** Samsung 830 seres SSD, CRAZY PRICE ** READ POST 342


4 minutes:

lies? you calling me a liar?

i had to edit it so his reply would fit on the same page as my post was pretty long and included a lot of qoutes frm this thread.

the dates on the left are all that matter though.

in my experience webnote is far quicker than the customer services forum. i dont know why your getting so wound up over your experience beeing different than mine.

4 minutes:

Same experience here... I've had two threads open in those forums.

First was replied to within 9 minutes, 24m and 32m

Second was posted in the evening & replied to within 22 minutes of business opening, then 1m, 2m, 3m, 8m and finally within the same minute.

I call that damn good response time.

And with the discussions involved + I was on the train for the second one with sketchy signal - it was a heck of a lot quicker, easier and more convenient than phone or webnote.

I'm really rather fond of the CS forum :)
its looking like they will be here tomorrow. distribution have said they are in transit.

i will try and track it first thing for you guys
lies? you calling me a liar?

i had to edit it so his reply would fit on the same page as my post was pretty long and included a lot of qoutes frm this thread.

the dates on the left are all that matter though.

in my experience webnote is far quicker than the customer services forum. i dont know why your getting so wound up over your experience beeing different than mine.

You posted on a saturday & they responded at 8:30 on a bank holiday :confused:

You wouldn't have got a reply any quicker through the webnote system :p
lies? you calling me a liar?

i had to edit it so his reply would fit on the same page as my post was pretty long and included a lot of qoutes frm this thread.

the dates on the left are all that matter though.

in my experience webnote is far quicker than the customer services forum. i dont know why your getting so wound up over your experience beeing different than mine.

There are no date on the left :p

Apologies if it sounded like I was having a go at you, that wasn't my intention at all :)

Also, you did post on a Saturday afternoon :p
i had to edit it so his reply would fit on the same page as my post was pretty long and included a lot of qoutes frm this thread.

the dates on the left are all that matter though.

in my experience webnote is far quicker than the customer services forum. i dont know why your getting so wound up over your experience beeing different than mine.

That is why it took longer. You posted about calling my colleague a liar who is off on holiday (so pretty difficult for me to resolve when that person is not available), plus it was over a weekend and I am not at work on Sundays, plus I am not in work today. - In the webnote you made it clear you wanted the order cancelled, same as the forum post, however the forum post was a lot more long winded like you just mentioned which means I have looked into it in more detail and I replied confirming due to the latest update in this thread.

Either way, forums or webnotes they are both random at responses as to how quick the reply is, however you will get a reply either way. :)
That is why it took longer. You posted about calling my colleague a liar who is off on holiday (so pretty difficult for me to resolve when that person is not available)

Theres plenty at the door to be booked in :)
"plenty" suggests more than enough to fufill people who ordered around the time he said that.
Just to put your minds at rest, "bulk" stock is here (ie lots) and the plenty at the doors have been in, gone and shipped.

Deals like this can sell literally hundreds which is why they are deals. All orders will be honored and the price will remain as it is until all stock has sold :)
suggests the bulk of your order has arrived and there is more than enough stock.

so what are they if not lies? they are unedited qoutes you can click the little blue arrow which leads to the original posts im qouting..

probably get banned for this post but whatever. sounds like your having a go at me for calling your colleague a liar when what he posted clearly wasnt true or everyone would have had their drives long ago
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"plenty" suggests more than enough to fufill people who ordered around the time he said that.

"put your minds at rest, "bulk" stock is here (ie lots)"
suggests the bulk of your order has arrived and there is more than enough stock.

so what are they if not lies? they are unedited qoutes you can click the little blue arrow which leads to the original posts im qouting.

Honest mistake maybe?

Cleeecooo said:
when did you order? i ordered around 1hour and 20mins after the offer went live

1)anyway i would have thought i would have been part of the bulk order...

read that post

then read this one

contradicts what the first post said?

5UB seems to tell it how it is

also lets not forget at the start of the thread when someone asks about stock were told

i'd have to say someone wasnt quite honest with us

I'm not saying you're definitely wrong, because I only know as much as you do, however, maybe you're presuming the worst. here's my take on it:

NOTE: All numbers made up and are purely for arguments' sake :)

1) OcUK take 1000 preorders, expecting 1500 drives at the door, but they haven't counted due to enormous numbers. OcUK staff believe that enough drives have arrived.

