Russell Brand.

Shame the Hue Edwards original thread got canned.

Be interesting to cross reference posts about the allegations there and whether they should be public, with what some people think about this.

The Philip Schofield one would probably be more interesting seeing as grooming would appear to be the common theme. Albeit there's no suggestion Brand groomed someone who was under the age of consent.
anyone in a relationship ever could claim they were groomed

Anyone at any time can claim anything. It's patterns of abuse, corroborating stories etc that can paint a true picture of how someone is likely to have behaved.

I'm not saying for a second that Brand is guilty or that this documentary is the way to go about things, but to say that people can just claim anything is not the way to approach these issues either. It borders on blaming victims of abuse for not reporting things in the “right way”.

It's easy to say they should all have gone to the police straight away, but there are several factors as to why that doesn't always happen. Thinking it through logically from the comfort of your own home, from a position of never having been involved in a case of abuse with that kind of power dynamic, is very different from how a 16 year old would process it at the time.

Life is like that, you don’t always realise just how bad some situations are until you’re well out of them and have more experience.
anyone in a relationship ever could claim they were groomed
Lolwut? Most relationships are not formed between somebody in a position of power and somebody who has something to lose. Grooming is typically where the perpetrator has power over the victim; a manager, a more senior member of the team, a teacher, a religious leader etc..
Some of these Women.......

" I went to his house, I went into his Bedroom "

Well how about NOT going into his Bedroom or even his house? :rolleyes:

ps I HATE Russell Brand, always have done, but seriously?!
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The Philip Schofield one would probably be more interesting seeing as grooming would appear to be the common theme. Albeit there's no suggestion Brand groomed someone who was under the age of consent.

dlockers unsurprisingly coming out as hypocrite shocker

Russell Brand has a family and daughters himself, the BBC do not care. There's no formal charges or investigation been brought forward. There's no evidence. Anonymous accusations with politicians acting like he's guilty? What kind of society are we now living in where people can do this to men on the basis of nothing.
I'd like to know how much the journalists paid these women to talk about it, whilst keeping their identity a secret.

More to this than meets the eye.

Russell Brand is/was good friend with Noel Fielding.

Before Geldof's comment Fielding had dated the rather young Peaches Geldof (half his age) and would go on to date her younger sister Pixie when she was 16 to...

On a related note it's long past time for the age of consent to be raised to 18 with some exceptions for 16/ 17 year old in relationships with other adults up to 20/21.

30 year old should not be having sexual relations with 16 years old.
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Some of these Women.......

" I went to his house, I went into his Bedroom "

Well how about NOT going into his Bedroom or even his house? :rolleyes:

ps I HATE Russell Brand, always have done, but seriously?!

So how do you suggest women have sex then if they shouldn’t go to a man’s house or bedroom?

Are you saying that whatever happens once they’ve commited to going inside is fair game?
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It seems at leat one woman can talk about Brand's actions in such a scenario in a positive light

But Neil is suggesting they shouldn’t even put themselves in that scenario in the first place.

It’s great to hear he’s had some positive interactions with women, though I’m not sure that has ever been questioned. What it doesn’t do is rule out him flipping out on other occasions where he’s been rejected.
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I'd like to know how much the journalists paid these women to talk about it, whilst keeping their identity a secret.

We can't know that, just believe all victims, even the one's who've been paid 10 grand to anonymously claim they're victims after a consensual relationship in 2007
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Funny how these women come out with a story 20 years later against a man with a net worth of £16 million (Kerchingggg).

Remember Benjamin Mendy, Phillip Schofield, Huw Edwards, Michael Jackson, Michael Barrymore? All ruined by trial by media.

Any accussed should remain anonymous until after a trial. I do not agree that publication leads to others coming forward. If a serious crime has been committed it should be reported by the victim at the time while the evidence is fresh.
Unless it goes to court its all a bunch of he says she says ******** as usual.

I'm still annoyed my Mrs made me sit through 3/4 of that TV show last night.
We can't know that, just believe all victims, even the one's who've been paid 10 grand to anonymously claim they're victims after a consensual relationship in 2007

You seemed to know enough to state this is an attempt to cancel him as he said some nice things about Agent Orange.

Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle as it most often is and its not about believing all victims or some coordinated multi-government attack.
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