Saints Row IV

Apparently this was in development before the release of SR3, uses same engine etc and isn't a graphical update but they realised they could do way more with the engine than they had done.

Looking forward to it but the download price v physical price is insane, £40 for download versus £25 for physical and both have the same pre-order bonus.

Pre-ordered mine on Steam :D I shall pre-load it tonight and maybe do a cheeky unlock tomorrow evening if it is out in the US. I still have lots of PayDay 2 to player before it come out though so we shall see ^.^

I can't wait to give it a bash myself , looks like just pure fun with some idiotic humour chucked n. Time to get my Crackdown sequel fix!
It's £40 on Steam and I was wondering if you can get it cheaper anywhere else. I'm planning on getting it for release day.
From what I've seen of it, its not really worth the money, its not really saints row 4, and is more an oversized DLC for saints row 3, that they've made standalone and called a full game.

I'm going to wait until the price bombs in a few months
I loved Saint's Row: The Third, but this just looks TOO over the top. It also visually appears to be exactly the same. I'm not going to be paying £40 for what is basically a large DLC.

If I were you I'd save the money and buy it in a month or two when the price drops. Otherwise cjs-cdkeys and greenmangaming have it a bit cheaper.
I had no idea this was even on the horizon. The SR games are weird. Weird in the respect that I want to like them because I love the genre but I've played them all and never completed any of them because my interest dwindles too quickly in them within a couple of hours gameplay.

It's like every time I play one all I'm really thinking is 'Yeah - this will do until the next GTA comes out'. :cool:
Is Saints Row 3 worth getting? Missed it first time around but a review I read of it makes it sounds pretty great.

Yes, it's a very amusing game and well worth £10-15 even now.

I found Sleeping Dogs to be better than SR3 to be honest :o SR3 just got stale very very fast for my liking.

I don't even put them in the same genre, Sleeping Dogs is more like GTA, where as Saints Row reminds me far more of Just Cause. It's a $£%-take of GTA/Sleeping Dogs.

Personally I'm leaving SR4 until it's down in price, got far too many good games coming out between now and the new year to have time to play it :)
Is Saints Row 3 worth getting? Missed it first time around but a review I read of it makes it sounds pretty great.

Definitely worth it, especially if you can get it for cheap.

Very good fun doing coop with a mate, and the story is pretty funny.

SR3 was the worst of the 3 IMO. Sleeping Dogs has been by far the best open world game I've played for quite a while.

THey are still charging £40 for this and selling a season pass for around £10 too which is a bit too much for what is a suped up expansion essentially.
Considering SR4 is basically an addon for the previous game which then turned into a full priced game I'll give it a miss until the price is around £5.
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