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RTX 4070 12GB, is it Worth it?

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In general, there is not, and there never was an xx80 chip. Each generation used a different die, different % compared to the full die, different memory bus etcetera. Going by the DIE used, the 4070ti uses the xx104 die, same as the 2080 did, same as the 1080 did, the 980 did etcera. So sure it is. Even going by performance, it's slightly slower than the 7900xt (around 8-11%), so it should at least match the 7800xt, just like last gen the 3080 matched the 6800xt, right? So sure, it's really a 4080 I guess.

But I found naming schemes always pointless, they are marketing tricks and I don't want any part with it. I care about performance and price (and to an extent power draw). What it's called, ,what die it uses, what memory bus it has is completely irrelevant to me.

imo it should be 4070 , AMD also at it with the 7900xt hell even the 7900xtx
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and yet AMD will still F up this opportunity to put one over on Jenson. That bandwidth has got to be a mistake surely.

Nope, unless the rumours are completely false this close to release the die being used is already in use in the RTX4070 laptop GPU (albeit fully enabled but at lower clocks). Performance of that GPU is already known thus RTX 3070(Ti) desktop performance is very likely for the 4060Ti. However, with the 8GB RAM and 128bit bus it will suffer even more in the latest titles when memory (whether it be a lack of optimisation that is eventually fixed or genuine usage) becomes the bottleneck (this is already seen in the laptop space where the 4070 is quicker than the 3070 at 1080 but the gap closes at 1440p).
Both the 4070 and 4070ti are £200 overpriced for the performance level they deliver while the 4080 is £400 overpriced.
How is that the case? You are basically saying that the 4070ti should be 599$ while the only 10-12% faster 7900xt is 899$. That wouldn't make sense for nvidia imo.
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AMDs GPU are overpriced as well and should be £800 for XTX and £600 for the XT.
Ah okay, usually no one says that, they just want nvidia to lower prices while they are fine with amds prices. What you said makes sense, sure. I think 599 for the 4070ti is still high though, 499 would make it a really really really good card. I would by one to replace my 5 month old 3060ti on my second pc
Come on bencher.. that's how you see it. Everyone has been saying for months both have had pricing issues. The thing to highlight is AMD lowered 6000 series prices ages ago to make way for the new gen. Nvidia didn't.
AMD not released any of their lower tier cards yet, so any discussion about pricing issues has been about Nvidia cards.

Completely unintentional on AMD's part but they have avoided said discussion quite well.

Well, until they try taking the wizz like Nvidia when the lower tier cards are actually available to buy that is :D
As it was pointed out if your only concern is power usage then don't plug it in.
You wrote previously, "That your insistence on using "power usage" is what everyone has taken issue with assumedly because it's not only technically incorrect to describe it that way but it's also highly misleading."

Aren't you being a hypocrite as well as meeting your own definition of technically incorrect & highly misleading as you just used the words power usage?

Stop being a rude troll
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AMDs GPU are overpriced as well and should be £800 for XTX and £600 for the XT.
AMD learn their lesson that selling themselves short by hundred of pounds would probably allow them to shift cards at a faster pace, but with production and shipping not keeping up and end up with retailers not haven't stock to sell and end up more sales but not necessarily higher revenue.; also not to mention majority of the people only wish AMD price their cards lower for the sake of possibly buying Nvidia for cheaper.

They already offer faster performance at lower prices with more vram than Nvidia and their RT performance while being weaker than Nvidia's offering, Nvidia really only has performance advantage for RT at Ultra settings, which would require a 4080 and ideally a 4090 for 60+fps anyway (while the 4070ti and below cards are pretty much death on arrival with their stingy 12GB vram). DLSS 3.0 is being overhyped to ridiculous level, and despite with the improvement over DLSS 2.0 using DLSS WILL still cause higher latency/input lag than without DLSS enabled (so ok for casual or single player games, but not so much for competitive or fast paced games that require precise input). DLSS is pointless if it's coupled with Nvidia selling their cards 2 teirs lower for the price they are charging.
AMD are behind on all fronts, image upscaling, RT, App support, efficiency, frame gen. It's clear why they can't get out of single digit market share. Always playing catchup with inferior solutions to nvidia's tech.

