Ruddy inconsiderate cat owners...

Behemoth said:
Anyway as funny as this thread is getting, could we please have a don close it and give the op a suspension for a few days ?

For complaining about cats poohing in my garden? Typical animal lover response. never accept responsibility and if ignoring the person complaining about their animal doesn't work, try and silence them instead.

Lets have a couple of suspensions for personal attacks that were unwarranted whilst we are at then?
M0t0r0la said:
I'm not saying you shouldn't mind! I don't exactly do a 'Happy Dance' when I find some crap on the grass, however I'm civilized and reasonable enough to understand the basic fact that cats crap where they feel like it.
Nothing you can do about it other than get over it tbh.

So if Virii felt like crapping on your lawn its ok because he felt like it?

Op you obviously don't like crap on your garden which I totally agree with. But posting on rspcuk saying you want to headshot them isn't going to stop them or generate any helpful advice.

Simply make the cat never want to even cut through your yard again never mind stop to take a dump :).
the-void said:
So your rights supersede mine?

Are you really such an idiot that you honestly think it acceptable to shrug your shoulders at someone when they point out your cat has **** all over their garden?

no, but your rights don't superceed mine either

firstly, there's no need for personal insults (shot yourself in the foot about suspensions there)
secondly, no one has ever told me my cat has crapped all over their garden, if they did then I would indeed apologise and say what Behemoth said, bitching on a forum about it won't help will it

I also agree, thread close
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the-void said:
For complaining about cats poohing in my garden? Typical animal lover response. never accept responsibility and if ignoring the person complaining about their animal doesn't work, try and silence them instead.

You sound like someone on the verge that's going to go a on killing spree. Like another poster said, spank the monkey.
Also are you sure it's cat crap? My understanding of them is that they like to bury their crap?!?! (How civilized of them :p :D )
Sure it's not fox poop instead?!?

dun said:
So if Virii felt like crapping on your lawn its ok because he felt like it?.

If you don't understand the fundamental difference between a cat and intelligent human being taking a crap on someone’s garden then I give up :rolleyes:
Absurd and totally useless parallel :o
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As with Nitro Junkie, nobody has ever complained to me, if they did I would discuss the options, maybe help sort out fencing or deterents etc.
dun said:
Op you obviously don't like crap on your garden which I totally agree with. But posting on rspcuk saying you want to headshot them isn't going to stop them or generate any helpful advice.

Point taken, dun.

So I will say this, and I will never venture on this thread again

looking at this thread and the dog owner thread I can see a certain pattern forming whereby the cat owners can never accept any responsibility for their pets. They certainly need to understand someone letting off steam without launching into personal attacks on that person.

Perhaps I did make a rod for my back by saying BAM headshot, but by that point I had been insulted enough that I thought it warranted saying it just to **** them off. In hindsight this was probably only made me look bad.

All I can say is that cat owners are far more inconsiderate that dog owners.
the-void said:
Point taken, dun.

So I will say this, and I will never venture on this thread again

looking at this thread and the dog owner thread I can see a certain pattern forming whereby the cat owners can never accept any responsibility for their pets. They certainly need to understand someone letting off steam without launching into personal attacks on that person.

Perhaps I did make a rod for my back by saying BAM headshot, but by that point I had been insulted enough that I thought it warranted saying it just to **** them off. In hindsight this was probably only made me look bad.

All I can say is that cat owners are far more inconsiderate that dog owners.

what about dog owners who's dogs crap in public places then don't clean it up?
Think about it hundreds of years ago when were nothing but cave men we pooped in the grass too.

Hundreds of years ago....cavemen?? :confused:
You mean millions.

Humans have had sanitation since roman times (and probably earlier, as tribesmen know not to poo in your fields/water supply), although dark ages went back again.
squiffy said:
Hundreds of years ago....cavemen?? :confused:
You mean millions.

Humans have had sanitation since roman times (and probably earlier, as tribesmen know not to poo in your fields/water supply), although dark ages went back again.

Wasn't thinking straight, I did mean millions.
the-void said:
looking at this thread and the dog owner thread I can see a certain pattern forming whereby the cat owners can never accept any responsibility for their pets. They certainly need to understand someone letting off steam without launching into personal attacks on that person.

