** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342

I'll stick with ocuk till the end of the week.. hopefully they can sort it out by then.
I bet the guys at HQ are giving their distributor some kind of hell :)
An update by close of play is only fair or I will have to cancel my order to ensure the items arrive before the weekend.

The stock should be here tomorrow.

I am asking the suppliers for some guarantees

I will update the thread as soon as I hear anything
7 working days for a refund :rolleyes: what a joke.

You seem to be blaming that on the etailer... just because it's processed at their end doesn't mean the bank / epos provider will process it immediately.

... unfortunately for me, I'm too familiar with these systems :p
7 working days for a refund :rolleyes: what a joke.

It is usually 3-5 days with the banks. Not much we can do about that, we refund instantly however the banks take 3-5 days to transfer refunds. Standard bank practice in the UK unfortunately.
Prices on these drives have dropped quite a bit lower across the board this past week. Do OcUK plan to reflect this?

I doubt it, im tempted to cancel there are other places showing in stock and cheaper with free delivery if ive heard nothing by close of play today im jumping ship.
Getting to the point where I am considering cancelling. Was a spur of the moment purchase as it was and now suffering serious buyers guilt without a nice shiney new ssd to make me feel better!

How do you cancel the order?
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