RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

Anyway, given he's already been given his kicking, i doubt he'll be arrested now. If he hadn't taken his kicking, and have the media on his side, and these were not bikers, he'd probably be up for attempted murder charges.

Again. THERE IS NO NEED FOR THEM TO ATTACK THE CAR! The threat of violence is enough to defend yourself. The driver would also not be charged with attempted murder as that implies he left the house that day planning to kill someone, which he clearly did not. Though maybe this is only clear to those who don't have a fixed agenda.....

I`m not even sure what a civil case will make of the situation. There will be very little sympathy for the biker for being involved in a group who are riding dangerously and acting in such a manner. The US view on self-defence is extremely broad and allows deadly force, the Trayvon Martin case shows exactly that.
You keep saying normal bikers - I can only assume you've not watched their other videos where the majority ride like absolute plebs in various circumstances.

These are not your regular average joe well behaved bikers that might speed a bit as you wish to imply, they are a large collection of utter muppets who regularly ride in a completely unacceptable fashion.

You'd have to be in super serious defend-all-bikers-regardless-of-anything denial mode to watch any of this and conclude the bikers were behaving normally and instigated none of this and the Range Rover driver is the aggressor here.

At first I thought it was a gang of those stunt riders, i.e mostly black or Hispanic, donning the SS helmets, causing mayhem. However, and as quoted on the CBS news this morning, by former FBI senior correspondent John Miller, who incidentally, has been talking about this every morning since it happened, said it was lots of different bikers from all walks of life, like a big huge biker meet, the type you'll find on any normal given Sunday. Yes there were some bad eggs in the bunch, and yes, normal folk, can get a little carried away while in large groups (Take soccer matches as an example.. Is the entire stadium a bunch of hooligans?) Anyway, which led me to believe that he probably over reacted by being surrounded. So for the most part, yes the majority were normal bikers. Should Lein have waited around to find out, or crap himself and taken off. I think he'd of been better off making better judgement. Run a group over, and you're really not going to get away. Bad judgement.. Plus there's the law to contend with.. ATM its more in his favor, but it could have easily gone the other way.. Say a hardworking father of two, got run over? then things would be different.
At first I thought it was a gang of those stunt riders, i.e mostly black or Hispanic, donning the SS helmets, causing mayhem. However, and as quoted on the CBS news this morning, by former FBI senior correspondent John Miller, who incidentally, has been talking about this every morning since it happened, said it was lots of different bikers from all walks of life, like a big huge biker meet, the type you'll find on any normal given Sunday. Yes there were some bad eggs in the bunch, and yes, normal folk, can get a little carried away while in large groups (Take soccer matches as an example.. Is the entire stadium a bunch of hooligans?) Anyway, which led me to believe that he probably over reacted by being surrounded. So for the most part, yes the majority were normal bikers. Should Lein have waited around to find out, or crap himself and taken off. I think he'd of been better off making better judgement. Run a group over, and you're really not going to get away. Bad judgement.. Plus there's the law to contend with.. ATM its more in his favor, but it could have easily gone the other way.. Say a hardworking father of two, got run over? then things would be different.

A normal biker meet on a Sunday when people try a rolling road block on a freeway, block roads and force cars out of their way? And cut across pavements and pop-wheelies? With no number plates? And their faces covered?

Yep, just like a normal day in Luton....
Read this, if you need me to cite sources.


Nowhere does she say 'yep the car was 'initially' attacked'.. Which is exactly what I said, before the anti biker pleb in you got a little ruffled.

I dont think you get how this works, you need to post a source that actually backs up your argument. Instead you've just posted a link and told us what it doesnt say.

And I am no way anti biker, despite what your blood tinted visor might be telling you. If anything I'm anti urban 4x4, but that's a different story.

“Unfortunately, instead, we were placed in grave danger by a mob of reckless and violent motorcyclists.” (really for the most part a normal bunch of bikers, which even included off duty cops
Off duty cops who have also been arrested for their part in the attack....

Her hubby, she said, “was forced under the circumstances to take the actions that he did in order to protect the lives of our entire family” and should not be blamed for running over and injuring one of the bikers. Again media stir is making what would otherwise be known as a normal bunch of bikers, maybe some idiots thrown in for good measure, which is to be expected in a large meet but otherwise normal...

How is this even relevant to her quote? How do you know they're a normal bunch of bikers? They seem to have previous history with this and there's videos of them attacking other cars.

“Our fear for our lives was confirmed when the incident ended with the ruthless and brutal attack on my husband, me, and, most importantly, our 2-year-old child.”

The fear for their lives was confirmed when the incident ended by the ruthless and brutal /snip..

No Ng, a brutal attack ensued AFTER you ran a few of 'em over.

As I've said all along, if they actually 'initially' attacked the RRS, then fair doo's.. However given no real attack took place, and we'll never know if it was genuine fear (aka over reaction) or that kind of macho-n ism, people have behind a RRS that took over in his brain.

