Saints Row IV

where as Saints Row reminds me far more of Just Cause. It's a $£%-take of GTA/Sleeping Dogs.

Personally I'm leaving SR4 until it's down in price, got far too many good games coming out between now and the new year to have time to play it :)

Yeah if you like Just Cause 2 then you will like SR3. There is a LOT of freeform stuff you can do off story.

SR4 £40 though. No thank you.
SR3 is amazing.

OP, if you wanna buy it on day of release you're gonna end up paying a big premium, wait a while until the price drops.
When I start playing SR3 I really enjoy it, however when I stop playing I just forget about it and don't play it for months... Still to complete it. SR4; probably won't buy.
Sorry if this is the wrong thread...but does anyone know what happened to the PC release date? Originally announced as coming out 23rd August (i.e. tomorrow) but two mainstream Etailers have reverted to showing as TBC, while Steam shows "August". (And is more expensive, too).

So is it coming out tomorrow or not?
Been playing SR4 for a couple of hours, its basically SR3 with extra sillyness slapped on top + super powers.

Just a big DLC pack really, not worth the price of the game.
Been playing SR4 for a couple of hours, its basically SR3 with extra sillyness slapped on top + super powers.

Just a big DLC pack really, not worth the price of the game.

Apart from you know, the whole campaign story line and minimum 17 hours worth of game play! £8 dlc plox!

Sorry if this is the wrong thread...but does anyone know what happened to the PC release date? Originally announced as coming out 23rd August (i.e. tomorrow) but two mainstream Etailers have reverted to showing as TBC, while Steam shows "August". (And is more expensive, too).

So is it coming out tomorrow or not?

It unlocks midnight tonight I think.
£12 on cddiski, not sure if I should :p

How come they charge so little on there? Sorry if that sounds naive but I have heard the site name a few times (never visited though) and always thought they pretty trustworthy however those prices make it seem like they are selling keygen codes? :confused:
How come they charge so little on there? Sorry if that sounds naive but I have heard the site name a few times (never visited though) and always thought they pretty trustworthy however those prices make it seem like they are selling keygen codes? :confused:

Different pricing for different regions, if it were more expensive 99% in Russia would pirate it, I'd imagine only 50%(prob more) do at that price :p
Gave in and got it on GMG. Went to redeem my code only to be told its for expansion/dlc to a game and they only gave me one code. Was hoping I could leave it downloading over the afternoon. Ah well just have to wait for support to get back to me
It seems like a 'total conversion' type mod, its the same city just in a different era, so very little is going to changed much, its just going to be slightly different models and new textures. Everything strikes me as being SR3 at the core, just modified cosmetically more than anything. Where you had an assault rifle, you have a space laser gun, the modern cars are now futuristic looking cars, and the missions, while new in story and directions, probably wont be anything which couldnt have been done as an SR3 DLC in the SR3 world.

I loved SR3, havent played the previous versions even though i bought SR2 afterwards, and ive been looking forward to SR4. I wasnt going to bother getting it just 10 days ago, instead wait for it to drop in price a chunk, but then found it online for £22 and figured i'd give it a go. It was a Brazilian site, but apparently it wasnt originally meant to be region locked and the retailer managed to get keys for each preorder customer in the region they were from, for their £22, rather than lumping them with a brazilian key or a refund.
I hadnt realised it was basically SR3.5 until a few days after though, which is a bit annoying, but at the same time i dont mind paying to get more SR3 and its stupid storyline. I would have preferred a true SR4 though.
I managed to get it quite cheap after jumping through a few hoops that I wont want to repeat again.

Had a look at the steam files in the common directory and its basically the same file structure as SR3 even down to the city pak files which are called sr3_cityxxx

Bit of a disappointment, no improvement on the graphics, basically just a mod but I liked SR3 so much that it can kind of be forgiven. Just glad I didnt pay the full price for it.
What's the big deal with it being similar to it's predecessor? 99% of games are copy & paste sequels and you don't moan about them. :confused:

Street Fighter games up until 4 were exactly the same almost, CoD is the exact same game every sequel, Battlefield 4 looks to be exactly the same as 3, back in the day Doom 1 + 2 were exactly the same, Resident Evil 1 through to Code Veronica were exactly the same, Forza 1 through to 5 are exactly the same, Gran Turismo... I could go on and on and on.

The only game series I can think of that changed dramatically with each sequel is The Elder Scrolls.
I think they should do more of this sort of thing. Reuse the majority of assets in making a new game. No wonder we end up with so many crappy because they have to make a new city and everything from scratch every time. Instead they can focus on making the whole game enjoyable and unique.
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