2) OcUK realise that loads of drives are missing and Andrew bricks himself and prepares for the mob rampage from the forums. He takes his rage out on a creme egg :mad: and contacts supplier who shortchanged/drived him hoping he wouldn't notice until the next working day. This is where it is agreed drives should arrive Friday and will be shipped for Saturday.

3) 5UB breaks the bad news because drives have not yet arrived due to supplier ****ing up and gives everyone a USB stick (I feel a 7970 lightning would have been a more appropriate means of compensation :p)

4) See "1)" again, this is the point where they have loads waiting yet to be booked into stock and they don't actually have an actual number for how many drives they physically have, but they think they've got enough because that's what the supplier told them.

The best analogy I can give you for the predicament is if you take a 1000 pack of marshmallows. You then tell a friend to take a random number out of it, then you scatter the remaining marshmallows and ask another friend to give you a rough estimate of how many there are, telling him it started off at 1000. Basically, this analogy boils down to people working around presumptions - basic human nature.

Like the Bible, there are many, many interpretations of the posts you quoted, some more retarded than others, but I'm just trying to add some more balance to this thread :)
"plenty" suggests more than enough to fufill people who ordered around the time he said that.

"put your minds at rest, "bulk" stock is here (ie lots)"
suggests the bulk of your order has arrived and there is more than enough stock.

so what are they if not lies? they are unedited qoutes you can click the little blue arrow which leads to the original posts im qouting.

Like I have said, it was not myself who said it, the person who said it is away. I will need to find out as to what he was meaning. I am not the buyer, or supplier of hard drives, so you need to please appreciate that I am the communicator between you and other departments and I am only trying to help you. However, if the said person you are enquiring about is away for 11 days, I am sorry but I have a blank wall to work with, which obviously doesn't give you any answers.

Anyway, I am no longer going to post here until tomorrow, my day off after all and I am sure my colleagues will and have been keeping everyone updated here.
Like I have said, it was not myself who said it, the person who said it is away. I will need to find out as to what he was meaning. I am not the buyer, or supplier of hard drives, so you need to please appreciate that I am the communicator between you and other departments. However, if the said person you are enquiring about is away for 11 days, I am sorry but I have a blank wall to work with, which obviously doesn't give you any answers.
i dont want answers i was voicing my frustrations.

hopefully in the future andrew will stay quiet unless he knows something to be a fact.
i guess we can all put it down to jubilee madness disrupting the country as in the past ive never had any issues with ocuk.
i dont want answers i was voicing my frustrations.

hopefully in the future andrew will stay quiet unless he knows something to be a fact.
i guess we can all put it down to jubilee madness disrupting the country as in the past ive never had any issues with ocuk.

I know you were voicing your frustrations and you have a right to, but you need to understand that I want you not to have any frustrations, also I want to look into it as I do not want it happening again.

I'd rather action against the problem, rather than leaving it, leaving you unhappy, and leaving it so it may happen again.

I am pretty sure Andrew Moore was not lying, it seems to me wrong information was passed across unintentionally, but there has been a mistake somewhere and it is something we will look into.

No matter how big or small the problem, it is how it is dealt with and I will ensure any mistakes like this is reduced so it is very unlikely this will happen again.
Originally Posted by Andrew Moore
Theres plenty at the door to be booked in

The plenty in this suggests to me that they had some drives, which were sent out since we know of people having receiving them. We don't know the numbers of people who have ordered or received the drives. Further than that plenty is subjective and has no real numerical value. I for one don't mind waiting for my order as I want this drive at this price. Obviously all things are open to interpretation but that's my 2 cents.

I for one have been impressed with OCUk's handling of this matter as the majority if not all the problems have been based on their supplier.
Christ arknor stop it now!
You sound like a child having a strop.
So you are disappointed - big deal, get on with it in the privacy of CS forum. What the hell are you trying to achieve by bitching about OC's (overall great) CS in public? After a freebie maybe?

Whatever... just deal with it and move on.
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