But I think your point is more about jumping to conclusions to soon? If so, then aren't the people who immediately believe an accusation against Brand to be true without due process the morons in this situation?
Basically yes.
I form my opinions based on coverage in these sorts of thing, and from the limited amount of information available to us.
The moment I see someone going its because woke or something like that I see someone who is not. And I am not saying its only on one side either.
There are some here who will 100% flip the other way.
Again my point is we all have to form a position (if we choose) to based on something
I try to, look at the likelyhood of whats being said in the public domain, I don't immediately start saying they have been paid off or stuff like that as we saw some resort to in the Huw thread. As soon as someone has to resort to that its clear they are not objectively looking at the data/facts they are trying to form a reason to support their already preconceived position.
The tate thread is the same, its a setup, they will frame him, stuff like that. Do you honestly think these people are balancing what they are saying against facts/info etc , or are they just saying what they want to be the truth.
So back to Brand.
"hes a comedian he says funny" well lets not debate the funny part, but its not a get out of jail free excuse.
"its a stitch up the [insert big brother]" are out to get him. See at this point I realise again they cannot be taken seriously. I mean I know many of them will lack much real world experiance outside a call centre or McDonalds but IF the government seriously wanted Brand done for they would have no issue doing so. Hes a self proclaimed ex drug addict. If he just suddenly broke on the news as shock Horror as Russell Brand found dead from a drug overdose many people would go "ah bless, pour soul taken so early like so many". They dont need to go anywhere near setting him up with fake rape claims etc, they can 100% do him if they wanted to.
Anyway my view, and its consistent and unchanged so far. Hes a self confessed sex addict. So assuming hes not a perpetual liar and thats true, then I find it pretty darn credible that at some point hes gone too far against a womans wishes. Its not a stretch really is it.
I am not saying I think hes guilty, I am not saying i think hes innocent. On balance of probabilities I am saying I think its likely, but its by no means clearly on way nor the other.
Anyone whos saying its fake, hes not guilty, or he IS guilty are not being honest.
And in regards credibility of statements, again its personal view, but you need to take whats available and see what you think. If a convicted sex abuser was accused of another sex act, would you assume guilty or not guilty. The majority would weigh up the likelyhood and assume its probably true.
And balance of probability would likely make it so. But its not certain until its proven, or disproven.