Russell Brand.

I don't get how some of you don't get this isn't about what Brand has or hasn't done, it can't be no one could possibly know at this point. It's about what you all are doing with this weird faux outrage that seems to have spread across society for these things which are not based on the reality of the situation.


Most people I’ve spoken to don’t care about what Brand has or hasn’t done. They care about the precedent being set by this case that anonymous accusations alone seem to be enough to destroy someone’s reputation and livelihood. To the point where government/parliament agencies will actively pursue private companies to ensure you lose your freedoms and ability to provide for yourself.

Not to mention the apparent removal of the “innocent until proven guilty” premise of our justice system.

Personally I feel that we need to remove the right to anonymity when making these kinds of accusations. Nobody should be allowed to anonymously hide in the shadows whilst publicly aiming these kind of accusations at others.
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Is there though? If you listen the clip, he doesn't say anything equivocal like that. Basically his co-presenter brings it up and he sort of laughs about it with some spiel that doesn't actually at any point have him saying he did. The dodgiest thing he says is just before that in relation to a different woman they were discussing "I won't be able to drag her off into a cubicle, and show her my pubicles". To me, by saying 'drag her off' he's intimating non-consensual activity which is out of order. However, the woman this story concerns implies she wasn't dragged off anywhere but rather that Brand came up behind her when she was in the bathroom.

To be clear, based on what I've read and heard he sounds like a wrong'un, I'm in no way suggesting that what the lady described didn't happen, but the point at hand here is whether there is sufficient evidence beyond his word against hers.

My guess is, now all this is out in the open there will be more evidence gathered as part of the various reviews, people coming forward etc, it will keep building until it becomes an unsurmountable mountain of evidence and/or or something very unequivocal is unearthed.

I'm not sure anything said on what is very obviously a comedy radio show can be classed as evidence. People are taking things very obviously said as a joke by a professional comedian on a comedy radio show out of context and suggesting there's some sinister reality to them, the Jimmy Savile thing was the most obvious example of this. As if Russell is pimping his personal assistant out to him.
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Has he rang your boss, and told him to sack you on the back of this accusation? I don't get how some of you don't get this isn't about what Brand has or hasn't done, it can't be no one could possibly know at this point. It's about what you all are doing with this weird faux outrage that seems to have spread across society for these things which are not based on the reality of the situation.

I can feel your outrage is righteous.
I'm not sure anything said on what is very obviously a comedy radio show can be classed as evidence. People are taking things very obviously said as a joke by a professional comedian on a comedy radio show out of context and suggesting there's some sinister reality to them, the Jimmy Savile thing was the most obvious example of this. As if Russell is pimping his personal assistant out to him.

You need to read what happened.
He walked in her toilets and exposed himself.
Before anything more could happen he was being shouted to go back to the studio so left.
One minute later he's talking about what just happened.

Now here's the bit you should be questioning:
This woman only heard the radio recording last week and was horrified he was talking about her HOWEVER being a pervert he could have tried this on with countless women before a recording so how does she know it's her?
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Most people I’ve spoken to don’t care about what Brand has or hasn’t done. They care about the precedent being set by this case that anonymous accusations alone seem to be enough to destroy someone’s reputation and livelihood. To the point where government/parliament agencies will actively pursue private companies to ensure you lose your freedoms and ability to provide for yourself.

Not to mention the apparent removal of the “innocent until proven guilty” premise of our justice system.

Personally I feel that we need to remove the right to anonymity when making these kinds of accusations. Nobody should be allowed to anonymously hide in the shadows whilst publicly aiming these kind of accusations at others.

You arguing differently to many I hear who are arguing that Brand should have anonymity.

The accusations of course are anonymous until a point but then they almost always become public.

Its difficult. You can imagine the scenario where not allowing anonymous accusations would allow the destruction of evidence.
I am not sure how you apply the must be public angle. But the moment you do it could mean the accused would destroy evidence of that or other crimes.
You also of course have the possibility for witness intimidation or worse.
Say the person is a proper nasty piece of work. Girl #1 who was raped says "Mr Blobby raped me", its made public knowledge then she mysteriously then next week gets randomly beaten up in a club but no one can trace who did it, ends up with life changing injuries.
Does that not mean is highly unlikely girls 2, 3 and 4 will go erm no way I am saying anything even though I was also raped because I am likely to get the same!
I mean this is literally why in corporate settings the policies around this area specifically state that you will be protected from any retaliation and those attempting retaliation will be punished.

You always IMO fall back to there needs to be various options and ways to go about things. One set of rules rarely works well for all scenarios and cases at the limits will always test those very rules to the limit.

The press are a wildcard. I mean you could argue, let the professionals do their thing and make it illegal for the press to do anything.
Then refer to the Huw thread where many were claiming it was a police cover up and there was other things going on etc.
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You arguing differently to many I hear who are arguing that Brand should have anonymity.

The accusations of course are anonymous until a point but then they almost always become public.

