Samsung NC10

Don't suppose anyone knows how to make a "virtual" screen resolution of say 1024x768 which I could then scroll as the sypder2 express calibration software doesn't run easily on 1024x600 - I can't see the buttons!
I have the new bios, am I allowed to upload and post a link here?

WIN_NC10_04CA - 1.7mb - This bios came with my nc10.
WIN_NC10_05CA01D0 - 2.36mb - Have upgraded to this bios, and have the gfx options.
WIN_NC10_05CG - 1.83mb - Heard this is the newer version, but can't find source and have not used it. 5CA is working fine so see no need to use it.

If I'm free to upload the files, someone let me know.

Bios files are here:

Login: guest / easteregg

I think it's fine to post a link and upload these, if not can someone please let me know and will remove.

anyone tried a playstation emulator on here ?

considering my phone can run one should i expect one of these too ? 90% sure im going to buy one tommorow so guess i would soon find out
I assume mine is working because the bluetooth icon comes up in the systray. I can double check it when I come home though.
I just updated my BIOS from Windows7. I assume it would be okay on Vista.
I can't get to the secret hack menu anymore though.
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