my entire pulling technique back in the day at uni would be problematic then.
go to club royal or Piccadilly ,21 night club in Manchester.. 50p a pint before 10:30 and a 1/4 bottle of vodka in my back pocket. sink that then look for an equally drunk group of lasses and go from there.
hell technically by the rules some go by I was assaulted when I lost my virginity. I was 18 she was 29 , I was wasted she was sober(ish).
following day I deeply regretted it however it was all my fault and not on her. no one forced me to get off my head on booze, I was 18 so technically an adult (tho didn't act like one) and she certainly didn't strong arm me to her place .
but by today's rules I was taken advantage of.. or is that a special rule only for women?
Me too. How did we ever navigate the minefield ehh?