Its difficult. You can imagine the scenario where not allowing anonymous accusations would allow the destruction of evidence.
I am not sure how you apply the must be public angle. But the moment you do it could mean the accused would destroy evidence of that or other crimes.
You also of course have the possibility for witness intimidation or worse.

The problem is, as we’ve seen, allowing anonymity for one party and not the other essentially places all the power into the hands of those making the anonymous accusations and the media themselves.

The accused effectively is denied any ability to defend themselves because they literally don’t know who’s accused them (assuming the allegation is false).

I know some have suggested that both accuser and accused should both be anonymous. However, I don’t think it’s viable for any justice system to have cases conducted behind closed doors as it destroys faith in the process due to the lack of transparency.
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The problem is, as we’ve seen, allowing anonymity for one party and not the other essentially places all the power into the hands of those making the anonymous accusations and the media themselves.

The accused effectively is denied any ability to defend themselves because they literally don’t know who’s accused them (assuming the allegation is false).

I know some have suggested that both accuser and accused should both be anonymous. However, I don’t think it’s healthy for any justice system to have cases conducted behind closed doors as it destroys faith in the process due to the lack of transparency.

It does in effect give the person making the accusations more power indeed.
But IMO there are plenty of cases where that is imperative.

Its a bit more US aligned but maybe the default should be they are anonymous but if the accused believes a significant mistruth has been told that can go and get a court order to have any accusor(s) named.

Bear in mind in the justice system its very rare for the accusor to be anonymous at that point. There needs to be a very significant reason why that should be supported.
I am talking about during the initial allegations, pre trial in effect.

Again IMO, the issue is not the legal system with issues here, its the press.
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You need to read what happened.
He walked in her toilets and exposed himself.
Before anything more could happen he was being shouted to go back to the studio so left.
One minute later he's talking about what just happened.

Now here's the bit you should be questioning:
This woman only heard the radio recording last week and was horrified he was talking about her HOWEVER being a pervert he could have tried this on with countless women before a recording so how does she know it's her?

Yeah I've heard what the actor voicing the accuser said, I've heard the show, I haven't heard his account of events though.
It does in effect give the person making the accusations more power indeed.
But IMO there are plenty of cases where that is imperative.

I think that’s a point we fundamentally disagree on unfortunately!

I think deliberately loading the scales on justice in favour of one party (the accuser) in a court case is a dangerous precedent to set and shouldn’t be allowed.

Nobody can have faith in a justice system where people aren’t treated equally.
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I think that’s a point we fundamentally disagree on unfortunately!

I think deliberately loading the balance in favour of one party (the accuser) in a court case is a dangerous precedent to set .

AGAIN I am not talking court case.
The Brand thing at the moment is NOT a legal case.
Some people are losing their **** and its not about a legal case.

In regards the court case. Assuming criminal.
The stages matter, until the CPS decides there is a case to be heard there is no need for the defendant to have the opportunity to get to the accusor. There are no charges, nothing damaging as far as the legal process is concerned.
You would likely see cooperation and evidence gathering significantly impacted in a lot of cases without some protection of the source(s) until that stage.
AGAIN I am not talking court case.
The Brand thing at the moment is NOT a legal case.
Some people are losing their **** and its not about a legal case.

Again, that’s another issue. Despite it not being a legal case Russell has effectively had his reputation and income destroyed by anonymous accusations. To the point where even the government/parliament have actively sought to remove his sources of income!

This happened as a direct result of anonymous and unproven accusations. I don’t understand how anyone can argue or believe this is reasonable ?
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Again, that’s another issue. Despite it not being a legal case Russell has effectively had his reputation and income destroyed by anonymous accusations. To the point where even the government/parliament have actively sought to remove his sources of income!

This happened as a direct result of anonymous and unproven accusations. I don’t understand how anyone can argue or believe this is reasonable ?

He had a reputation to destroy, definite citation required ;)
Has his income been destroyed, real question, I havent seen definitive proof either way.

The press make unproven commentary constantly.
Were you beating the same drum in the Huw thread?

I actually agree with you, the press in the UK is basically a joke.
I am not sure some would cope without press lies on a daily basis though.
We would probably need therapy for the DM and DE readers ;)
You need to read what happened.
He walked in her toilets and exposed himself.
Before anything more could happen he was being shouted to go back to the studio so left.
One minute later he's talking about what just happened.

Now here's the bit you should be questioning:
This woman only heard the radio recording last week and was horrified he was talking about her HOWEVER being a pervert he could have tried this on with countless women before a recording so how does she know it's her?

Roar doesn't want to hear that. As far as he's concerned Brand is waking people up to the truth and there is a conspiracy to silence him, in part because he might help elect Trump in 2024.
If people want to know the mind set of government control, including calling people conspiracy theorists, read some books by the Nazis. In particular what they say about the big lie. No wonder governments these days try to ban the books.

You don't need to point out hour the state or leaders can use big lies to manipulate the population to hang on to/gain pawer. Just look at the US 2020 election and its still going on now.
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