Russell Brand.

People seem to have such a wealth of knowledge on how useless he supposedly is, yet I would bet none of them actually know half of what he does, nor have they watched any of his YouTube channel which actually addresses a lot of points these people are raising.

It's just comes down to people not liking him then broadly discrediting everything he does without actually knowing what he does.

He does a hell of a lot more than most people in his position, regardless of whether it gains him publicity or not. He's produced videos for years, way before his fame reached these heights. On subjects that were interesting and with a unique style.

It's all fair not liking the bloke, he's not to everyone's taste, however I think it's unfair to make sweeping statements about his work unless you have actually looked into it and absorbed some of what he's done.
He does have some valid points, yes. What annoys me is the superficial and vapid way he goes about trying to convey them in the mainstream media. He just points at 'problems' (usually pantomime villain Bankers) and then offers hollow soundbites in place of any workable solution. He's a total political shadow-boxer, as was shown by his QT appearance.

One exception being his work on drug policies. I think his promotion of a compassionate approach to drugs and addiction is a very good one. He should stick to social justice and reform and keep away from business & politics.
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He does have some valid points, yes. What annoys me is the superficial and vapid way he goes about trying to convey them.

He just points at 'problems' and then offers hollow soundbites in place of any workable solution. He's a total political shadow-boxer, as was shown by his QT appearance.

Well it does no harm to bring attention to issues really. Let's say he can't follow up on it, at least there is a chance someone out there with a bit of drive could potentially be inspired to take the action themselves.

He could be seen as a kinda spin doctor for left wing politics.

People shoot down his intelligence by using the same crap point about him using big words all the time. No one says "I can't stand him so I don't follow anything he does, I just form my opinion on the occasional headline I see on The Sun or something I hear on the radio".

Because that's the issue, people who hate him wouldn't watch or follow him, so how can they make such sweeping statements without facts about him?
Just because he doesn't have the answers to everything doesn't mean he's wrong to bring awareness to the issues and just because some people are already aware of the issues doesn't mean that there are many who aren't ware.

what? He doesnt have answers to anything. What exactly is he bringing awareness about? Bankers? Banker bashing was/is the most popular thing for the media to do in recent times...

Have you ever watched question time? Harry Enfield did a great sketch about (basically all anyone in the audience said was "the bankers the bonuses, the bankers the bonuses")
Just read the reply to Jo it's Laughable he doesn't even take his point about security at banks on board. The sheer arrogance that he believes because he's famous and ranting that the bosses should take their time to meet him and listen to his solutionless rant the Bosses probably refused his meeting due this fact thus wasting their time which could be better spent dealing with the issues he's ranting about, and upon getting on the wrong side of security measures at the bank he then shouts Big boss conspiracy as everyone should want to listen to my anger!
Still no one has actually said what he has changed?? I was a fan of his, but now he just harps on about things he has no real idea about.

He complains about or political system. Ok, how do we fix it Russ? 'Don't vote' doesn't quite cut it.

He complains about our financial system. Ok, how d owe fix it Russ? 'HERP DERP them bankers'.

He complains about how materialistic life is, and why money is a focus. If money didn't exist it will just be something else.

He just repeats himself over and over. I've said it before, the many people I know that love him are either weed smokers that think the Government is out to get everyone and the queen is a lizard, or lazy people with no ambition who would love to see everyone brought down the their level (i.e. bankers have their bonus' capped, etc.).

Oh yes, let's no forget his youtube videos. People who watch those are already fans. Of course they are going to lap it up. Oh our drug policies aren't working? Welcome to the same page. This has been debated for many many years, it's nothing new.

He is just clever enough to make a living off the current celeb loving, reality TV needing public. Fair play to him.
The sheer arrogance that he believes because he's famous and ranting that the bosses should take their time to meet him and listen to his solutionless rant the Bosses probably refused his meeting due this fact thus wasting their time which could be better spent dealing with the issues he's ranting about, and upon getting on the wrong side of security measures at the bank he then shouts Big boss conspiracy as everyone should want to listen to my anger!
what? He doesnt have answers to anything. What exactly is he bringing awareness about? Bankers? Banker bashing was/is the most popular thing for the media to do in recent times...