You say again, no real attack took place. This is untrue based on all the media/police reports, including the one I linked you to a page back, which you seem to have chosen to ignore.


He escalated the situation. Yes started by one idiot biker who rolled off his throttle.. others stopping to not ride off in the sunset, while the rest of the group are stationary. But he escalated it to the point of no return, and he's lucky to still be alive, truth be told.

Anyway, given he's already been given his kicking, i doubt he'll be arrested now. If he hadn't taken his kicking, and have the media on his side, and these were not bikers, he'd probably be up for attempted murder charges.

He didn't escalate it, they did. They were trying to forcefully (and illegally) close the road and I know for damn sure if I had been surrounded by a large group of bikers on the motorway who are then trying to force my vehicle to a stop for unknown reasons I would be extremely worried for mine and my family's safety. I imagine this action alone was enough for the Lien family to be trying to work out an exit strategy, let alone a bike then forcing an accident and then beating and causing damage to the stopped vehicle.

He wont be arrested, because he's done nothing wrong in the circumstances and the police have stated this. You don't just get off charges because you 'took a kicking'.
They block the roads quite regularly and perform their illegal stunts and film it. This isn't about normal bikers, we have lots and lots of bikers round here riding their Harleys etc that cost more than my car. You see them riding in packs on the weekend and doing big charity rides.

This is about thugs who think they can just intimidate everyone else on the road to get their thrills.
Only just seen the video now and haven't read comments.

If there was no doctoring and the bikers were actually being that aggressive, then fair plays to the Range Rover, roll right on.
This really is getting so one sided, thanks to all the media attention.. Almost worse than the Zimmerman hoohar circus.

Now they've arrested the undercover cop for punching the RRS's back window.

Talk about throwing your own under the bus, just to satisfy the media.
Talk about throwing your own under the bus, just to satisfy the media.
Yes heaven forbid that a police officer should be arrested for allegedly breaking that law.

I hope that the overwhelming public opinion regarding this incident has opened your eyes if you ride like a douche. People don't give a toss if you end up under their wheels.
This really is getting so one sided, thanks to all the media attention.. Almost worse than the Zimmerman hoohar circus.

Now they've arrested the undercover cop for punching the RRS's back window.

Talk about throwing your own under the bus, just to satisfy the media.

There are a lot of cops who became police officers solely to beat people up, mindless thugs who proudly sport t-shirts with "witty" slogans like "we get up early to 'beat' the crowds ;) !"

ACAB, some of them are mindless thugs and its a shame he wasn't killed by the range rover if he joined in with the attack. Hopefully all arrests he has ever been part of are over turned as well (lol yea right)
This really is getting so one sided, thanks to all the media attention.. Almost worse than the Zimmerman hoohar circus.

Now they've arrested the undercover cop for punching the RRS's back window.

Talk about throwing your own under the bus, just to satisfy the media.

What the @&£% have you been smoking that makes you think its acceptable for a law enforcement officer to witness people breaking it and instead of stepping in, join in and break the law himself.

Seriously, what is wrong with you !
This really is getting so one sided, thanks to all the media attention.. Almost worse than the Zimmerman hoohar circus.

Now they've arrested the undercover cop for punching the RRS's back window.

Talk about throwing your own under the bus, just to satisfy the media.

A Cop has been arrested for breaking the law?


It's one sided because everyone in the universe apart from a few special individuals recognise what this was all about.
Even as a biker I'd have done the same thing as the RRS to save my family from a mob. Regardless of fault - you do not start attacking someone or being aggressive towards someone. I'm afraid the RRS whilst maybe OTT in reaction, did the right thing compared to the aggressive behaviour of the bikers.
I don't know what's going on anymore.

The fact is, saying something is a hell hole because its full of one kind of race, is racist. Theres no more to it than that.

Except he's talking about a nationality and not a race. Saying the building will get finished quicker because the crew is full of Poles isn't racist either.

Lies. That is clearly a photoshop.

It's true, here's the original:

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Not sure why people are stating a "brake check". Doesn't look like a brake check to me - looks as though the bikers are trying to box the RR in. A brake check is a quick tap (without actually activating the brakes to any extent) to get the vehicle behind you to slow down. The lights in this video were on long enough to slow the vehicle down, but not excessive enough to force the RR to slam their brakes on.
Except he's talking about a nationality and not a race. Saying the building will get finished quicker because the crew is full of Poles isn't racist either.

Someone always makes this smartarse comment when 'race' inevitably finds its way into a thread like this, thinking they're being clever. The reality is for all intents and purposes (definitions in British Law and UN Conventions as just two examples) racism relates to groups defined not just by race (which nobody agrees on the meaning of anyway), but also colour, nationality, ethnic origin, etc.
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