'Russia is seriously running out of cash'

23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
I think if I fancy a bloke the only one who needs to be concerned about that is the bloke. As to the other, if Stalin didn't stop the Russians making jokes, I don't think Putin is doing it. Russians will always make jokes about their leaders and government.

Just out of curiosity harmony, do you think gays in Russia have the same rights and equally the same prejudices as here?
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Odd Moses, it must only be particular parts of the country that hold negative views about gays and the LGBT community. Like, this country.

When did you last hear of homosexuality being taught in schools as part of sex ed? When was it last done in a bible belt school without a parent coming in with a shotgun to do "gods work"?
5 Oct 2016
I would have thought so.

I suspect that sending an AWACS in to assist a sovereign country after it had been bombed by a neighbour wouldn't have counted as an invasion.

And I had to laugh at the invasion and occupation of Germany and Japan after 1945.

Look at it whichever way you want. It is still a damned sight more than Russia.
What you seem to have lost sight of is that the USA is an aggressive belligerent country. Its people are also belligerent and aggressive.
Take a look at their gun laws if you have any doubt.

25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Just out of curiosity harmony, do you think gays in Russia have the same rights and equally the same prejudices as here?

No, homophobia is worse in Russia than in the UK. But you've missed the point of my post, I was just taking a humorous swipe at Stazbumpa's assumption that fancying blokes means homosexuality. But it seems I was too subtle.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Apologies in regards to that, never a fan of prof subtle.

Larger parts of the country may be anti-homosexuality, but I would argue bigger areas show more tolerance than here. Don't believe everything they tell you about Russia and the anti-gay sentiment. Especially regarding pussy riot, the reality of that case in the western press and its reporting was disgraceful and for the most part a total fallacy.

I find it very rich coming from western nations saying about Russia and its "stance" on gays and yet their society has exactly the same perceptions and undertones
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Larger parts of the country may be anti-homosexuality, but I would argue bigger areas show more tolerance than here. Don't believe everything they tell you about Russia and the anti-gay sentiment. Especially regarding pussy riot, the reality of that case in the western press and its reporting was disgraceful and for the most part a total fallacy.

The Pussy Riot thing irritates me. They burst into a church and started playing anti-religion songs and were subsequently removed by police. That translated into them being a cause celebré and battlers against oppression in the West and get tours over here where nobody would have even heard of them otherwise.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Luckily we can get views of the other side now thanks to Youtube as our media would never cover Putin interviews.

Good video. I wish more people would get their information directly rather than being told what is. The video reminds me of a Russian joke. Not especially funny, but is about Russian politics and attitudes:

An American, a German and a Russian are captured by a tribe of cannibals. The chief says they will be eaten but as he is an educated, civilized man, he will allow each of them a last request. Well, the American requests a last meal. And he gets it - a big feast which he gorges himself on. And the moment he puts down his fork at the end - bam! The cannibals eat him. Well the German is next and he requests a night of passion so three women of the tribe join him and all night long - sex and more sex. But the moment the sun comes up - bam! The cannibals fall on him and eat him. Finally the tribe turn to the Russian and the chief asks: "what would you like?" And the Russian says: "If you please, I would like for you to punch me in the nose." The chief is surprised but - bam, he punches the Russian in the nose. Immediately the Russian reaches into his suitcase and pulls out an AK-47 and sprays bullets everywhere sending the tribespeople scattering. As the chief cowers before him he asks the Russian "But why didn't you do this before we ate the American and the German?" To which the Russian looks at him in shock and says... "but Russians not aggressors!"
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18 Mar 2008
( |-| |2 ][ $;30086975 said:
Not China and their activities in the South China Sea then?

Rather localised is it not?

The US is everywhere, instigating violence for personal gain and you can't exactly say its not within the realms of reality when it happened several times in South America and a very public display in Iran.
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18 Oct 2002
Rather localised is it not?

The US is everywhere, instigating violence for personal gain and you can't exactly say its not within the realms of reality when it happened several times in South America and a very public display in Iran.

OK yes. In fact I didn't really mean to disagree with your comments on the US, rather just to add some of my concerns about what I read happening in the S.C Sea over the last few years.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
The Pussy Riot thing irritates me. They burst into a church and started playing anti-religion songs and were subsequently removed by police. That translated into them being a cause celebré and battlers against oppression in the West and get tours over here where nobody would have even heard of them otherwise.

