or maybe they are the reason no one else has stock
Cheaper by snip. Not in stock sadly if you can wait.
or if we will get any news from ocuk
7 working days for a refundwhat a joke.
7 working days for a refundwhat a joke.
7 working days for a refundwhat a joke.
7 working days for a refundwhat a joke.
Prices on these drives have dropped quite a bit lower across the board this past week. Do OcUK plan to reflect this?
I doubt it, im tempted to cancel there are other places showing in stock and cheaper with free delivery if ive heard nothing by close of play today im jumping ship.
i sent an order enquiry webnote via https://www.overclockers.co.uk/webnote.phpGetting to the point where I am considering cancelling. Was a spur of the moment purchase as it was and now suffering serious buyers guilt without a nice shiney new ssd to make me feel better!
How do you cancel the order?