance, but you can see the main biker who is doing the threatening makes a striking motion. Its only after he does that the Driver then tries to get away and runs over the bikes.

is it just me or are none of the bikers really wearing suitable attire for riding high powered motorcycles?

I think its further evidence that they aren't really 'proper' bikers. Some of those fools were pulling wheelies at at least 60mph in vests with no helmet. You can only hope that some of these idiots are going to kill themselves before they hurt somebody else.
Videos that the guy took down are up on the front page of ********

it's the herp-a-derp moment when he's all like "omg look how awesome we are riding everywhere, check how we delt with this ****"

then "oh ***....i don't wana go to jail *hits delete*"

but like others have said, people have downloaded it, re-uploaded it, imagin YT have a back up of deleted videos for this exact reason.

I remember seeing a documentary earlier this year about dangerous drivers who were caught because they would twitter about it or put the vids up on youtube... like one guy and his two female friends stole a bus and crashed it...filmed it all on his phone and uploaded it... then the police came knocking.... silly people!

hopefully the footage will get a few more reckless people with disregard for the safety of themselves and others around them off the roads and off the pavements.

If you're going to swear please fully mask out the words.

If a biker had of been surrounded by that many cars, and his wife was the passenger, and had somehow managed to escape it and injure/kill someone in the process, I would be siding with the biker.

The onus here is not on the intimidated, it's on the intimidators. They are entirely to blame for their actions from what can be viewed from the footage and reports.

Imagine the same situation but, instead of the family, the wife was by herself. Frightening to even think about.
I would have done the same thing as the bloke in the range rover in that situation. Fully in his right to defend his family from a threatening and hostile group of people on bikes.
So can you say what makes the RR driver immune from his actions or are you just siding with him becuase youre a car driver?

I think you'll find this works both ways:

Well if they weren't man enough to handle the consequences they shouldnt have wound him up, sounds very simple to me
Was him nudging the first bike in the first place necessary, no he could have stopped, I actually cant see any brake lights on the bike that brake tests him.

So you're admitting that the bike that cuts him up, suddenly decelerates in front of him, and not only that, does so with no warning (brake lights) and yet it's somehow still the driver's fault? :confused:

By exiting, get off the freeway/highway like he did in the end, do you really think they'd have been putting his windows through etc if he hadn't run over a group of the bikes/riders.

What was wrong with his wife phoning the police while he continued to drive.

You still haven't explained how he could "continue to drive" or "get off the freeway" when stationary, surrounded by bikes, except by driving through/over some of them. Unless you have access to teleportation or phasing technology, in which case, please, do share it with us. :rolleyes:
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