Perhaps I did make a rod for my back by saying BAM headshot, but by that point I had been insulted enough that I thought it warranted saying it just to **** them off. In hindsight this was probably only made me look bad.

All I can say is that cat owners are far more inconsiderate that dog owners.

I take exception to being considered inconsiderate because I have 2 cats.

For starters, you haven't contacted any neighbours with cats and discussed the issue, what people write on a forum isn't what they will say when you engage in a civilised discussion regarding the problem. They may well shrug their shoulders, or they may profer advice or assistance.

Seriously, I would just chill out a bit, if the problem still exists after a few days then try talking to some neighbours, politely and reasonably.
My cat has the decency to **** in her own garden. Digs a little hole does the business then covers it. Very rarely that she doesnt do that,either that or she pees somewhere int he house :mad: :mad: dirty little cow.
the-void said:
Following on from my dog thread, I also have a grievance with ruddy cat owners as well. You know the type, little old bats with about 20 of the scrag ends and closet homosexuals.

They come in my garden and leave the little cat poops everywhere. When I bang on the window to shoo them off they just amble along like they own the place. By the time I have got the back door open and have got enough swing on the rock I plan to throw at them they are gone.

If I had my way I would buy the most powerful air rifle I could and sit undercover in my back garden and sniper them all to their little furry deaths. And before any animal lover or veggies starts to have an embolism at the thought of these little furry fiends getting a lead slug in the guts lets not forget they are a complete and utter menace to all the native wildlife smaller than them in this country. They are no innocents and they deserve what they get. If only it wasn't illegal to take a pop at them.

I feel like scooping up my poop from my bowl and placing it strategically on all the little old ladies paths so that they slip in the muck, thus breaking a hip. By the time they have got out of hospital hopefully their moggies would have moved on to some other crazed old bat prepared to feed it fresh salmon and chicken breast.

Get a life mate... If you dont like it buy a dog and put it in your garden! anyway cat poop in garden is nicer than dog poop!
Nitro_Junkie said:
what about dog owners who's dogs crap in public places then don't clean it up?

Good comparison. I see so many cat poo bins that its obviously an even comparison to compare all cat owners to the few dog owners inconsiderate enough to allow their pet to foul on a path.

Vegetarian said:
Get a life mate... If you dont like it buy a dog and put it in your garden! anyway cat poop in garden is nicer than dog poop!

How many neighbours dogs do you have coming round and pooing on your lawn/path/flowers? Why should he have to clean it up?
the-void said:
Dear lord,

Are you cat lovers still trying to convince yourselves that it is perfectly acceptable for other people to clean up the mess that your pets mess which is actually dangerous to their health and toxic?

How about I buy a dog and train it attack your little cats if it dares step paw in my garden. And when my dog does a turd how about I pick it up and sling in it your garden with whatever is left of your fleabag from my dogs ravaging.

But how do you know where the cat has come from, it could be ten doors away or on a different road!!
M0t0r0la said:
I'm not saying you shouldn't mind! I don't exactly do a 'Happy Dance' when I find some crap on the grass, however I'm civilized and reasonable enough to understand the basic fact that cats crap where they feel like it.
Nothing you can do about it other than get over it tbh.
Or don't buy a cat ............. you don't *have* to have one.
Nitro_Junkie said:
actually I do care, but stop yabbering on about your rights for cats not to crap in your garden, what about my rights to own a cat and not have you tell me I shouldn't

but you cannot stop cats going where they want, you expect me to follow it outside everytime it goes out and if it squats for a crap then pick it up? yes I know its annoying but you the cat owner cannot do anything about it, how about when it goes out when I'm not in, can;t expect me to shut it in when the cats have been able to freely go outside when they want all their life, after all that would be against their rights

also its you're not your ie; you're the type of person

So you get all the joy of cat ownership and your neighbours just have to put up with cat crap as a result of your actions?
Is that fair? Is that considerate?
Perhaps if you don't have enough room for a cat then you should not have a cat, or keep it inside, or turn your garden into a giant cage so the cat can't crap elsewhere.
No-one is blaming the cat. It has no idea that it is causing people a problem.
However cat owners do not have a right to allow their cat to crap whereever it wants, in other peoples gardens. That is selfish and inconsiderate.
Morning all.

Have you fixed the global problem yet?

I was expecting it to be sorted out some time this morning.
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