I wouldn't be surprised if desktop radeon is put on the sidelines as AMD concentrate on consoles and APUs.
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You wrote previously, "That your insistence on using "power usage" is what everyone has taken issue with assumedly because it's not only technically incorrect to describe it that way but it's also highly misleading."

Aren't you being a hypocrite as well as meeting your own definition of technically incorrect & highly misleading as you just used the words power usage?

Stop being a rude troll
Not sure why you feel the need to tell me what i previous wrote but whatever. Also can you read? Or do you not know what "your" means?

Also, also. Are you going to point out where i was rude in that post, or are you going to do what you did last time and throw around spurious accusations without substantiating them (aka: Throwing your toys out the pram).
Not sure why you feel the need to tell me what i previous wrote but whatever. Also can you read? Or do you not know what "your" means?

Also, also. Are you going to point out where i was rude in that post, or are you going to do what you did last time and throw around spurious accusations without substantiating them (aka: Throwing your toys out the pram).
Being a troll is rude. When you use the words power usage its ok, when I use them is technically incorrect. Your a hypocrite
Calling it an RTX 4070 is fine, it's silly to think they should call it something else. Why would they do that?

It's faster than a RTX3070 after all.

The issue is the price, it should be priced between £450-£500.

The price will drop when remaining 3070s are sold out.
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Being a troll is rude. When you use the words power usage its ok, when I use them is technically incorrect. Your a hypocrite
You do know that just because you say something it doesn't make it true, right.

Look as you're struggling with words I'll spell it out for you. When i used the words power usage it was referencing what you had said previously, that's what the word "your" means...
writer uses your to indicate that something belongs or relates to the person or people that they are talking or writing to
Calling it an RTX 4070 is fine, it's silly to think they should call it something else. Why would they do that?

It's faster than a RTX3070 after all.

The issue is the price, it should be priced between £450-£500.

The price will drop when remaining 3070s are sold out.
I am not so sure the price will drop, that much if at all, as the 3070 has only just started to fall below MSRP.
Υes, yes, yes and yes. That's what ive been trying to say for 50 pages but I was branded as an nvidia defender. Who cares what the margins are, lol. All that should matter for the end consumer is performance price and power draw.
Unfortunately Bencher you get people on here who are more interested in having an argument and trolling rather than a 2 way conversation in which they try to understand the other persons perspective.

You are quite right a consumer is looking for certain things such as performance, price and power draw and if they don't feel like a product gives those things they might go elsewhere. In the case of a 4070 a consumer could look at the Xbox series x and decided to buy that instead. As a consequence Nvidia loses sales
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You do know that just because you say something it doesn't make it true, right.

Look as you're struggling with words I'll spell it out for you. When i used the words power usage it was referencing what you had said previously, that's what the word "your" means...
writer uses your to indicate that something belongs or relates to the person or people that they are talking or writing to
Do you know what the words troll and hypocrite mean?
Come on bencher.. that's how you see it. Everyone has been saying for months both have had pricing issues. The thing to highlight is AMD lowered 6000 series prices ages ago to make way for the new gen. Nvidia didn't.
It's not how I see it. The amount of trashing nvidia vs amd for their pricing is around 100 to 1 going by the number of posts.

Dropping prices is not a gesture of good will. You only drop prices when your products arent selling. And they aren't selling cause your original asking price was holy meat balls high. Amd pulls the same crap constantly in both cpus and gpus. Over promise - - > underdeliver - - - > drops prices. Check zen 4 cpus when originally the 7600x and the 7700x were competing against the 13600k and the 13700k. That was absurd.
I am not so sure the price will drop, that much if at all, as the 3070 has only just started to fall below MSRP.

Even if the "RTX4070" drops to "only" £470 it still is a poor generational uplift:

Just over 25% faster than an RTX3070,with some more VRAM after nearly three years,and about 30% faster in RT and matches an RTX3080.

The RTX3070 was 33% faster than the RTX2070 Super and 50% faster than the RTX2070 and 23% faster than an RTX2080:

It was also 60% faster than an RTX2070 in RT and nearly 25% faster than an RTX2080 in RT.

The RTX4070 is more like an RTX4060TI in performance and the RTX4070TI should be the RTX4070.
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