Have you ever watched question time? Harry Enfield did a great sketch about (basically all anyone in the audience said was "the bankers the bonuses, the bankers the bonuses")


Have you seen any episodes of the BBC show The Revolution Will be Televised? They do FAR worse stunts.

The programme is a montage of satirical pranks and sketches carried out by Prowse and Rubinstein to "fight back" against "a world full of hypocrisy, corruption and greed." Sometimes assuming fictional characters, most of the show's content consists of the two presenters making a mockery of the wrongdoings of politicians, bankers, and that in other current affairs, in an attempt to try to emphasise its immorality. The public involved usually has no idea that what is being carried out is satire, and are usually fooled by the antics of Rubinstein and Prowse, which leads to some interesting reactions.

Its HILARIOUS how much contempt you hold, soley for Brand.

Whats the matter mate, your cage rattled? What have you got to lose? What have you got to hide?
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Have you seen any episodes of the BBC show The Revolution Will be Televised? They do FAR worse stunts.

Its HILARIOUS how much contempt you hold for Brand, whilst these clowns go by completely unnoticed.

Because it's a comedy and Brand is actually being serious.
Because it's a comedy and Brand is actually being serious.

The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people LAUGH, and then THINK

Every September, in a gala ceremony in Harvard's Sanders Theatre, 1100 splendidly eccentric spectators watch the new winners step forward to accept their Prizes. These are physically handed out by genuinely bemused genuine Nobel Laureates.

Countless comedians, from frankie boyle to bill hicks, use comedy as a vehicle to deliver a political message, often championing the cause of the proletariat against corrupt power structures.
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It was satire, Brand is being a knob. What point are you trying to make, and no I am not going to read that entire page to understand what you're on about.
This is what I thought, brand or not that "open letter to brand" wasn't even remotely funny.

It sounded like some little sarcastic twonk whining, and as the guy says in this article it's most likely click bait journalism at work again to make money.

Edit: Also there is a link to a video showing russell brands so called "Aggressive confrontational behaviour" LOL just lol, I don't think this guy understands what aggressive and confrontational are considering I've worked with doorman. What a little crying twerp.

That video just even further proves that open letter is nothing more than a load of utter tripe.

Good day.
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Countless comedians, from frankie boyle to bill hicks, use comedy as a vehicle to deliver a political message, often championing the cause of the proletariat against corrupt power structures.

Bill Hicks Talked Sense and actually put forward serious solutions sometimes others he was just taking the **** but all the same he was at least Funny Brand isn't and offers no solution whatsoever!
So there we have it you are not allowed to pass comment on a problem unless you directly know the appropriate answer and solution ...

Well it would help if you understood what you were criticising. It would be even better if you had at least a suggestion to remedy it.

Like I said before; 'Don't vote' as an answer to fixing the UK's political issues doesn't really cut it....
Well it would help if you understood what you were criticising. It would be even better if you had at least a suggestion to remedy it.

Like I said before; 'Don't vote' as an answer to fixing the UK's political issues doesn't really cut it....

But voting doesnt seem to cut it either. Because regardless of who wins the crap is still the same year in year out.
But voting doesnt seem to cut it either. Because regardless of who wins the crap is still the same year in year out.

Well that viewpoint will differ massively from person to person. But I understand where you are coming from.

However my point was that if someone, like Brand, understood the possible problems with our political system, and was worth his salt, he would have a better remedy than 'don't vote'.
Well that viewpoint will differ massively from person to person. But I understand where you are coming from.

However my point was that if someone, like Brand, understood the possible problems with our political system, and was worth his salt, he would have a better remedy than 'don't vote'.

Yeah, I do agree that he sometimes doesnt have the answers to the subjects politicians struggle with. People more qualified than Brand cant change things easy.

The issue I have is peoples absolute hatred for him, when really hes not causing any harm by having rants. Hes perfectly within his rights to do so. And if somewhere along the line it brings attention to some important subjects, then thats fine by me.
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