Maybe he got a tax windfall!
The Turing Super Range were generally cheaper for similar performance to their non-Super counterparts:
1.)RTX2070 $499/$599 superceded by RTX2060 Super $400
2.)RTX2080 $699/$799 superceded by RTX2070 Super $500
Basically the people who rushed out to get the RTX2070,got $100~$200 RTX2060 Super,which was only slightly slower. The $699~$799 RTX2080 was replaced by the slightly slower $500 RTX2070 Super which was upto 40% cheaper. Both the RTX2060 and RTX2070 saw reductions in street prices.Looking at what Nvidia has out now,its quite clear they have room to change things. The RTX4080 is the only SKU made from the AD103,and the RTX4090 from the AD102.There is room for the following SKUs,if sales are below predictions:
1.)RTX4080 Super/RTX4080TI - cut down AD102 priced close to the RTX4080
2.)RTX4070 Super - cut down AD103 priced close to the RTX4070TI(16GB VRAM). Replaces RTX4080.
3.)RTX4060 Super - cut down AD104. Essentially replaces the RTX4070.
The Turing Super range was only 3 SKUs too.