Samsung LS34E790C - Curved 34" 21:9 super-wide

That is great news. In PCM2's review it was mentioned that the picture was a little soft, is this particularly noticeable?

It was also noted that; "The clarity is still very good overall and the difference in sharpness compared to equivalent IPS models is not something some users will even notice."
That is great news. In PCM2's review it was mentioned that the picture was a little soft, is this particularly noticeable?

Picture looked good considering it was upscaled to 1440p.wouldnt say it was noticeable and not in any way distracting or an issue.
It was also noted that; "The clarity is still very good overall and the difference in sharpness compared to equivalent IPS models is not something some users will even notice."

Picture looked good considering it was upscaled to 1440p.wouldnt say it was noticeable and not in any way distracting or an issue.

Thanks very much for your replies.

And special thanks to PCM2 for the excellent review. Hadn't seen your site before but have now bookmarked it and will be sure to check it out regularly.

Has anyone ever come across what I can only explain as mouldy plastic?!

The black plastic has these permanent stains all the way around it. I have not used any form of cleaning products on it.
Trying to decide between this and a ROG swift...

Currently have a G-Sync BENQ 24"er , but need to go bigger. I was adamant I wanted Gsync again , hence the Swift.

But when I really analyse what I actually play I may have my priorities wrong.

Im not a massive FPS player , I'm a sim player.

But more importantly I'm an Elite Dangerous player. Pretty much exclusively at the moment it seems. With a bit of Project Cars.

Whatever screen I choose with be paired witxh a couple of 980s , so xframe rate shouldnt be an issue.

Anybody have any experiences with these games ( photos with either of them running would be extra helpful , especially Elite ) on this screen ?
This 'colours look washed out' issue that requires the brightness to be turned down...does reducing the brightness not make it too dark at 25-30%? I don't want to have to sacrifice brightness just to get decent colours. Main use will be movies and internet, with some gaming.

I'm basically trying to choose between this and the Dell u3415w. I'm almost tempted to go with the Dell just because they have model numbers of a sensible length, unlike others!!
the washed out colours is no problem to sort out just a bit of tinkering with the gamma, brightness, contrast and rgb, i have 50% brightness but i did drop the gamma slightly with the nvidia control panel, this gave the colour a bit more punch without droping brightness further
Seeing as I'm logged on and haven't posted anything in this thread for ages - get your lovely 3440x1440 wallpapers here!! :) (so surprised it's now at the top of Google search).

I still love the Samsung VA and am very happy I made the switch from the LG (there was a point when I thought maybe I just ought to just live with the back light bleed - thank God I didn't)
I was pretty hyped for the new G-Sync models, but as it turns out they're very likely to only be 60Hz in which case this was still a great purchase. :)
I was pretty hyped for the new G-Sync models, but as it turns out they're very likely to only be 60Hz in which case this was still a great purchase. :)

Hi there Mayh3M, I've just bought a couple of GTX 980 Ti cards myself and intend running them in SLI mode, I'm on the fence as to whether or not I should go for the Samsung 34" LS34E790C or else the ASUS ROG Swift 27" G-sync...

Are you in a position to comment on the gaming experience with the Samsung and the GTX 980 Ti SLI setup? I noticed your sig ;)

What kind of frame-rates are you seeing?

980 sli here and plays everything fine so the ti's should fly

Thanks for the info old gamer, thinking I'm an old gamer too at 41 :D

BTW does anyone think I should go for the 34" Samsung over the ASUS ROG Swift?

Its really hard to find any decent online video footage of the Samsung with games running on it. Am finding it tough to decide between these monitors.
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