Russell Brand.

So there we have it you are not allowed to pass comment on a problem unless you directly know the appropriate answer and solution ...

If he was just "passing comment" then it wouldnt matter and no one would care. He is pretending to be some sort of revolutionary whilst not understanding what he is protesting about.

Just harping on about the ills of our current political situation whilst offering no alternatives or solutions is like complaining that the sky is blue.

He is as bad as the daily mail "grr bankers, bonuses, bankers , taxes, tory scum, politicians are bad, bankers, conspiracy, tax evasion, bonuses and bankers. Rabble rabble rabble." It is tiresome.
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People seem to have such a wealth of knowledge on how useless he supposedly is, yet I would bet none of them actually know half of what he does, nor have they watched any of his YouTube channel which actually addresses a lot of points these people are raising.

Like I said half this forum are probably sat with half a pork pie in their mouth sat in their fish vet vests claiming how much of an idiot Russell Brand is as they scoff another.

BRB not contributing anything of worth.
BRB will criticise those who try to at least add something.

Most people are so petty they can't put aside their judgements and just listen to what information is contained in what he says (I'm also talking about his trews YouTube channel where he brings up a lot of different things)

You don't have to like someone to see that all they are doing is trying to bring awareness to certain issues which are actually true.
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All he's doing is highlighting what most people know already and not offering any politician alternative other than 'don't vote'.
Most people are so petty they can't put aside their judgements and just listen to what information is contained in what he says (I'm also talking about his trews YouTube channel where he brings up a lot of different things)

You don't have to like someone to see that all they are doing is trying to bring awareness to certain issues which are actually true.

I get what you are saying but people who care / interested would have been aware long before he came about. Where we differ in opinion is 'what information is contained'. IMO he adds no value to the issues he discusses. Apart from rallying a horde behind him. A horde that would support him no matter what he says.

You obviously interpret him in a different way.
I watched this out of interest because of this thread

I think the general consensus now is that the guy is highlighting issues, he isn’t fixing them directly as he is no flying raptor jesus, but sometimes highlighting and discussing things with that many people following ( about 12 million and growing ) could maybe make enough change in how carefully the political classes decide to step when considering military action, they see his support and want those votes.

he's still been an arse in the past though they way he behaved on the radio was pure twatage and im not 100% convinced he isn’t just collating the stories of the last 20 years into an easy to understand format, but I guess that’s just the whole point of the channel.

edit* wow this is easy, I said nothing new yet managed a whole post.. maybe anyone can be the next RB :D
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Ignoring the fact that most people here (other than me and a couple of others) hate the guy, his views are much in line with mine and I like the way he chats about the Sainsburys Christmas Ad seen here

I find him a far more interesting celebrity than the likes of One Direction, or Cheryl Cole etc.
Ignoring the fact that most people here (other than me and a couple of others) hate the guy, his views are much in line with mine and I like the way he chats about the Sainsburys Christmas Ad seen here

I find him a far more interesting celebrity than the likes of One Direction, or Cheryl Cole etc.

I'll watch this when I get out of work in 10 mins. But this again strikes me as him jumping on something that already has public attention... just so he can have more attention.
No it wasn't, he made the guys lunch the focus of his reply because the guys other comments shot Brand's anti-banker rants to pieces and he had no reply for them.

RB didn't address anything in the blokes letter at all really. Still harped on about not being let in to talk to the CEO...

Also, now he knows his landloard is a tax dodger, will he move houses?
I'll watch this when I get out of work in 10 mins. But this again strikes me as him jumping on something that already has public attention... just so he can have more attention.

He just comments on things currently in the news. Nothing wrong with it. If he was just a nobody producing purely YouTube videos people would probably like him. Most people just hate him by default.

He's providing his YouTube subscribers with regular videos. Not just attention whoring, simply doing his job.
he made the guys lunch the focus of his reply because the guys other comments shot Brand's anti-banker rants to pieces and he had no reply for them.

The guy made his lunch the topic of his post. And the bloke didn't shoot down his anti-banker rants he pointed out where he deemed him to be hypocritical. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Meanwhile, everyone is still talking about Mr Brand and no-one seems to give a stuff what the banks have just got sorted out in the US. And that is why he shouldn't bother because people are apathetic idiots.
Sorry I tried watching the video... got to 'exploiting a mythical historical event' and thought what a tool.

Thought ok, give him a chance.

Then 'people who benefited from WWI were warm cosey people not people on the front line'. Couldn't watch anymore.

Everyone in Europe to this day benefits from the actions of WWI. Including myself and Russell Brand.

I gave it another go.. 'Robin, myth of our time'. What is he on about? Probably has many meanings. One it's associated with Christmas. And I am pretty sure 'The Robins' were a battalion during WW1.

It's a ****ing advert. Marketing at its best.

At least he says it's a good advert right at the end. But why the 7 minute rant about it.
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He's on about the people benefiting at that moment. It's more a point about front line troops doing the sharp end when people behind the lines are warm and cosy.

You tried watching it but you missed that all he's basically saying is that it's beautifully shot and it's kinda a shame that it's sole purpose is to just get us to shop in a supermarket.

Anyway. It's just his opinion and you have yours. But because you're a nobody your opinion can be made without people so quick to jump on you.

I see your edited post : dude he's just making videos to keep his channel current. It's just a bit of his thoughts on things, maybe over analysing but lighten up. He knows it's marketing, but at the same time he likes to pick things apart.

It's clear he isn't everyone's taste but he really doesn't deserve to be met with such derision. He's not really as much of a prat as you think.
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He's on about the people benefiting at that moment. It's more a point about front line troops doing the sharp end when people behind the lines are warm and cosy.

Are you genuinely that vacuous that you need the likes of Brand to point that relatively well known fact out to you? :confused:

Wow! :eek::(
Everyone in Europe to this day benefits from the actions of WWI

Sorry, but you are a poor deluded fool. Wars are fought, innocents die, one side 'wins' and the survivors get on with their lives. On the grand scale, nature and humanity doesnt give a toss who wins. Neither you, nor I, have any idea what would have happened in the aftermath of german imperialism.

Also, Germany, and some of her allies, were also in europe.

Capitalism vs socialism, left vs right, nice people vs naughty, muslim vs christian. Who really gives a ****. They are just different ways of doing life and you will probably support which ever system you were born in to anyway.
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