So you also know they did 2 other things before they were charged. I have to say when I was over there were women holding hands and even men. Nobody batted an eye lid. Interestingly on the race issue the only racism we saw was from a group of Chinese pointing at 3 blacks on the metro... Nobody else gave a stuff *shrugs*
1 Mar 2010
So you also know they did 2 other things before they were charged. I have to say when I was over there were women holding hands and even men. Nobody batted an eye lid. Interestingly on the race issue the only racism we saw was from a group of Chinese pointing at 3 blacks on the metro... Nobody else gave a stuff *shrugs*

And your anecdote, highly time, location and personal attitude-dependant as it is, somehow dismisses one of the most respected Russian public opinion researchers and Putin's own advisers? Please, Raoh, don't get on that treadmill again! :)

The negative attitudes directed at minorities, in terms of sexual orientation or otherwise, were deeply ingrained in the Soviet social and institutional fabric. The revolutionary soul that you are should recall the Animal Farm's critique of 'some animals are more equal than others'. Russia hasn't moved on much since. In between casual nihilism, somewhat clever PR and the regime's flap to externalise blame for social and economic 'hiccups' in the decades since Russia abandoned planned economics, the attitudes have hardened (good for the regime, not so good for the people).

For example:

Perhaps the most alarming bit being:
The number of people who consider gay people dangerous and said they should be “isolated from society” has also grown significantly since 2004, from 12 to 20 percent, the poll shows.

But thank **** for small mercies like:
A small decrease was recorded in the number of people who think being gay is either a medical or social disease, from 36 percent in 2004 to 35 percent in 2015.

There's a long way to go yet. Even if you put the anti-western sentiment to one side, there remains so much mystical and quasi-scientific bull driving this, it makes China look like a liberally adventurous bastion of reason!

Good video. I wish more people would get their information directly rather than being told what is. The video reminds me of a Russian joke. Not especially funny, but is about Russian politics and attitudes:

An American, a German and a Russian are captured by a tribe of cannibals. The chief says they will be eaten but as he is an educated, civilized man, he will allow each of them a last request. Well, the American requests a last meal. And he gets it - a big feast which he gorges himself on. And the moment he puts down his fork at the end - bam! The cannibals eat him. Well the German is next and he requests a night of passion so three women of the tribe join him and all night long - sex and more sex. But the moment the sun comes up - bam! The cannibals fall on him and eat him. Finally the tribe turn to the Russian and the chief asks: "what would you like?" And the Russian says: "If you please, I would like for you to punch me in the nose." The chief is surprised but - bam, he punches the Russian in the nose. Immediately the Russian reaches into his suitcase and pulls out an AK-47 and sprays bullets everywhere sending the tribespeople scattering. As the chief cowers before him he asks the Russian "But why didn't you do this before we ate the American and the German?" To which the Russian looks at him in shock and says... "but Russians not aggressors!"

But the same cultural milieu gave us the following pearls of wisdom:

God Almighty comes down to Earth on a Russian farm. A peasant overcome with emotion runs towards his maker and rattles off a list of grievances, sins and general worldly observations. God sees where this is headed and stops the man.

God: 'Look, I'll grant you whatever you want as long as your neighbour gets twice as much. Name your most cherished desire.'
Peasant: 'Really? Anything?'
God: 'Yes. I am all-powerful.'
Peasant: 'Okay, blind me in one eye, Lord!'

Putin's less of a Russian joker and more of a peasant, and his propaganda machine plays very much to the latter archetype in the national psyche. Historically he knows this is disastrous and volatile, politically he has no other cards left: China is a threat; America never warmed to Russia; Germany would've backed a pivot to Europe and the EU, but he left it too late; now the only way is inwards, with military stunts and petty state pilfering here and there. If at least some countries come out worse for wear than his domain afterwards -- great -- this can be peddled to the masses as the greater good in the much-loved cynical tropes you don't need to invent. Putin the wounded victim and martyr for great justice, roused from slumber by a tremendous slight? Haha, do another one! :D
12 Jul 2007
While Russia is no blissful happy place for LGBT neither are some states in the USA -



There are no "Goodies & Badies" in this USA vs Russia argument, just different shades of grey with all sides doing some pretty nasty stuff to their own citizens.

Just like a strong government needs a strong opposition to prevent it going too far, a strong "world leader" like the US also needs strong opposition to prevent it going too far. However, after 70 years of negative press against Russia (some rightly deserved) it's difficult to see them in a positive light.
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