Agreed with this, and I'm a Liverpool fan. Even though they are the local team, so obviously I know loads of Newcastle fans, I can't say I've met one who expects anything other than effort and to a degree a bit of entertainment, which is why Keegan is such a legend. Of course there will be idiots (such as the scum that punched the horse), but in my experience they're very much in the minority.
They always say they'd prefer to lose a thrilling game 3-2 than scrap a 1-0 win. Put simply they just proper, genuine football lovers.
Somewhat oddly given their reputation, they're probably one of the least ambitious set of fans in the league, but boy do they enjoy it when they are doing well - it gives the whole region (Sunderland fans excepted) a lift. The whole North East region was utterly nuts the day that Keegan was reappointed - it had a carnival feel to it... shame it didn't work out!