I wonder if the damage is already done. Even if the cards are fine the perception that MLCC is better might convince manufacturers to switch their designs even if it's not necessary or advantageous. We might even end up with inferior MLCC setups being used with cheaper caps or too many MLCC when a mix might be better. It will be interesting to see if Gigabyte switch their design in the coming months.
I also worry this will affect the resaleability of full SP-Cap cards. Still deciding if I should cancel my pre-order for the Gigabyte Eagle.
i feel the damage is allready done the new story spread like wildfire and every tech youtuber and site got in on the act with no real vailidation or testing. zotac is the worst hit as there cards are used as the basis for them all. i have a zotac trinity on pre order and im worried they will be forced to recall or even delay shipments to redeasign the cards and not push anymore out till they use MLCC.
i dont belive that the sp-caps are the issue just drivers and silicon lottery and the new amyphee architecture and 8nm samsung process is at its limit this generation and they allready squeezed as much out of them as they can