Samsung NC10

We were told this morning that we may have been getting blue and black tomorrow but they didn't turn up in the end. More delays.:(

We've got plenty of white in stock though still :)
Originally posted by Slackworth:

We were told this morning that we may have been getting blue and black tomorrow but they didn't turn up in the end. More delays.

Gutted! Any idea of new timeframe Slackworth? By the way is that Sanjay?? :)
so what would you guys say is better, samsung nc10 or asus eee 1000h?

Samsungs better keyboard/battery/hdd space should just swing it over slightly more warranty and 11n wireless no?
My personal veiw about wirless N is that its not much, if any of an improvement over the "super G" standard. In fact, I get better reliablility on super G.
We were told this morning that we may have been getting blue and black tomorrow but they didn't turn up in the end. More delays.:(

We've got plenty of white in stock though still :)

oh will a white one go faster??
ok i stick with black:D
anyone else think the white ones just look so, well erm, feminine? black i think i could live but its the blue one i waiting for, i just didint think id be waiting quite so long :-(
I wouldnt say feminine, but they are a bit "LOOK!, its white like an iPod!!! Look at me, im trendy, i am!!!"

But I have no sense of style. I think mobile phones and laptops should be black.
ok think white.....
think mechanic taking to work
think lots of cleaning :(
now think black... might be dirty but doesnt show :D
Think white...

Think..."I've been playing around with my NC10 for a week now, unlike those other people still waiting for their black and blue ones to come in to stock!"

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