We’ve rolled out a few patches today but it’s mostly boring security related stuff. We’re aware of the exploits/hacks currently in the game and are working to resolve the issue. In addition there is a minor content patch that will appear on the dev servers tomorrow morning, and if all goes well, the live servers tomorrow evening.
Just a little note, if you only see one or two servers in your server browser it is likely because you opted into the developer branch. You may have done this during the auth issues a few weeks ago when the dev version was the only one that worked, and never bothered to opt back out. Sometimes when we roll out a patch on the developer branch the server/client become incompatible with older versions, thus we limit the servers visible to the ones that will work.
If you encounter this or you do not wish to participate in the dev beta, make sure rust is closed, and then simply right-click on rust in steam, go to properties -> betas tab -> “None – Opt out of all beta programs”
server down until it gets updated.
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